# CHANGELOG.md ## 1.5.13 - \#44 Charcoal 13 18 account id in header acu103549 - \#42 Salmon 13 17 acu135785 add current url - \#41 Add '/index.html' to the api ref url due to 404 - \#39 acu119168 fix markup - \#37 acu111022 fix readme ownership string ## 1.5.12 - \#35 acu104862 remove activesupport dependency and replace inflector ## 1.5.11 - \#33 fix specs and readme - \#32 fix nested array of hashes params - \#30 README markdown formatting - \#29 rename read me and add mandatory ownership string ## 1.5.10 - \#28 Preserve the last request made and make it accessible - \#26 Fix specs. Separate out unit tests and functional tests. - \#25 Add support for other RightScale endpoints. - \#23 Fix child_account update href. - \#20 Always store the latest cookies. Also includes a jump from rspec 1.3.0 to 2.9.0 and spec infrastructure reorganization. ## 1.5.9 - Downgrade even further to Ruby 1.8.7. Should still work in Ruby 1.9.x. ## 1.5.8 - Fix invalid gemspec by downgrading to Ruby 1.9.2 when building gem. ## 1.5.7 - Enforce Ruby 1.9 interpreter. - Remove the default 60 second timeout on requests. ## 1.5.6 - Remove unused constant. Fix license and read me. - Refs #11682 - allow all methods on resource classes and post them to rightapi. ## 1.5.5 - Fix crash on audit_entry.detail.show (text and not JSON). ## 1.5.4 - Fix singular for audit_entries resources. Update rest-client gem version to 1.6.7. ## 1.5.3 - Add support for audit_entries resources. Update RConf ruby version to ruby-1.9.2-p290. ## 1.5.2 - Fix issues with client when using Ruby 1.8.7 (note that right_api_client has not been fully tested with 1.8.7 yet). ## 1.5.1 - Initial public release, supports all of the calls in RightScale API 1.5.