Spider.Sortable = Spider.Plugin.extend({ makeSortable: function(options){ options = $.extend({ listSelector: '>ul', items: '>li', update: this.handleSort.bind(this), receive: this.handleReceive.bind(this), onSort: function(){}, // if true, an element with class sort-pos inside the li is used to determine the li position in the storage. // This is useful if the displayed items are a subset (with holes) of the sorted items in the storage useSortPos: false }, options); this.listEl = options.listEl; if (!this.listEl) this.listEl = $(options.listSelector, this.el); this.prevMinHeight = this.listEl.css('min-height'); this.listEl.css('min-height', '20px'); if (this.el.hasClass('tree')){ options = $.extend(options, { //revert: true, sortIndication: { down: function(item) { item.before($('
')); }, up: function(item) { item.after($('')); }, remove: function(item) { $('#list-sort-indicator').remove(); } }, start: function(e, ui) { console.log("Tree start:"); console.log(e); console.log(ui); // ui.instance.element.treeview({update: ui.item}); }, update: this.handleTreeUpdate.bind(this) }); this.listEl.sortableTree(options); // handles drops on non-subtrees nodes // debugger; $('.desc', this.el).droppable({ accept: "li", hoverClass: "drop", tolerance: "pointer", // greedy: true, drop: this.handleTreeDrop.bind(this) // over: function(e,ui) { // ui.helper.css("outline", "1px dotted green"); // }, // out: function(e,ui) { // ui.helper.css("outline", "1px dotted red"); // } }); } else{ this.listEl.sortable(options); } this.sortableOptions = options; }, disableSortable: function(){ if (this.listEl){ this.listEl.css('min-height', this.prevMinHeight); this.listEl.sortable('destroy'); } }, handleSort: function(e, ui){ if (ui.sender) return; // handled by handleReceive if (!$.contains(this.listEl.get(0), ui.item.get(0))) return; // handled by handleReceive var mySortable = this.listEl.data('sortable'); var realTarget = null; ui.item.parents().each(function(){ var $this = $(this); var s = $this.data('sortable'); if (s){ if (s != mySortable) realTarget = $this; return false; } }); if (realTarget){ ui.sender = this.listEl; return realTarget.parentWidget().handleReceive(e, ui); } var pos = this.findLiPosition(ui.item); if (pos == -1) return; if (this.listEl.data('sortable').fromOutside){ // hack to work around strange jquery ui behaviour... return this.acceptFromSender(null, ui.item, pos); } this.remote('sort', this.getSortItemId(ui.item), pos, this.sortableOptions.onSort.bind(this)); }, handleReceive: function(e, ui){ if (ui.sender == ui.item){ // the item is received from a draggable, not from a list. For some reason the receiver is not // yet ready to find the position; will call acceptFromSender from handleSort. return; } var pos = this.findLiPosition(ui.item); if (pos == -1) return; return this.acceptFromSender(ui.sender, ui.item, pos); }, handleTreeUpdate: function(e, ui){ var parentId = ui.item.parents('li.tree').eq(0).dataObjectKey(); var prevId = ui.item.prev('li.tree').dataObjectKey(); this.remote('tree_sort', this.getItemId(ui.item), parentId, prevId, this.sortableOptions.onSort.bind(this)); }, handleTreeDrop: function(e, ui){ if (e.target.parentNode == ui.draggable[0]) return false; //dropped over itself console.log('dropped inside'); var dropLi = $(e.target.parentNode); var subUl = $("> "+this.listTagName, dropLi); if (subUl.length == 0){ subUl = $("<"+this.listTagName+" />").appendTo(dropLi); this.el.treeview({add: e.target.parentNode}); } subUl.append(ui.draggable); var parentId = $(e.target).parents('li.tree').eq(0).dataObjectKey(); var prevId = null; this.remote('tree_sort', ui.draggable.dataObjectKey(), parentId, prevId); return false; }, acceptFromSender: function(sender, item, pos){ console.error("Accept from sender must be implemented by the widget instance"); }, findLiPosition: function(item){ var cnt = 1; var lis = $(this.sortableOptions.items, this.listEl); lis.each(function(){ if (this == item.get(0)) return false; cnt++; }); if (cnt > lis.length) return -1; // the row was dropped outside if (this.sortableOptions.useSortPos && lis.length > 1){ var realPos = -1; if (cnt == 1){ realPos = parseInt(item.next().find('> .sort-pos').text(), 10) - 1; } else realPos = parseInt(item.prev().find('> .sort-pos').text(), 10) + 1; return realPos; } return cnt; }, getSortItemId: function(li){ var k = $('> .sort-key', li); if (k.length > 0) return k.text(); return li.getDataObjectKey(); } });