--- - !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction :request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request :method: :post :uri: http://example.com:80/ :body: :headers: :response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response :status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus :code: 200 :message: OK :headers: etag: - "\"24ec5-1b6-4059a80bfd280\"" last-modified: - Tue, 15 Nov 2005 13:24:10 GMT content-type: - text/html; charset=UTF-8 connection: - close server: - Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) date: - Wed, 31 Mar 2010 02:43:26 GMT content-length: - "438" accept-ranges: - bytes :body: example.com post response with id=7 :http_version: "1.1" - !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction :request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request :method: :get :uri: http://example.com:80/foo :body: :headers: :response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response :status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus :code: 200 :message: OK :headers: etag: - "\"24ec5-1b6-4059a80bfd280\"" last-modified: - Tue, 15 Nov 2005 13:24:10 GMT connection: - Keep-Alive content-type: - text/html; charset=UTF-8 date: - Wed, 31 Mar 2010 02:43:23 GMT server: - Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) content-length: - "438" age: - "3285" accept-ranges: - bytes :body: example.com get response 1 with path=foo :http_version: "1.1" - !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction :request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request :method: :get :uri: http://example.com:80/foo :body: :headers: :response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response :status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus :code: 200 :message: OK :headers: etag: - "\"24ec5-1b6-4059a80bfd280\"" last-modified: - Tue, 15 Nov 2005 13:24:10 GMT connection: - Keep-Alive content-type: - text/html; charset=UTF-8 date: - Wed, 31 Mar 2010 02:43:23 GMT server: - Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) content-length: - "438" age: - "3285" accept-ranges: - bytes :body: example.com get response 2 with path=foo :http_version: "1.1" - !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction :request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request :method: :post :uri: http://example.com:80/ :body: :headers: :response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response :status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus :code: 200 :message: OK :headers: etag: - "\"24ec5-1b6-4059a80bfd280\"" last-modified: - Tue, 15 Nov 2005 13:24:10 GMT content-type: - text/html; charset=UTF-8 connection: - close server: - Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) date: - Wed, 31 Mar 2010 02:43:26 GMT content-length: - "438" accept-ranges: - bytes :body: example.com post response with id=3 :http_version: "1.1" - !ruby/struct:VCR::HTTPInteraction :request: !ruby/struct:VCR::Request :method: :get :uri: http://example.com:80/two_set_cookie_headers :body: :headers: :response: !ruby/struct:VCR::Response :status: !ruby/struct:VCR::ResponseStatus :code: 200 :message: OK :headers: set-cookie: - bar=bazz - foo=bar :body: this response has two set-cookie headers :http_version: "1.1"