require 'cucumber/formatter/ordered_xml_markup' require 'cucumber/formatter/duration' module Cucumber module Formatter # The formatter used for --format html class Html < Ast::Visitor include ERB::Util # for the #h method include Duration def initialize(step_mother, io, options) super(step_mother) @options = options @builder = create_builder(io) end def create_builder(io) => io, :indent => 0) end def visit_features(features) # @builder.declare!( :DOCTYPE, :html, :PUBLIC, '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN', '' ) @builder.html(:xmlns => '') do @builder.head do @builder.meta(:content => 'text/html;charset=utf-8') @builder.title 'Cucumber' inline_css end @builder.body do @builder.div(:class => 'cucumber') do super @builder.div(format_duration(features.duration), :class => 'duration') end end end end def visit_comment(comment) @builder.pre(:class => 'comment') do super end end def visit_comment_line(comment_line) @builder.text!(comment_line) end def visit_feature(feature) @exceptions = [] @builder.div(:class => 'feature') do super end end def visit_tags(tags) super @tag_spacer = nil end def visit_tag_name(tag_name) @builder.text!(@tag_spacer) if @tag_spacer @tag_spacer = ' ' @builder.span("@#{tag_name}", :class => 'tag') end def visit_feature_name(name) lines = name.split(/\r?\n/) return if lines.empty? @builder.h2 do |h2| @builder.span(lines[0], :class => 'val') end @builder.p(:class => 'narrative') do lines[1..-1].each do |line| @builder.text!(line.strip) end end end def visit_background(background) @builder.div(:class => 'background') do @in_background = true super @in_background = nil end end def visit_background_name(keyword, name, file_colon_line, source_indent) @listing_background = true @builder.h3 do |h3| @builder.span(keyword, :class => 'keyword') @builder.text!(' ') @builder.span(name, :class => 'val') end end def visit_feature_element(feature_element) css_class = { Ast::Scenario => 'scenario', Ast::ScenarioOutline => 'scenario outline' }[feature_element.class] @builder.div(:class => css_class) do super end @open_step_list = true end def visit_scenario_name(keyword, name, file_colon_line, source_indent) @listing_background = false @builder.h3 do @builder.span(keyword, :class => 'keyword') @builder.text!(' ') @builder.span(name, :class => 'val') end end def visit_outline_table(outline_table) @outline_row = 0 @builder.table do super(outline_table) end @outline_row = nil end def visit_examples(examples) @builder.div(:class => 'examples') do super(examples) end end def visit_examples_name(keyword, name) @builder.h4 do @builder.span(keyword, :class => 'keyword') @builder.text!(' ') @builder.span(name, :class => 'val') end end def visit_steps(steps) @builder.ol do super end end def visit_step(step) @step_id = step.dom_id super end def visit_step_result(keyword, step_match, multiline_arg, status, exception, source_indent, background) if exception return if @exceptions.index(exception) @exceptions << exception end return if status != :failed && @in_background ^ background @status = status => @step_id, :class => "step #{status}") do super(keyword, step_match, multiline_arg, status, exception, source_indent, background) end end def visit_step_name(keyword, step_match, status, source_indent, background) @step_matches ||= [] background_in_scenario = background && !@listing_background @skip_step = @step_matches.index(step_match) || background_in_scenario @step_matches << step_match unless @skip_step build_step(keyword, step_match, status) end end def visit_exception(exception, status) @builder.pre(format_exception(exception), :class => status) end def visit_multiline_arg(multiline_arg) return if @skip_step if Ast::Table === multiline_arg @builder.table do super end else super end end def visit_py_string(string) @builder.pre(:class => 'val') do |pre| @builder << string.gsub("\n", ' ') end end def visit_table_row(table_row) @row_id = table_row.dom_id @col_index = 0 => @row_id) do super end if table_row.exception do => @col_index.to_s, :class => 'failed') do @builder.pre do |pre| pre << format_exception(table_row.exception) end end end end @outline_row += 1 if @outline_row end def visit_table_cell_value(value, status) cell_type = @outline_row == 0 ? :th : :td attributes = {:id => "#{@row_id}_#{@col_index}", :class => 'val'} attributes[:class] += " #{status}" if status build_cell(cell_type, value, attributes) @col_index += 1 end def announce(announcement) @builder.pre(announcement, :class => 'announcement') end protected def build_step(keyword, step_match, status) step_name = step_match.format_args(lambda{|param| %{#{param}}}) @builder.div do |div| @builder.span(keyword, :class => 'keyword') @builder.text!(' ') @builder.span(:class => 'step val') do |name| name << h(step_name).gsub(/<span class="(.*?)">/, '').gsub(/<\/span>/, '') end end end def build_cell(cell_type, value, attributes) @builder.__send__(cell_type, value, attributes) end def inline_css => 'text/css') do @builder.text!( + '/cucumber.css')) end end def format_exception(exception) h((["#{exception.message} (#{exception.class})"] + exception.backtrace).join("\n")) end end end end