define(['jquery','underscore','moment','chromath'], function($, _, moment) { 'use strict'; var kbn = {}; kbn.get_object_fields = function(obj) { var field_array = []; obj = kbn.flatten_json(obj._source); for (var field in obj) { field_array.push(field); } return field_array.sort(); }; kbn.get_all_fields = function(data,flat) { return _.uniq(_.without(_.reduce(data,function(memo,hit) { return flat ? memo.concat(_.keys(kbn.flatten_json(hit._source))) : memo.concat(_.keys(hit._source)); },[]),'$$hashkey')); }; kbn.has_field = function(obj,field) { var obj_fields = kbn.get_object_fields(obj); if (_.inArray(obj_fields,field) < 0) { return false; } else { return true; } }; kbn.get_related_fields = function(docs,field) { var field_array = []; _.each(docs, function(doc) { var keys = _.keys(doc); if(_.contains(keys,field)) { field_array = field_array.concat(keys); } }); var counts = _.countBy(_.without(field_array,field),function(field){return field;}); return, function(num, key){return {name:key,count:num};}); }; kbn.recurse_field_dots = function(object,field) { var value = null; var nested; if (typeof object[field] !== 'undefined') { value = object[field]; } else if (nested = field.match(/(.*?)\.(.*)/)) { if(typeof object[nested[1]] !== 'undefined') { value = (typeof object[nested[1]][nested[2]] !== 'undefined') ? object[nested[1]][nested[2]] : kbn.recurse_field_dots( object[nested[1]],nested[2]); } } return value; }; kbn.top_field_values = function(docs,field,count,grouped) { var all_values = _.pluck(docs,field), groups = {}, counts, hasArrays; // manually grouping into pairs allows us to keep the original value, _.each(all_values, function (value) { var k; if(_.isArray(value)) { hasArrays = true; } if(_.isArray(value) && !grouped) { k = value; } else { k = _.isUndefined(value) ? '' : [value.toString()]; } _.each(k, function(key) { if (_.has(groups, key)) { groups[key][1] ++; } else { groups[key] = [(grouped ? value : key), 1]; } }); }); counts = _.values(groups).sort(function(a, b) { return a[1] - b[1]; }).reverse().slice(0,count); return { counts: counts, hasArrays : hasArrays }; }; /** * Calculate a graph interval * * from:: Date object containing the start time * to:: Date object containing the finish time * size:: Calculate to approximately this many bars * user_interval:: User specified histogram interval * */ kbn.calculate_interval = function(from,to,size,user_interval) { if(_.isObject(from)) { from = from.valueOf(); } if(_.isObject(to)) { to = to.valueOf(); } return user_interval === 0 ? kbn.round_interval((to - from)/size) : user_interval; }; kbn.round_interval = function(interval) { switch (true) { // 0.5s case (interval <= 500): return 100; // 0.1s // 5s case (interval <= 5000): return 1000; // 1s // 7.5s case (interval <= 7500): return 5000; // 5s // 15s case (interval <= 15000): return 10000; // 10s // 45s case (interval <= 45000): return 30000; // 30s // 3m case (interval <= 180000): return 60000; // 1m // 9m case (interval <= 450000): return 300000; // 5m // 20m case (interval <= 1200000): return 600000; // 10m // 45m case (interval <= 2700000): return 1800000; // 30m // 2h case (interval <= 7200000): return 3600000; // 1h // 6h case (interval <= 21600000): return 10800000; // 3h // 24h case (interval <= 86400000): return 43200000; // 12h // 48h case (interval <= 172800000): return 86400000; // 24h // 1w case (interval <= 604800000): return 86400000; // 24h // 3w case (interval <= 1814400000): return 604800000; // 1w // 2y case (interval < 3628800000): return 2592000000; // 30d default: return 31536000000; // 1y } }; kbn.secondsToHms = function(seconds){ var numyears = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000); if(numyears){ return numyears + 'y'; } var numdays = Math.floor((seconds % 31536000) / 86400); if(numdays){ return numdays + 'd'; } var numhours = Math.floor(((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) / 3600); if(numhours){ return numhours + 'h'; } var numminutes = Math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) / 60); if(numminutes){ return numminutes + 'm'; } var numseconds = (((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) % 60; if(numseconds){ return numseconds + 's'; } return 'less then a second'; //'just now' //or other string you like; }; kbn.to_percent = function(number,outof) { return Math.floor((number/outof)*10000)/100 + "%"; }; kbn.addslashes = function(str) { str = str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); str = str.replace(/\'/g, '\\\''); str = str.replace(/\"/g, '\\"'); str = str.replace(/\0/g, '\\0'); return str; }; kbn.interval_regex = /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([Mwdhmsy])/; // histogram & trends kbn.intervals_in_seconds = { y: 31536000, M: 2592000, w: 604800, d: 86400, h: 3600, m: 60, s: 1 }; kbn.describe_interval = function (string) { var matches = string.match(kbn.interval_regex); if (!matches || !_.has(kbn.intervals_in_seconds, matches[2])) { throw new Error('Invalid interval string, expexcting a number followed by one of "Mwdhmsy"'); } else { return { sec: kbn.intervals_in_seconds[matches[2]], type: matches[2], count: parseInt(matches[1], 10) }; } }; kbn.interval_to_ms = function(string) { var info = kbn.describe_interval(string); return info.sec * 1000 * info.count; }; kbn.interval_to_seconds = function (string) { var info = kbn.describe_interval(string); return info.sec * info.count; }; // This should go away, moment.js can do this kbn.time_ago = function(string) { return new Date(new Date().getTime() - (kbn.interval_to_ms(string))); }; /* This is a simplified version of elasticsearch's date parser */ kbn.parseDate = function(text) { if(_.isDate(text)) { return text; } var time, mathString = "", index, parseString; if (text.substring(0,3) === "now") { time = new Date(); mathString = text.substring("now".length); } else { index = text.indexOf("||"); parseString; if (index === -1) { parseString = text; mathString = ""; // nothing else } else { parseString = text.substring(0, index); mathString = text.substring(index + 2); } // We're going to just require ISO8601 timestamps, k? time = new Date(parseString); } if (!mathString.length) { return time; } //return [time,parseString,mathString]; return kbn.parseDateMath(mathString, time); }; kbn.parseDateMath = function(mathString, time, roundUp) { var dateTime = moment(time); for (var i = 0; i < mathString.length; ) { var c = mathString.charAt(i++), type, num, unit; if (c === '/') { type = 0; } else if (c === '+') { type = 1; } else if (c === '-') { type = 2; } else { return false; } if (isNaN(mathString.charAt(i))) { num = 1; } else { var numFrom = i; while (!isNaN(mathString.charAt(i))) { i++; } num = parseInt(mathString.substring(numFrom, i),10); } if (type === 0) { // rounding is only allowed on whole numbers if (num !== 1) { return false; } } unit = mathString.charAt(i++); switch (unit) { case 'y': if (type === 0) { roundUp ? dateTime.endOf('year') : dateTime.startOf('year'); } else if (type === 1) { dateTime.add('years',num); } else if (type === 2) { dateTime.subtract('years',num); } break; case 'M': if (type === 0) { roundUp ? dateTime.endOf('month') : dateTime.startOf('month'); } else if (type === 1) { dateTime.add('months',num); } else if (type === 2) { dateTime.subtract('months',num); } break; case 'w': if (type === 0) { roundUp ? dateTime.endOf('week') : dateTime.startOf('week'); } else if (type === 1) { dateTime.add('weeks',num); } else if (type === 2) { dateTime.subtract('weeks',num); } break; case 'd': if (type === 0) { roundUp ? dateTime.endOf('day') : dateTime.startOf('day'); } else if (type === 1) { dateTime.add('days',num); } else if (type === 2) { dateTime.subtract('days',num); } break; case 'h': case 'H': if (type === 0) { roundUp ? dateTime.endOf('hour') : dateTime.startOf('hour'); } else if (type === 1) { dateTime.add('hours',num); } else if (type === 2) { dateTime.subtract('hours',num); } break; case 'm': if (type === 0) { roundUp ? dateTime.endOf('minute') : dateTime.startOf('minute'); } else if (type === 1) { dateTime.add('minutes',num); } else if (type === 2) { dateTime.subtract('minutes',num); } break; case 's': if (type === 0) { roundUp ? dateTime.endOf('second') : dateTime.startOf('second'); } else if (type === 1) { dateTime.add('seconds',num); } else if (type === 2) { dateTime.subtract('seconds',num); } break; default: return false; } } return dateTime.toDate(); }; // LOL. hahahahaha. DIE. kbn.flatten_json = function(object,root,array) { if (typeof array === 'undefined') { array = {}; } if (typeof root === 'undefined') { root = ''; } for(var index in object) { var obj = object[index]; var rootname = root.length === 0 ? index : root + '.' + index; if(typeof obj === 'object' ) { if(_.isArray(obj)) { if(obj.length > 0 && typeof obj[0] === 'object') { var strval = ''; for (var objidx = 0, objlen = obj.length; objidx < objlen; objidx++) { if (objidx > 0) { strval = strval + ', '; } strval = strval + JSON.stringify(obj[objidx]); } array[rootname] = strval; } else if(obj.length === 1 && _.isNumber(obj[0])) { array[rootname] = parseFloat(obj[0]); } else { array[rootname] = typeof obj === 'undefined' ? null : obj; } } else { kbn.flatten_json(obj,rootname,array); } } else { array[rootname] = typeof obj === 'undefined' ? null : obj; } } return kbn.sortObj(array); }; kbn.xmlEnt = function(value) { if(_.isString(value)) { var stg1 = value.replace(//g, '>') .replace(/\r\n/g, '
') .replace(/\r/g, '
') .replace(/\n/g, '
') .replace(/\t/g, '    ') .replace(/ /g, '  ') .replace(/<del>/g, '') .replace(/<\/del>/g, ''); return stg1; } else { return value; } }; kbn.sortObj = function(arr) { // Setup Arrays var sortedKeys = []; var sortedObj = {}; var i; // Separate keys and sort them for (i in arr) { sortedKeys.push(i); } sortedKeys.sort(); // Reconstruct sorted obj based on keys for (i in sortedKeys) { sortedObj[sortedKeys[i]] = arr[sortedKeys[i]]; } return sortedObj; }; kbn.query_color_dot = function (color, diameter) { return '
'; }; kbn.colorSteps = function(col,steps) { var _d = steps > 5 ? 1.6/steps : 0.25, // distance between steps _p = []; // adjustment percentage // Create a range of numbers between -0.8 and 0.8 for(var i = 1; i end) { return end + 1; } if(start !== arr[start]) { return start; } var middle = Math.floor((start + end) / 2); if (arr[middle] > middle) { return kbn.smallestMissing(arr, start, middle); } else { return kbn.smallestMissing(arr, middle + 1, end); } }; kbn.byteFormat = function(size, decimals) { var ext, steps = 0; if(_.isUndefined(decimals)) { decimals = 2; } else if (decimals === 0) { decimals = undefined; } while (Math.abs(size) >= 1024) { steps++; size /= 1024; } switch (steps) { case 0: ext = " B"; break; case 1: ext = " KB"; break; case 2: ext = " MB"; break; case 3: ext = " GB"; break; case 4: ext = " TB"; break; case 5: ext = " PB"; break; case 6: ext = " EB"; break; case 7: ext = " ZB"; break; case 8: ext = " YB"; break; } return (size.toFixed(decimals) + ext); }; kbn.shortFormat = function(size, decimals) { var ext, steps = 0; if(_.isUndefined(decimals)) { decimals = 2; } else if (decimals === 0) { decimals = undefined; } while (Math.abs(size) >= 1000) { steps++; size /= 1000; } switch (steps) { case 0: ext = ""; break; case 1: ext = " K"; break; case 2: ext = " Mil"; break; case 3: ext = " Bil"; break; case 4: ext = " Tri"; break; case 5: ext = " Quadr"; break; case 6: ext = " Quint"; break; case 7: ext = " Sext"; break; case 8: ext = " Sept"; break; } return (size.toFixed(decimals) + ext); }; return kbn; });