opal_filter "regular_expressions" do fails "MatchData#[Symbol] returns the corresponding named match when given a Symbol" fails "MatchData#[Symbol] returns the corresponding named match when given a String" fails "MatchData#[Symbol] returns the matching version of multiple corresponding named match" fails "MatchData#[Symbol] returns the last match when multiple named matches exist with the same name" fails "MatchData#[Symbol] returns nil on non-matching named matches" fails "MatchData#[Symbol] raises an IndexError if there is no named match corresponding to the Symbol" fails "MatchData#[Symbol] raises an IndexError if there is no named match corresponding to the String" fails "MatchData#[Symbol] returns matches in the String's encoding" fails "MatchData#begin returns the offset of the start of the nth element" fails "MatchData#begin returns nil when the nth match isn't found" fails "MatchData#begin returns the offset for multi byte strings" fails "MatchData#begin returns the offset for multi byte strings with unicode regexp" fails "MatchData#end returns the offset of the end of the nth element" fails "MatchData#end returns nil when the nth match isn't found" fails "MatchData#end returns the offset for multi byte strings" fails "MatchData#end returns the offset for multi byte strings with unicode regexp" fails "MatchData#names returns an Array" fails "MatchData#names sets each element to a String" fails "MatchData#names returns the names of the named capture groups" fails "MatchData#names returns [] if there were no named captures" fails "MatchData#names returns each name only once" fails "MatchData#names equals Regexp#names" fails "MatchData#offset returns a two element array with the begin and end of the nth match" fails "MatchData#offset returns [nil, nil] when the nth match isn't found" fails "MatchData#offset returns the offset for multi byte strings" fails "MatchData#offset returns the offset for multi byte strings with unicode regexp" fails "MatchData#regexp returns the pattern used in the match" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement replaces \\k named backreferences with the regexp's corresponding capture" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement doesn't freak out when replacing ^" #Only fails "Text\nFoo".gsub(/^/, ' ').should == " Text\n Foo" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement supports \\G which matches at the beginning of the remaining (non-matched) string" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement returns a copy of self with all occurrences of pattern replaced with replacement" #Only fails str.gsub(/\Ah\S+\s*/, "huh? ").should == "huh? homely world. hah!" fails "String#index with Regexp supports \\G which matches at the given start offset" fails "String#match matches \\G at the start of the string" fails "String#scan supports \\G which matches the end of the previous match / string start for first match" fails "String#sub with pattern, replacement supports \\G which matches at the beginning of the string" end