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When streamer starts up it will check for any differences between Salesforce PushTopics and this yaml and update any differences when `config.manage_topics = true`. ```yaml # config/streamer.yml --- base: &DEFAULT accounts: handler: "AccountChangeHandler" replay: -1 name: "AllAccounts" api_version: "49.0" description: "Sync Accounts" notify_for_fields: "Referenced" query: "Select Id, Name From Account" development: <<: *DEFAULT test: <<: *DEFAULT production: <<: *DEFAULT ``` ### Define Message Handlers Define your handlers somewhere in your project. They must respond to either `.perform_async(str)` or `.call(str)`. ```ruby # lib/account_change_handler.rb # Handle account changes inline class AccountChangeHandler class << self def call(message) puts message end end end # Handle account changes asynchronously class AccountChangeHandler include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(message) puts message end end ``` ### Prepare The Environment Set your Restforce ENV variables in order to establish a connection. See the Restforce API documentation for more details. Then start the server using the command line interface. Configure the `SalesforceStreamer` module. ```ruby # config/initializers/salesforce_streamer.rb SalesforceStreamer.configure do |config| config.logger = Logger.new(STDERR, level: 'INFO') config.exception_adapter = proc { |e| puts e } config.replay_adapter = MyReplayAdapter config.use_middleware AfterMessageReceived config.manage_topics = true end ``` ### Launch The Streamer Launch the `streamer` service loads the application code at `./config/environment` by default if `config.require_path` is unset. It will load your push topic configuration from `./config/streamer.yml` if `config.config_file` is unset. During the boot sequence it will connect to Salesforce using the Restforce client and your configured ENV variables in order to upsert push topic definitions. ``` $ bundle exec streamer I, [2019-07-08T22:16:34.104271 #26973] INFO -- : Launching Streamer Services I, [2019-07-09T15:19:55.862351 #78537] INFO -- : Running Topic Manager I, [2019-07-09T15:19:56.860998 #78537] INFO -- : New PushTopic AllAccounts I, [2019-07-09T15:19:56.861079 #78537] INFO -- : Upsert PushTopic AllAccounts I, [2019-07-09T15:19:56.861109 #78537] INFO -- : Skipping upsert because manage topics is off I, [2019-07-08T22:16:34.794933 #26973] INFO -- : Starting Server ``` By default, the server will start up without syncing the push topic configuration. Set the configuration option `config.manage_topics = true` will tell the server launcher to update the configuration of the push topic in Salesforce. ``` $ bundle exec streamer I, [2019-07-09T15:19:55.862296 #78537] INFO -- : Launching Streamer Services I, [2019-07-09T15:19:55.862351 #78537] INFO -- : Running Topic Manager I, [2019-07-09T15:19:56.860998 #78537] INFO -- : New PushTopic AllAccounts I, [2019-07-09T15:19:56.861079 #78537] INFO -- : Upsert PushTopic AllAccounts I, [2019-07-09T15:19:57.591241 #78537] INFO -- : Starting Server ``` By default, the executable will load the YAML based on the `RACK_ENV` environment variable, or default to `:development` if not set. You can override this by setting the `config.environment = :integration` ### Message Handling Middleware You can initialize the streamer server with any number of middleware classes. When a message is received by a PushTopic subscription, the chain of middleware classes are executed before the message handler is called. ```ruby # config/initializers/streamer.rb class MySimpleMiddleware def initialize(handler) @handler = handler end def call(message) @handler.call(message) end end SalesforceStreamer.config.use_middleware MySimpleMiddleware ``` ### ReplayAdapter The `config.replay_adapter` should be an object that has an interface like Hash. It must respond to `[]` and `[]=`. By default the adapter is an empty hash. If you want your push topic replayId to persist between restarts, then you should implement a class with an appropriate interface. ```ruby class MyReplayAdapter def [](channel) Persistence.get(channel) end def []=(channel, replay_id) Persistence.set(channel, replay_id) end end ``` This adapter will be used directly by `Restforce::ReplayExtension`. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake rspec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/renofi/salesforce_streamer. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).