#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'thor' require 'mccloud' require 'mccloud/version' require 'mccloud/session' class MccloudCLI < Thor attr_accessor :all_servers no_tasks do def create_session @session=Mccloud::Session.new @session.load_config end end desc "init", "Creates a Mccloud Config File" method_options :force => :boolean def init(amiId=nil) Mccloud::Command.init(amiId,options) end desc "up [NAME]", "Fires up a machine, bootstrap and provision" method_options :force => :boolean def up(selection=nil) create_session @session.up(selection,options) end desc "status", "Show a status of all machines that are configured" method_options :verbose => false def status(selection=nil) create_session @session.status(selection,options) end desc "halt [NAME]", "Shutdown the machine" method_options :force => :boolean def halt(selection=nil) create_session @session.halt(selection,options) end desc "ssh [NAME]", "Spawns an ssh client to the machine" method_options :screen => :boolean def ssh(selection=nil,command=nil) create_session @session.ssh(selection,command,options) end desc "suspend [NAME]", "Shutdown of the machine" method_options :force => :boolean def suspend(selection=nil) create_session @session.suspend(selection,options) end # desc "boot", "same a" # method_options :force => :boolean # def boot(selection=nil) # create_session # @session.boot(selection,options) # end desc "destroy [NAME]", "Destroys the machine" method_options :force => :boolean def destroy(selection=nil) create_session @session.destroy(selection,options) end desc "reload [NAME]", "Reboots the machine" method_options :force => :boolean def reload(selection=nil?) create_session @session.reload(selection,options) end # desc "command [NAME] [COMMAND]", "exec a command on a box" # method_options :parallel => :boolean # def command(selection=nil,command="who am i") # create_session # @session.command(selection,command,options) # end desc "bootstrap [NAME]", "Executes the bootstrap sequence" method_options :sudo => :boolean def bootstrap(selection=nil,script="who am i") create_session @session.bootstrap(selection,script,options) end # desc "multi","multi" # method_options :verbose => :boolean # def multi(selection=nil,command="who am i") # create_session # @session.multi(selection,command,options) # end desc "provision [NAME]", "Runs the provisioner the machine" def provision(selection=nil) create_session @session.provision(selection,options) end desc "server", "Runs a server+ forwards network ports" def server(selection=nil) create_session @session.server(selection,options) end end puts 80.times { |i| printf "*" } ; puts myversion="* Mccloud v#{Mccloud::VERSION} - alpha - use at your own risk" puts "#{myversion}" puts "- github : https://github.com/jedi4ever/mccloud" 80.times { |i| printf "*" } ; puts puts MccloudCLI.start puts