Gmaps4Rails.Interfaces ||= {} Gmaps4Rails.Interfaces.Map = extendBoundsWithMarker : (marker) -> throw "extendBoundsWithMarker should be implemented in controller" extendBoundsWithPolyline: (polyline)-> throw "extendBoundsWithPolyline should be implemented in controller" extendBoundsWithPolygon: (polygon)-> throw "extendBoundsWithPolygon should be implemented in controller" extendBoundsWithCircle: (circle)-> throw "extendBoundsWithCircle should be implemented in controller" extendBound: (bound)-> throw "extendBound should be implemented in controller" adaptToBounds:()-> throw "adaptToBounds should be implemented in controller" fitBounds : -> throw "fitBounds should be implemented in controller" centerMapOnUser : (position)-> throw "centerMapOnUser should be implemented in controller"