require 'rubygems' require 'open3' require 'pathname' require 'timeout' require 'unicode' module TranscodingMachine module Server class MediaFileAttributes < Hash ASPECT_RATIO_2_35_BY_1 = 2.35 ASPECT_RATIO_16_BY_9 = 16.0 / 9.0 ASPECT_RATIO_4_BY_3 = 4.0 / 3.0 ASPECT_RATIO_NAMES = {ASPECT_RATIO_2_35_BY_1 => '2.35/1', ASPECT_RATIO_16_BY_9 => '16/9', ASPECT_RATIO_4_BY_3 => '4/3'} ASPECT_RATIO_VALUES = ASPECT_RATIO_NAMES.invert CODECS = {'ffmp3' => :mp3, 'mp3' => :mp3, 'faad' => :aac, 'ffh264' => :h264, 'h264' => :h264, 'ffvp6f' => :flash_video} TRACK_FIELD_TYPES = { :codec => :codec, :width => :integer, :height => :integer, :format => :string, :aspect => :float, :id => :integer, :bitrate => :integer, :fps => :float, :file_name => :string, :length => :float, :demuxer => :string, :rate => :integer, :channels => :integer } FIELD_TYPES = { :audio => :boolean, :audio_format => :string, :audio_rate => :integer, :audio_bitrate => :integer, :audio_codec => :codec, :audio_channels => :integer, :video => :boolean, :video_format => :string, :video_codec => :codec, :width => :integer, :height => :integer, :aspect_ratio => :float, :video_fps => :float, :video_bitrate => :integer, :ipod_uuid => :boolean, :bitrate => :integer, :length => :float, :file_name => :string, :file_extension => :string, :demuxer => :string, :poster_time => :float } def initialize(media_file_path) super() ffmpeg = mplayer = puts "FFMPEG:\n#{ffmpeg.tracks.inspect}" puts "MPLAYER:\n#{mplayer.tracks.inspect}" store(:ipod_uuid, false) merge!(get_video_info(get_video_track(ffmpeg.tracks), get_video_track(mplayer.tracks))) merge!(get_audio_info(get_audio_track(ffmpeg.tracks), get_audio_track(mplayer.tracks))) merge!(get_container_info(ffmpeg.tracks[:container], mplayer.tracks[:container])) derive_values if video? atomic_parsley = puts "ATOMIC_PARSLEY:\n#{atomic_parsley.tracks.inspect}" store(:ipod_uuid, atomic_parsley.tracks[:container][:ipod_uuid]) exiftool = puts "EXIFTOOL:" puts exiftool.inspect store(:poster_time, exiftool.poster_time) if exiftool.aspect_ratio and video_aspect != exiftool.aspect_ratio store(:height, (width / exiftool.aspect_ratio).to_i) store(:video_aspect, exiftool.aspect_ratio) elsif exiftool.width && exiftool.height store(:width, exiftool.width) store(:height, exiftool.height) derive_values end fix_dimensions end delete_if {|key, value| value.nil?} end def video? video end def audio? audio end def thumbnail_file return @thumbnail_file if @thumbnail_file return nil unless video? and height and width time = poster_time if time.nil? or time == 0 or time > 30 time = length / 10.0 time = 10 if time > 10 end @thumbnail_file = FfmpegIntegrator.create_thumbnail(file_name, width, height, time) end def self.parse_values(values) values.values.each do |track_values| track_values.each do |key, value| case TRACK_FIELD_TYPES[key] when :integer track_values[key] = value.to_i when :float track_values[key] = value.to_f when :codec track_values[key] = CODECS[value] || value end end end values end private def get_video_track(tracks) get_track_by_type(tracks, :video) end def get_audio_track(tracks) get_track_by_type(tracks, :audio) end def get_track_by_type(tracks, type) return nil if tracks.nil? tracks.values.each do |track| return track if track[:type] == type end nil end def has_real_video_track?(ffmpeg_video_track, mplayer_video_track) return false if ffmpeg_video_track.nil? && mplayer_video_track.nil? unless ffmpeg_video_track.nil? return false if ffmpeg_video_track[:codec] == 'png' return false if ffmpeg_video_track[:width] == 1 return false if ffmpeg_video_track[:height] == 1 return false if ffmpeg_video_track[:fps] && ffmpeg_video_track[:fps] > 1000 end unless mplayer_video_track.nil? return false if mplayer_video_track[:format] == 'jpeg' return false if mplayer_video_track[:fps] == 0 end ffmpeg_video_track ||= {} mplayer_video_track ||= {} return false if (ffmpeg_video_track[:codec].nil? && mplayer_video_track[:codec].nil?) return false if (ffmpeg_video_track[:width].nil? && mplayer_video_track[:width].nil?) return false if (ffmpeg_video_track[:height].nil? && mplayer_video_track[:height].nil?) return true end def has_real_audio_track?(ffmpeg_audio_track, mplayer_audio_track) unless ffmpeg_audio_track.nil? return true if ffmpeg_audio_track[:codec] return true if ffmpeg_audio_track[:format] end unless mplayer_audio_track.nil? return true if mplayer_audio_track[:codec] return true if mplayer_audio_track[:format] end return false end def get_video_info(ffmpeg_track, mplayer_track) return {:video => false} unless has_real_video_track?(ffmpeg_track, mplayer_track) ffmpeg_track ||= {} mplayer_track ||= {} output = {:video => true} output[:video_format] = ffmpeg_track[:format] || mplayer_track[:format] output[:width] = ffmpeg_track[:width] || mplayer_track[:width] output[:height] = ffmpeg_track[:height] || mplayer_track[:height] output[:video_aspect] = ffmpeg_track[:aspect] || mplayer_track[:aspect] output[:video_fps] = ffmpeg_track[:fps] || mplayer_track[:fps] output[:video_bitrate] = ffmpeg_track[:bitrate] || mplayer_track[:bitrate] if ffmpeg_track[:codec].class == String && mplayer_track[:codec].class == Symbol output[:video_codec] = mplayer_track[:codec] else output[:video_codec] = ffmpeg_track[:codec] || mplayer_track[:codec] end output end def get_audio_info(ffmpeg_track, mplayer_track) return {:audio => false} unless has_real_audio_track?(ffmpeg_track, mplayer_track) ffmpeg_track ||= {} mplayer_track ||= {} output = {:audio => true} output[:audio_format] = ffmpeg_track[:format] || mplayer_track[:format] output[:audio_rate] = ffmpeg_track[:rate] || mplayer_track[:rate] output[:audio_bitrate] = ffmpeg_track[:bitrate] || mplayer_track[:bitrate] output[:audio_channels] = ffmpeg_track[:channels] || mplayer_track[:channels] if ffmpeg_track[:codec].class == String && mplayer_track[:codec].class == Symbol output[:audio_codec] = mplayer_track[:codec] else output[:audio_codec] = ffmpeg_track[:codec] || mplayer_track[:codec] end output end def get_container_info(ffmpeg_track, mplayer_track) output = high_prio = ffmpeg_track || {} low_prio = mplayer_track || {} output[:bitrate] = high_prio[:bitrate] || low_prio[:bitrate] output[:length] = high_prio[:length] || low_prio[:length] output[:file_name] = high_prio[:file_name] || low_prio[:file_name] output[:demuxer] = high_prio[:demuxer] || low_prio[:demuxer] output end def video_aspect_ratio return nil unless video? ratio = width.to_f / height.to_f return nil if ratio.nan? diffs = {|ar| [(ar - ratio).abs, ar]} diffs.sort! {|x, y| x[0] <=> y[0]} diffs.first[1] end def derive_values store(:video_aspect, video_aspect_ratio) if (video? && has_key?(:width) && has_key?(:height)) if file_name && (m = file_name.match(/.+\.(\w+)/)) store(:file_extension, m[1]) end end def fix_dimensions [:width, :height].each do |key| if has_key?(key) and (fetch(key) % 2 == 1) store(key, fetch(key) - 1) end end end # Intercept calls def method_missing(method_name, *args) if (FIELD_TYPES[method_name]) self[method_name] else super end end end class FfmpegIntegrator attr_accessor :tracks BINARY = ["ffmpeg"] OPTIONS = ["-i"] TIMEOUT = 60 def initialize(file_path) commandline = [] commandline += BINARY commandline += OPTIONS commandline += [file_path] puts "trying to run: #{commandline.join(' ')}" result = begin timeout(TIMEOUT) do Open3.popen3(*commandline) do |i, o, e| [,] end end rescue Timeout::Error => e puts "Timeout reached when inspecting #{file_path} with ffmpeg" raise e end result = result.join("\n") ffmpeg_values = start_index = result.index("Input #0, ") @tracks = {} unless start_index.nil? result = result[start_index..-1] result.split(/\n/).each do |line| line.strip! if match = line.match(/^Duration: ((\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d(.\d)?)), .*, bitrate: (\d+) kb\/s/) puts "found duration #{line}" ffmpeg_values[:container] = {:type => :container} if match[1] hours = match[2] ? match[2].to_i : 0 minutes = match[3] ? match[3].to_i : 0 seconds = match[4] ? match[4].to_f : 0 ffmpeg_values[:container][:length] = (hours * 60 * 60) + (minutes * 60) + seconds end if match[6] ffmpeg_values[:container][:bitrate] = match[6].to_i * 1000 end elsif match = line.match(/^Stream #0.(\d).*: Video: ([^,]*)(, [^,]*)?(, (\d+)x(\d+))(, (\d+.\d+) fps)?/) puts "found video #{line}" track_info = ffmpeg_values["track_#{match[1]}".to_sym] = {:type => :video} if match[2] track_info[:codec] = match[2] end if match[5] track_info[:width] = match[5] end if match[6] track_info[:height] = match[6] end if match[8] track_info[:fps] = match[8] end elsif match = line.match(/^Stream #0.(\d).*: Audio: ([^,]*)(, (\d+) Hz)?(, (mono|stereo))?(, (\d+) kb\/s)?/) puts "found audio #{line}" track_info = ffmpeg_values["track_#{match[1]}".to_sym] = {:type => :audio} if match[2] track_info[:codec] = match[2] end if match[4] track_info[:rate] = match[4] end if match[6] if match[6] == 'stereo' track_info[:channels] = 2 elsif match[6] == 'mono' track_info[:channels] = 1 end end if match[8] track_info[:bitrate] = match[8].to_i * 1000 end elsif match = line.match(/^Stream #0.(\d).*: Data: (.*)/) puts "found data #{line}" track_info = ffmpeg_values["track_#{match[1]}".to_sym] = {:type => :data} else puts "found other #{line}" end end @tracks = MediaFileAttributes.parse_values(ffmpeg_values) end end def self.create_thumbnail(file_path, width, height, time) thumbnail_file_path = "#{file_path}.jpg" commandline = [] commandline += BINARY commandline << '-ss' commandline << time.to_s commandline << '-i' commandline << file_path commandline += ['-f', 'mjpeg', '-deinterlace', '-vframes', '1', '-an', '-y', '-s'] commandline << "#{width}x#{height}" commandline << thumbnail_file_path puts "trying to run: #{commandline.join(' ')}" result = begin timeout(60) do Open3.popen3(*commandline) do |i, o, e| [,] end end rescue Timeout::Error => e puts "Timeout reached when inspecting #{file_path} with ffmpeg" raise e end thumbnail_file = if thumbnail_file.stat.size == 0 FileUtils.rm_f(thumbnail_file.path) throw result.join end return thumbnail_file end end class MplayerIntegrator attr_accessor :tracks BINARY = ["mplayer"] OPTIONS = ["-identify", "-vo", "null", "-ao", "null", "-frames", "0", "-really-quiet", "-msgcharset", "utf8"] TIMEOUT = 60 MPLAYER_TRACK_FIELD_MAP = { 'CODEC' => :codec, 'WIDTH' => :width, 'HEIGHT' => :height, 'FORMAT' => :format, 'ASPECT' => :aspect, 'ID' => :id, 'BITRATE' => :bitrate, 'FPS' => :fps, 'FILENAME' => :file_name, 'LENGTH' => :length, 'DEMUXER' => :demuxer, 'RATE' => :rate, 'NCH' => :channels } def initialize(file_path) commandline = [] commandline += BINARY commandline += OPTIONS commandline += [file_path] puts "trying to run: #{commandline.join(' ')}" result = begin timeout(TIMEOUT) do Open3.popen3(*commandline) do |i, o, e| [,] end end rescue Timeout::Error => e puts "Timeout reached when inspecting #{file_path} with mplayer" raise e end raise "mplayer error when inspecting #{file_path}: #{result.last}" if result.first.empty? && !result.last.empty? mplayer_values = {:container => {:type => :container}} match = result.first.match(/.*ID_AUDIO_ID=(\d).*/) audio_track = mplayer_values["track_#{match[1]}".to_sym] = {:type => :audio} unless match.nil? match = result.first.match(/.*ID_VIDEO_ID=(\d).*/) video_track = mplayer_values["track_#{match[1]}".to_sym] = {:type => :video} unless match.nil? result.first.split(/\n/).each do |line| #puts line if (match = line.match(/ID_([^_]+)(_([^=].*))?=(.*)/)) if match[3] key = MPLAYER_TRACK_FIELD_MAP[match[3]] || match[3] else key = MPLAYER_TRACK_FIELD_MAP[match[1]] || match[1] end case match[1] when 'VIDEO' video_track[key] = match[4] when 'AUDIO' audio_track[key] = match[4] else mplayer_values[:container][key] = match[4] end end end @tracks = MediaFileAttributes.parse_values(mplayer_values) end end class AtomicParsleyIntegrator attr_reader :values, :tracks BINARY = ["AtomicParsley"] OPTIONS = ['-T', '1'] TIMEOUT = 60 def initialize(file_path) commandline = [] commandline += BINARY commandline += [file_path] commandline += OPTIONS puts "trying to run: #{commandline.join(' ')}" result = begin timeout(TIMEOUT) do Open3.popen3(*commandline) do |i, o, e| end end rescue Timeout::Error => e puts "Timeout reached when inspecting #{file_path} with AtomicParsley" raise e end @tracks = {:container => {:type => :container, :ipod_uuid => false}} atomic_parsley_values = if result =~ /Atom uuid=6b6840f2-5f24-4fc5-ba39-a51bcf0323f3/ @tracks[:container][:ipod_uuid] = true atomic_parsley_values[:ipod_uuid] = true end @values = atomic_parsley_values end end class ExifToolIntegrator attr_accessor :aspect_ratio, :poster_time, :width, :height BINARY = ["exiftool"] OPTIONS = ["-q", "-q", "-s", "-t"] TIMEOUT = 60 def initialize(file_path) commandline = [] commandline += BINARY commandline += OPTIONS commandline += [file_path] puts "trying to run: #{commandline.join(' ')}" result = begin timeout(TIMEOUT) do Open3.popen3(*commandline) do |i, o, e| end end rescue Timeout::Error => e puts "Timeout reached when inspecting #{file_path} with ExifTool" raise e end @values = result.split(/\n/).each do |line| line.strip! if match = line.match(/([^\t]+)\t(.+)/) @values[match[1].underscore] = match[2] end end unless @values['aspect_ratio'].blank? aspect_ratio_match = @values['aspect_ratio'].match(/\d+:\d+/) aspect_ratio_match = aspect_ratio_match[0] if aspect_ratio_match case aspect_ratio_match when "16:9", "16/9" @aspect_ratio = MediaFileAttributes::ASPECT_RATIO_16_BY_9 when "4:3", "4/3" @aspect_ratio = MediaFileAttributes::ASPECT_RATIO_4_BY_3 end end unless @values['poster_time'].blank? poster_time_match = @values['poster_time'].match(/(\d+\.\d+)s/) @poster_time = poster_time_match[1].to_f if poster_time_match end unless @values['image_height'].blank? @height = @values['image_height'].to_i end unless @values['image_width'].blank? @width = @values['image_width'].to_i end end end end end