Feature: Manage Assets In order to value As a role I want feature Scenario: Get a list of asset guids by passing a tag name Given I am logged in And I get all assets # Then the assets list should contain a asset with a id of "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" Scenario: Save an asset Given I am logged in And I get the asset with id "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" When I change the asset attribute "description" to "new description" And I save the asset And I reload the asset Then the asset's description should be "new description" Then I change the asset attribute "description" to "description" And I save the asset Scenario: Get asset Given I am logged in And I get the asset with id "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" Then the asset attribute "name" should be "test.mp4" Scenario: Get asset count Given I am logged in Then the asset count should be "1" Scenario: Get asset presets Given I am logged in And I get the asset with id "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" Then the preset xml should contain "MP4-squish-007.xss" Scenario: Activate and Deactivate Given I am logged in And I get the asset with id "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" When I deactivate the asset And I get all assets Then the assets list should not contain the asset id When I activate the asset And I get all assets Then the assets list should contain a asset with a id of "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" Scenario: Delete an asset Given I am logged in And I get the asset with id "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" When I delete the asset And I get all assets Then the assets list should not contain the asset id When I undelete the asset And I get all assets Then the assets list should contain a asset with a id of "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" Scenario: Get asset embed codes Given I am logged in And I get the asset with id "e036f43c-2a9f-407f-bc26-19af2b89d222" Then the asset embed codes should contain "flash_media_loader.swf"