// Copyright (C) 2005 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_STATIC_MAP_KERNEl_1_ #define DLIB_STATIC_MAP_KERNEl_1_ #include "static_map_kernel_abstract.h" #include "../interfaces/map_pair.h" #include "../interfaces/enumerable.h" #include "../interfaces/remover.h" #include "../algs.h" #include "../serialize.h" #include namespace dlib { template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare = std::less > class static_map_kernel_1 : public enumerable > { /*! INITIAL VALUE - map_size == 0 - d == 0 - r == 0 - mp.d = 0; - at_start_ == true CONVENTION - size() == map_size - if (size() > 0) then - d == pointer to an array containing all the domain elements - r == pointer to an array containing all the range elements - for every i: operator[](d[i]) == r[i] - d is sorted according to operator< - else - d == 0 - r == 0 - current_element_valid() == (mp.d != 0) - at_start() == (at_start_) - if (current_element_valid()) then - element() == mp !*/ class mpair : public map_pair { public: const domain* d; range* r; const domain& key( ) const { return *d; } const range& value( ) const { return *r; } range& value( ) { return *r; } }; // I would define this outside the class but Borland 5.5 has some problems // with non-inline templated friend functions. friend void deserialize ( static_map_kernel_1& item, std::istream& in ) { try { item.clear(); unsigned long size; deserialize(size,in); item.map_size = size; item.d = new domain[size]; item.r = new range[size]; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < size; ++i) { deserialize(item.d[i],in); deserialize(item.r[i],in); } } catch (serialization_error& e) { item.map_size = 0; if (item.d) { delete [] item.d; item.d = 0; } if (item.r) { delete [] item.r; item.r = 0; } throw serialization_error(e.info + "\n while deserializing object of type static_map_kernel_1"); } catch (...) { item.map_size = 0; if (item.d) { delete [] item.d; item.d = 0; } if (item.r) { delete [] item.r; item.r = 0; } throw; } } public: typedef domain domain_type; typedef range range_type; typedef compare compare_type; static_map_kernel_1( ); virtual ~static_map_kernel_1( ); void clear ( ); void load ( pair_remover& source ); void load ( asc_pair_remover& source ); inline const range* operator[] ( const domain& d ) const; inline range* operator[] ( const domain& d ); inline void swap ( static_map_kernel_1& item ); // functions from the enumerable interface inline unsigned long size ( ) const; inline bool at_start ( ) const; inline void reset ( ) const; inline bool current_element_valid ( ) const; inline const map_pair& element ( ) const; inline map_pair& element ( ); inline bool move_next ( ) const; private: bool binary_search ( const domain& item, unsigned long& pos ) const; /*! ensures - if (there is an item in d equivalent to item) then - returns true - d[#pos] is equivalent item - else - returns false !*/ void sort_arrays ( unsigned long left, unsigned long right ); /*! requires - left and right are within the bounts of the array ensures - everything in the convention is still true and d[left] though d[right] is sorted according to operator< !*/ void qsort_partition ( unsigned long& partition_element, const unsigned long left, const unsigned long right ); /*! requires - left < right - left and right are within the bounts of the array ensures - the convention is still true - left <= #partition_element <= right - all elements in #d < #d[#partition_element] have indices >= left and < #partition_element - all elements in #d >= #d[#partition_element] have indices >= #partition_element and <= right !*/ unsigned long median ( unsigned long one, unsigned long two, unsigned long three ); /*! requires - one, two, and three are valid indexes into d ensures - returns the median of d[one], d[two], and d[three] !*/ // data members unsigned long map_size; domain* d; range* r; mutable mpair mp; mutable bool at_start_; compare comp; // restricted functions static_map_kernel_1(static_map_kernel_1&); // copy constructor static_map_kernel_1& operator=(static_map_kernel_1&); // assignment operator }; template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > inline void swap ( static_map_kernel_1& a, static_map_kernel_1& b ) { a.swap(b); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // member function definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > static_map_kernel_1:: static_map_kernel_1( ) : map_size(0), d(0), r(0), at_start_(true) { mp.d = 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > static_map_kernel_1:: ~static_map_kernel_1( ) { if (map_size > 0) { delete [] d; delete [] r; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > void static_map_kernel_1:: clear ( ) { if (map_size > 0) { map_size = 0; delete [] d; delete [] r; d = 0; r = 0; } reset(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > void static_map_kernel_1:: load ( pair_remover& source ) { if (source.size() > 0) { domain* old_d = d; d = new domain[source.size()]; try { r = new range[source.size()]; } catch (...) { delete [] d; d = old_d; throw; } map_size = source.size(); for (unsigned long i = 0; source.size() > 0; ++i) source.remove_any(d[i],r[i]); sort_arrays(0,map_size-1); } else { clear(); } reset(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > void static_map_kernel_1:: load ( asc_pair_remover& source ) { if (source.size() > 0) { domain* old_d = d; d = new domain[source.size()]; try { r = new range[source.size()]; } catch (...) { delete [] d; d = old_d; throw; } map_size = source.size(); for (unsigned long i = 0; source.size() > 0; ++i) source.remove_any(d[i],r[i]); } else { clear(); } reset(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > const range* static_map_kernel_1:: operator[] ( const domain& d_item ) const { unsigned long pos; if (binary_search(d_item,pos)) return r+pos; else return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > range* static_map_kernel_1:: operator[] ( const domain& d_item ) { unsigned long pos; if (binary_search(d_item,pos)) return r+pos; else return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > unsigned long static_map_kernel_1:: size ( ) const { return map_size; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > void static_map_kernel_1:: swap ( static_map_kernel_1& item ) { exchange(map_size,item.map_size); exchange(d,item.d); exchange(r,item.r); exchange(mp,item.mp); exchange(at_start_,item.at_start_); exchange(comp,item.comp); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // enumerable function definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > bool static_map_kernel_1:: at_start ( ) const { return (at_start_); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > void static_map_kernel_1:: reset ( ) const { mp.d = 0; at_start_ = true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > bool static_map_kernel_1:: current_element_valid ( ) const { return (mp.d != 0); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > const map_pair& static_map_kernel_1:: element ( ) const { return mp; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > map_pair& static_map_kernel_1:: element ( ) { return mp; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > bool static_map_kernel_1:: move_next ( ) const { // if at_start() && size() > 0 if (at_start_ && map_size > 0) { at_start_ = false; mp.r = r; mp.d = d; return true; } // else if current_element_valid() else if (mp.d != 0) { ++mp.d; ++mp.r; if (static_cast(mp.d - d) < map_size) { return true; } else { mp.d = 0; return false; } } else { at_start_ = false; return false; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private member function definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > bool static_map_kernel_1:: binary_search ( const domain& item, unsigned long& pos ) const { unsigned long high = map_size; unsigned long low = 0; unsigned long p = map_size; unsigned long idx; while (p > 0) { p = (high-low)>>1; idx = p+low; if (comp(item , d[idx])) { high = idx; } else if (comp(d[idx] , item)) { low = idx; } else { pos = idx; return true; } } return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > void static_map_kernel_1:: sort_arrays ( unsigned long left, unsigned long right ) { if ( left < right) { unsigned long partition_element; qsort_partition(partition_element,left,right); if (partition_element > 0) sort_arrays(left,partition_element-1); sort_arrays(partition_element+1,right); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > void static_map_kernel_1:: qsort_partition ( unsigned long& partition_element, const unsigned long left, const unsigned long right ) { partition_element = right; unsigned long med = median(partition_element,left,((right-left)>>1) +left); exchange(d[partition_element],d[med]); exchange(r[partition_element],r[med]); unsigned long right_scan = right-1; unsigned long left_scan = left; while (true) { // find an element to the left of partition_element that needs to be moved while ( comp( d[left_scan] , d[partition_element]) ) { ++left_scan; } // find an element to the right of partition_element that needs to be moved while ( !(comp (d[right_scan] , d[partition_element])) && (right_scan > left_scan) ) { --right_scan; } if (left_scan >= right_scan) break; exchange(d[left_scan],d[right_scan]); exchange(r[left_scan],r[right_scan]); } exchange(d[left_scan],d[partition_element]); exchange(r[left_scan],r[partition_element]); partition_element = left_scan; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename domain, typename range, typename compare > unsigned long static_map_kernel_1:: median ( unsigned long one, unsigned long two, unsigned long three ) { if ( comp( d[one] , d[two]) ) { // one < two if ( comp( d[two] , d[three]) ) { // one < two < three : two return two; } else { // one < two >= three if (comp( d[one] , d[three])) { // three return three; } } } else { // one >= two if ( comp(d[three] , d[one] )) { // three <= one >= two if ( comp(d[three] , d[two]) ) { // two return two; } else { // three return three; } } } return one; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_STATIC_MAP_KERNEl_1_