== 1.0.9 / 2010-12-07 * Emergency fix: Crockford took down the Rhino version of JsLint, bundle it for now. == 1.0.8 / 2010-10-10 * Fix bug where document root and other options where not passed from CLI to dependency resolvers == 1.0.7 / 2010-08-23 * Fix bug where embedded images where re-mapped as though they where URLs (Elliot Wood) == 1.0.6 / 2010-06-29 * Fix bug where image embedding could not see the document root, resulting in missing images (Jakub Pawlowicz) == 1.0.5 / 2010-06-06 * No more Regexp warnings on Ruby 1.9.1 * Cycle hosts for relative paths * Allow hostnames with no protocol (i.e. //myassets) == 1.0.4 / 2010-05-26 * Fix issue (GH-22) where Closure Compiler would not work due to wrong command line arguments passed by Juicer * Brought to you by Elliott Wood, two-fish.com: * Added "rails" cache-buster type for cache-buster stamps that are identical to those generated by Rails' * --all-hosts-local is no longer dependent upon command-line positioning. * Ensured that URLs don't receive two cache busters, even when asset host cycling is used. == 1.0.3 / 2010-04-15 * Update YUI Compressor installer to find the download link in YUI's updated markup Pacthed by Olle Jonsson (http://ollehost.dk/blog/) * Make stylesheet merger properly handle quoted URLs, fixes GH issue 20 == 1.0.2 / 2010-03-19 * Don't add multiple cache busters == 1.0.1 / 2010-03-03 * Don't crash when trying to cache bust non-existent files, simply skip them * Don't attempt to cache bust data urls (contributed by http://github.com/psyho/juicer) == 1.0.0 / 2010-02-24 * Make sure @import rules with url is removed when files are merged * Dependency resolver supports depending on directories * Constant refefined warnings fixed in installer module (Aaron Suggs) * Ruby 1.9 compatibility * Google Closure Compiler support for `juicer merge` (Pavel Valodzka) * Fix bug in `juicer list` for files with no dependencies (Daniel Stockman) * Image embedder to embed images using data uris (Morgan Roderick) * YUI Compressor --arguments now works (Daniel Stockman) * Download Rhino over HTTP rather than FTP to avoid certain corporate firewall restraints * Development improvements: Use Jeweler to package gem Less obtrusive Ruby core extensions (Pavel Valodzka) Switched from Hpricot to Nokogiri New AssetPath interface for resolving URLs in CSS files Refactor web_root -> document_root Tests are considerably sped up Reorganized tests in unit/ directory Use shoulda for tests Use mocha in tests Use FakeFS for certain file operations in tests Bundling binaries needed to run tests * Refactored/moved dependency resolver classes. They now live in Juicer::CssDependencyResolver and Juicer::JavaScriptDependencyResolver Dependency resolvers include Enumerable == 0.2.6 / 2009-07-20 * New installation paths for YUI Compressor Patch by http://github.com/craveytrain == 0.2.5 / 2009-05-22 * Fixed a bug with the stylesheet merger where url( ); (ie URL surrounded by spaces) resolved wrong. == 0.2.4 / 2009-04-29 * More robust pattern checking for url() references in CSS files * Allow skipping verification * Bug fix: Skip cache buster if type=none * Bug fix: Quote JsLint command parts to allow for spaces in jar file paths * Bug fix: cache buster type wasn't carried all the way (ie had no effect) == 0.2.3 / 2009-03-03 * Cache busters in CSS files should only be appended once to each URL * Output to merge target should accept directories as well as files (in case of directories, file name is generated) * Tests should not ship with 3rd party libraries == 0.2.0 / 2009-02-25 * First usable release; merge, verify, install targets == 0.1.0 / 2008-12-17 * Dug up old project and set it up with Mr Bones