en: activerecord: models: user: User role: Role user_group: User group user_has_role: User and roles user_import_file: User import file user_import_result: User import result attributes: user: login: Login username: Username name: Name openid_identifier: OpenID Identifier email: Email email_confirmation: Email (confirmation) crypted_password: Crypted password salt: Salt deleted_at: Deleted at remember_token: Remember token remember_token_expires_at: Remember token expires at activation_code: Activation code activated_at: Activated at expired_at: Expired at locked: Locked confirmed: Confirmed approved: Approved checkout_icalendar_token: Checkout iCalendar token due_date_reminder_days: Due date reminder days note: Note save_checkout_history: Save checkout history lock_version: Lock version keyword_list: Keyword list user_number: User number state: State agent: Agent library: Library user_group_id: User group full_name: Full name password: Password current_password: Current password locale: Locale password_confirmation: Password confirmation role: name: Name display_name: Display name score: Score note: Note position: Position user_group: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position deleted_at: Deleted at valid_period_for_new_user: Valid period for new user number_of_day_to_notify_due_date: Number of day to notify due date number_of_day_to_notify_overdue: Number of day to notify overdue number_of_time_to_notify_overdue: Number of time to notify overdue user_import_file: user_import_file_name: Filename user_import_content_type: Content type user_import_file_size: Size user_import_fingerprint: File hash note: Note executed_at: Executed at user_import_updated_at: Updated at state: State edit_mode: Edit mode error_message: Error message user_encoding: Encoding user_import_result: body: Body page: user_title: "Welcome %{login_name}" sign_in: "Sign in" sign_out: "Sign out" sign_up: "Sign up" logged_in_as: "logged in as %{login_name}" edit_user_profile: "Edit %{login_name}'s profile" login_name: "Login name" password: "Password" email_and_password: "Email and password" catalog_search: "Catalog search" search: "Search" search_term: "Search term(s)" search_result: "Search result" number_of_manifestations: one: "1 record in this library." other: "%{numdocs} records in this library." number_of_unread_messages: one: "You have 1 unread message." other: "You have %{numdocs} unread messages." number_of_search_results: one: "1 record found from %{numdocs} records in %{seconds} seconds." other: "%{count} records found from %{numdocs} records in %{seconds} seconds." tag: "Tag" call_number: "Call number" holding: "Holding" advanced_search: "Advanced search" title: "Title" note: "Note" back: "Back" show: "Show" edit: "Edit" destroy: "Destroy" create: "Create" update: "Update" delete: "Delete" add: "Add" price: "Price" bookstore: "Bookstore" created_at: "Created at" updated_at: "Updated at" checkout: "Checkout" checkin: "Checkin" name: "Name" are_you_sure: "Are you sure?" file: "File" cancel: "Cancel" author: "Author" editor: "Editor" publisher: "Publisher" feed: "Feed" back_to_index: "Back to index" import: "Import from file" start_import: "Start import" import_record: "Import records" export: "Export" detail: "Detail" acquisition: "Acquisition" configuration: "Configuration" search_resource: "Search %{model}" show_all: "Show all" hide: "Hide" overdue: "Overdue" number_of_reservations: one: "%{count} user" other: "%{count} users" back_to_search_results: "Back to search results" submit: "Submit" management: "Management" about_us: "About us" open_source_integrated_library_system: "an open source integrated library system" related_work: "Related work" related_manifestation: "Related manifestation" amazon_review: "Amazon review" these_reviews_are_from_amazon: "These reviews are from Amazon.com." video: "Video" picture: "Picture" number: "Number" statistics: "Statistics" request: "Request" librarian_circulation: "Circulation" user_circulation: "Circulation" reset: "Reset" account: "Account" form: "Form" remove_this_facet: "Remove this facet" no_subject: "No subjects." no_tag: "No tags." add_agent: "Add a agent" total: "Total" sort_by: "Sort by" bookmarklet: "Bookmarklet" add_file: "Add a file" telephone_number: "Telephoone number" about_this_system: "About this system" report_bugs: "Report bugs" new_resource: "New resources" checkout_history: "Checkout history" recommendation: "Recommendation" add_resource_manually: "Add a resource manually" import: "Import" import_from_file: "Import from TSV file" import_from_network: "Import from networks" no_record_found: "No records found." limit_exceeded: "Limit exceeded. Listing the first %{count} records." enter_search_term: "Enter your search term." serial: "Serial" number_of_pages: "Number of pages" holding_library: "Holding library" resource: "Resource" type: "Type" search_result_feed: "Search result feed" force_reload: "Force reload" clear_cache: "Clear cache" current_url: "Current URL" subject_and_classification: "Subject and classification" you_can_search_following_database: "You can search the following databases." listing: "Listing %{model}" new: "New %{model}" editing: "Editing %{model}" showing: "Showing %{model}" agent_management: "Agent management" user_management: "User management" back_to: "Back to %{model} index" picture: "Picture" add_picture: "Add a picture" invalid_date: "Invalid date." current_status: "Current status" date: "Date" this_month: "This month" click_to_edit: "click to edit..." model: "Model" number_of_record: "Number of record" facet: "Facet" number_of_days: one: "%{count} day" other: "%{count} days" require_login_as_librarian: "You should login as a librarian to create and edit resources." read: "Read" attachable: "Attachable" sent_email: "Sent email." identifier: "Identifier" select_locale: "Select locale" local_record: "Local record" search_catalog_at: "Search catalog at %{library_name}" add_on: "Add-ons" asc: "ascendent" desc: "descendent" error_occured: "An error occured." did_you_mean: "Did you mean" calendar: "Calendar" related: "Related" history: "History" current_version: "Current version" select: "Select" other_view: "Other views" boolean: "true": "Yes" "false": "No" not_found: "Page not found" access_denied: "Access denied" internal_server_error: "Internal server error" last_updated: "Last updated" unknown: "Unknown" more: "More" connection_faild: "Connection failed." timed_out: "Operation timed out." example: "Example" saving: "Saving..." previous: "Previous" next: "Next" my_account: "My account" number_of_pictures: one: "Picture" other: "Pictures" status: "Status" enabled: "Enabled" disabled: "Disabled" routing_error: "Routing error" change: "Change" refine_by: "Refine by" standard_view: "Standard view" mobile_view: "Mobile view" rearrange_order: "Rearrange order" only_lowercase_letters_and_numbers_are_allowed: "Only lowercase letters and numbers are allowed. The first character must be alphabetic." not_logged_in: "Not logged in" add_child: "Add a child" electronic_resource_management: "Electronic resource management" system: System title: index: "index" show: "show" new: "new" edit: "edit" controller: successfully_created: "%{model} was successfully created." successfully_updated: "%{model} was successfully updated." successfully_deleted: "%{model} was successfully deleted." advanced_search: from: "from" to: "to" from_to: "-" all_libraries: "All libraries" work: agents_work: "%{agent_name}'s works" library_group_work: "Works in %{library_group_name}" add: "Add a work" expression: agents_expression: "%{agent_name}'s expressions" manifestations_expression: "Expressions in %{manifestation_title}" library_group_expression: "Expressions in %{library_group_name}" add: "Add an expression" specify_work: "Specify the work." specify_manifestation: "Specify the manifestation." manifestation: date_of_acquisition: "Date of acquisition" physical_description: "Physical description" edit: "Edit this manifestation" add_next_issue: "Add a next issue" edit_creator: "Edit creators" edit_contributor: "Edit contributors" edit_publisher: "Edit publishers" edit_expression: "Edit expressions" edit_item: "Edit items" expressions_manifestation: "Manifestations for %{expression_title}" library_group_manifestation: "Manifestations in %{library_group_name}" reserve_this: "Reserve this manifestation" cancel_reservation: "Cancel this reservation" user_who_bookmark_this_resource: "Users who bookmark this resource" query_search_result: "Search results for %{query} in %{library_group_name}" serial: "Serial" number: "Number" invalid_isbn: "Invalid ISBN." already_imported: "This manifestation is already imporeted." record_not_found: "Record not found." add: "Add a manifestation" specify_expression: "Specify the expression." pickup: "Pick up" showing_all_record: "Showing all records." showing_reservable_record: "Showing reservable records." reservable: "Reservable" all_result: "All results" reservable_list: "Reservable list" post_to_twitter: "post to Twitter" web: "Web" send_email: "Email this information" attachment_file: "Attachment file" add_derivation: "Add a derivation" item: current_checkout: "Current checkout" donor: "Donors" library_group_item: "Items in %{library_group_name}" add: "Add an item" specify_manifestation: "Specify the manifestation." this_item_is_reserved: "This item is reserved!" create_shelf_first: "You should create a shelf first." this_item_include_supplement: "This item includes supplements." all_item: "All items" add_new_copy: "Add a new copy" no_manifestation: "No manifestation" no_number: "No number" add_lending_policy: "Add a new lending policy" edit_exemplification: "Edit exemplification" accepted_at: "Accepted at" agent: library_group_agent: "Agents of %{library_group_name}" work_agent: "Creaters of %{work_title}" expression_agent: "Realizers of %{expression_title}" manifestation_agent: "Producers of %{manifestation_title}" activate_as_user: "Activate as an user" deactivate: "Deactivate this user" add: "Add a agent" publication: "Publications" recent_publication: "Recent publications" all_publication: "All publications" other_address: "The other address" add_derivation: "Add derivatation" creator: "Creator" contributor: "Contributor" publisher: "Publisher" owner: "Owner" library: map: "Map" staff: "Staff" number_of_item: "Number of items" address: "Address" import: from_file: "from file" from_isbn: "from ISBN" will_be_imported: one: "Resource will be impored in a %{minute} minute." other: "Resource will be impored in %{minute} minutes." auto_detect: "Auto detect" user: current_password: "Current password" new_password: "New password" repeat_new_password: "Repeat new password" delete_this_user: "Delete this user" your_temporary_password_is: "Your temporary password is" sign_up: "Sign up" edit_profile: "Edit profile" edit_account: "Edit account" already_activated: "Already activated." specify_agent: "Specify the agent." wrong_password: "Wrong password." password_mismatch: "Password mismatch." cannot_destroy_myself: "You can't destroy yourself." last_administrator: "This user is the last administrator in this system." last_librarian: "This user is the last librarian in this system." only_administrator_can_destroy: "Only administrators can destroy this user." this_user_has_checked_out_item: "This user has checked-out items." agent_profile: "Agent profile" set_auto_generated_password: "Set auto-generated password" history: "History" account_management: "Account management" checkout_history_icalendar_url: "checkout historoy iCalendar URL" reset_checkout_icalendar_url: "Reset checkout iCalendar URL" you_have_to_save_profile_to_activate_feed_url: "You have to save your profile to activate this url." you_have_to_save_profile_to_deactivate_feed_url: "You have to save your profile to deactivate this url." could_not_setup_account: "We couldn't set up that account, sorry. Please try again, or contact an admin." resend_confirmation_instruction: "Resend confirmation instructions" remember_me: "Remember me" forgot_your_password: "Forgot your password?" send_me_reset_password_instruction: "Send me reset password instruction" change_my_password: "Change my password" management: "User management" not_found: "User not found." subscribe: this_subscription_is_expired: "This subscription is expired!" role: required_role: "Required role" attachment_file: invalid_file: "Invalid file." library_group: configuration: "Library configuration" series_statement: edit: "Edit series statement" you_should_specify_work: "You should specify a work in the series statement." state: pending: "Pending" canceled: "Cancaled" completed: "Completed" started: "Started" failed: "Failed" import_request: record_not_found: Record not found. invalid_isbn: Invalid ISBN. isbn_taken: has already been taken. enter_isbn: Enter ISBN sort: date_of_acquisition: Date of acquisition date_of_publication: Date of publication title: Title picture_file: invalid_file: Invalid file. You can upload gif, jpeg, png and svg files. all_picture: All pictures accept: item_not_found: "Item not found." enter_item_identifier: "Enter item identifier." already_accepted: "This item is already accepted." accept: "Accept!" successfully_accepted: "This items was successfully accepted."