#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # encoding: utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2017 Cloudware S.A. Allrights reserved # # Helper to obtain tokens to access toconline API's. # module SP module Job # # Helper class to transform an error into json api format. # class JSONAPIError < StandardError # { # "errors": [ # { # "status": nullptr, # "code": nullptr, # "detail": nullptr, # "meta": { # "internal-error": nullptr # } # } # ] # } private @error public def initialize (code: 500, detail: nil, internal: nil) @errors = [ { :code => code, :detail => detail } ] # 4xx case code when 400 @errors[0][:status] = "Bad Request" when 401 @errors[0][:status] = "Unauthorized" when 403 @errors[0][:status] = "Forbidden" when 404 @errors[0][:status] = "Not Found" when 405 @errors[0][:status] = "Method Not Allowed" when 406 @errors[0][:status] = "Not Acceptable" when 408 @errors[0][:status] = "Request Timeout" # 5xx when 501 @errors[0][:status] = "Not Implemented" else # other @errors[0][:status] = "Internal Server Error" end @errors[0][:status] = "#{code} #{@errors[0][:status]}" if nil != internal @errors[0][:meta] = { :'internal-error' => internal } end end def code () return @errors[0][:code] end def content_type () "application/vnd.api+json;charset=utf-8" end def body () { :errors => @errors } end def content_type_and_body () [ content_type(), body() ] end end end # Job module end # SP module