'use strict'; // Build script from https://github.com/nodeca/mincer/tree/master/examples // // Require module // var Mincer = require('mincer'); // // Get Mincer environment // // // Configure Mincers logger, by default, all // messages are going to the middle of nowhere // Mincer.logger.use(console); // // Create and export environment // var environment = new Mincer.Environment(process.cwd()); // // Configure environment load paths (where to find ssets) // // Include bootstrap scss load path var bootstrapPath = '../../'; environment.appendPath(bootstrapPath + 'assets/stylesheets'); // Include fonts load path environment.appendPath(bootstrapPath + 'assets/fonts'); // Include dir with assets, root just for test environment.appendPath('./'); // // Define environment essential *_path helper that will be available in the // processed assets. See `assets/stylesheets/app.css.ejs` for example. // environment.ContextClass.defineAssetPath(function (pathname, options) { var asset = this.environment.findAsset(pathname, options); if (!asset) { throw new Error("File " + pathname + " not found"); } return '/assets/' + asset.digestPath; }); // // Create and compile Manifest // var manifest_path = process.argv[2] || __dirname + '/assets'; var manifest = new Mincer.Manifest(environment, manifest_path); manifest.compile(['application.css'], function (err, assetsData) { if (err) { console.error("Failed compile assets: " + (err.message || err.toString())); process.exit(128); } console.info('\n\nAssets were successfully compiled.\n' + 'Manifest data (a proper JSON) was written to:\n' + manifest.path + '\n\n'); console.dir(assetsData); });