Feature: Update attributes directly to Sphinx In order for updates to be more seamless The plugin Should update Sphinx's attributes where possible Scenario: Updating attributes in Sphinx without delta indexes Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I filter by 3 on value Then I should get 1 result When I change the value of alpha four to 13 And I wait for Sphinx to catch up And I filter by 13 on value And I use index alpha_core Then I should get 1 result When I use index alternative_core Then I should get 1 result When I change the value of alpha four to 4 And I wait for Sphinx to catch up And I filter by 13 on value And I use index alpha_core Then I should get 0 results When I use index alternative_core Then I should get 0 result Scenario: Updating attributes in Sphinx with delta indexes Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on betas When I filter by 8 on value Then I should get 1 result When I change the value of beta eight to 18 And I wait for Sphinx to catch up And I filter by 18 on value Then I should get 1 result When I search for the document id of beta eight in the secondary_beta_delta index Then it should not exist Scenario: Updating attributes in a delta index Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on betas When I change the name of beta nine to nineteen And I change the value of beta nineteen to 19 And I wait for Sphinx to catch up When I filter by 19 on value And I use index secondary_beta_delta And I clear the connection pool Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Updating attributes in a delta index with deltas disabled Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on betas When I change the name of beta eleven to twentyone And I disable delta updates And I change the value of beta twentyone to 21 And I wait for Sphinx to catch up And I clear the connection pool When I filter by 21 on value And I use index secondary_beta_delta Then I should get 1 result And I enable delta updates Scenario: Updating boolean attribute in Sphinx Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on alphas When I filter by active alphas Then I should get 10 results When I flag alpha five as inactive And I wait for Sphinx to catch up And I filter by active alphas Then I should get 9 results