class Order < ActiveRecord::Base autoload :SHA1, 'sha1' autoload :CGI, 'cgi' autoload :CMCIC_Config, 'CMCIC_Config' autoload :CMCIC_Tpe, 'CMCIC_Tpe' include AASM aasm_column :status aasm_initial_state :unpaid aasm_state :unpaid aasm_state :waiting_for_cheque, :after_enter => :waiting_for_cheque_event aasm_state :paid, :after_enter => :payment_confirmation aasm_state :shipped, :after_enter => :enter_shipping_event aasm_state :canceled, :after_enter => :update_patronage aasm_state :closed aasm_event :pay do transitions :to => :paid, :from => [:unpaid, :waiting_for_cheque] end aasm_event :wait_for_cheque do transitions :to => :waiting_for_cheque, :from => :unpaid end aasm_event :start_shipping do transitions :to => :shipped, :from => :paid end aasm_event :cancel do transitions :to => :canceled, :from => [:unpaid, :shipped, :paid] end aasm_event :close do transitions :to => :closed, :from => [:shipped, :canceled] end has_many :order_details, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :order_details, :allow_destroy => true has_many :products, :through => :order_details has_one :order_shipping, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :order_shipping has_one :address_delivery, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :address_delivery has_one :address_invoice, :dependent => :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :address_invoice belongs_to :user validates_associated :user validates_associated :address_delivery, :if => :needs_address_delivery? validates_associated :address_invoice, :if => :needs_address_invoice? validates_associated :order_shipping, :if => :needs_order_shipping? define_index do indexes status, :sortable => true indexes, :facet => true, :sortable => true indexes order_details.description, :facet => true, :sortable => true indexes order_details.sku, :facet => true, :sortable => true indexes order_details.price, :facet => true, :sortable => true end before_save :update_patronage def aasm_current_state_with_event_firing=(state) aasm_events_for_current_state.each do |event_name| event = self.class.aasm_events[event_name] aasm_fire_event(event_name,false) if event && event.all_transitions.any?{ |t| == state || == state.to_sym } end end alias_method :aasm_current_state_with_event_firing, :aasm_current_state PAYPAL_CERT_PEM = File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/certs/paypal_cert.pem") ?"#{Rails.root}/certs/paypal_cert.pem") : '' APP_CERT_PEM = File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/certs/app_cert.pem") ?"#{Rails.root}/certs/app_cert.pem") : '' APP_KEY_PEM = File.exist?("#{Rails.root}/certs/app_key.pem") ?"#{Rails.root}/certs/app_key.pem") : '' # GENERATE ENCRYPTED FORM FOR CHECKOUT def paypal_encrypted paypal = Setting.current.payment_method_settings_with_env(:paypal) values = { :business => paypal[:email], :cmd => '_cart', :upload => 1, :return => paypal[:url_ok], :invoice => id, :notify_url => paypal[:auto_response], :cert_id => paypal[:cert_id], :currency_code => paypal[:currency], :handling_cart => self.order_shipping.price.nil? ? 0 : self.order_shipping.price.round(2) } order_details.all( :group => 'product_id').each_with_index do |item, index| values.merge!({ "amount_#{index+1}" => (item.price).round(2), "item_name_#{index+1}" =>, "item_number_#{index+1}" =>, "quantity_#{index+1}" => item.quantity }) end encrypt_for_paypal(values) end def encrypt_for_paypal(values) begin signed = OpenSSL::PKCS7::sign(,, ''), { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join("\n"), [], OpenSSL::PKCS7::BINARY) OpenSSL::PKCS7::encrypt([], signed.to_der, OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher::new("DES3"), OpenSSL::PKCS7::BINARY).to_s.gsub("\n", "") rescue '' end end def cyberplus_encrypted ts = cyberplus = Setting.current.payment_method_settings_with_env(:cyberplus) payment_config = if cyberplus[:payment_config] =~ /^MULTI:.*count=(\d+)/i and self.payment_plans count = $1.to_i cyberplus[:payment_config].sub('#PRICE',"#{(total*100).to_i / count}") else 'SINGLE' end payment = { :version => cyberplus[:version], :site_id => cyberplus[:site_id], :ctx_mode => Setting.current.payment_method_for_test?(:cyberplus) ? 'TEST' : 'PRODUCTION', :trans_id => ts.strftime('%H%M%S'), :trans_date => ts.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), :validation_mode => '', :capture_delay => '', :payment_config => payment_config, :payment_cards => cyberplus[:payment_cards], :amount => (total*100).to_i, :currency => cyberplus[:currency], :key => cyberplus[:key], :url_cancel => cyberplus[:url_ko], :url_success => cyberplus[:url_ok], :url_refused => cyberplus[:url_ko], :url_return => cyberplus[:url_return], :url_referral => cyberplus[:url_referral], :order_id => id } sign = [:version, :site_id, :ctx_mode, :trans_id, :trans_date, :validation_mode, :capture_delay, :payment_config, :payment_cards, :amount, :currency, :key].map{ |key| payment[key] } payment[:signature] ='+')) return payment end def cmc_cic_encrypted cmc_cic = Setting.currency.payment_method_settings_with_env(:cmc_cic) sReference = "#{rand(1000)}A#{reference}" # Reference: unique, alphaNum (A-Z a-z 0-9), 12 characters max sMontant = '%.2f' % total # Amount : format "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces) sDevise = "EUR" # Currency : ISO 4217 compliant sTexteLibre = "" sDate ="%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S") # transaction date : format dd/mm/YYYY:HH:mm:ss sLangue = "FR" # Language of the company code sUrlOk = CMCIC_URLOK sUrlKo = CMCIC_URLKO sUrlReturn = CMCIC_URL_RETURN sEmail = # customer email sOptions = "" oTpe = oMac = sNbrEch = sDateEcheance1 = sMontantEcheance1 = sDateEcheance2 = sMontantEcheance2 = sDateEcheance3 = sMontantEcheance3 = sDateEcheance4 = sMontantEcheance4 = nil sChaineDebug = "V1.04.sha1.rb--[CtlHmac" + oTpe.sVersion + oTpe.sNumero + "]-" + oMac.computeHMACSHA1("CtlHmac" + oTpe.sVersion + oTpe.sNumero) # Control String for support sChaineMAC = [oTpe.sNumero, sDate, "#{sMontant}#{sDevise}", sReference, sTexteLibre, oTpe.sVersion, sLangue, oTpe.sCodeSociete, sEmail, sNbrEch, sDateEcheance1, sMontantEcheance1, sDateEcheance2, sMontantEcheance2, sDateEcheance3, sMontantEcheance3, sDateEcheance4, sMontantEcheance4, sOptions].join("*") # Data to certify payment = { :version => oTpe.sVersion, :TPE => oTpe.sNumero, :date => sDate, :montant => "#{sMontant}#{sDevise}", :reference => sReference, :MAC => oMac.computeHMACSHA1(sChaineMAC), :url_retour => sUrlReturn, :url_retour_ok => sUrlOk, :url_retour_err => sUrlKo, :lgue => sLangue, :societe => oTpe.sCodeSociete, :debug => sChaineDebug, :mail => sEmail, :bouton => oTpe.sNumero, :url_payment => oTpe.sUrlPaiement } return payment end def elysnet_encrypted setting = Setting.first elysnet = Setting.current.payment_settings_with_env(:elysnet) parm = "merchant_id=#{elysnet[:merchant_id]}" parm += " merchant_country=fr" parm += " amount=#{(total*100).to_i}" parm += " currency_code=978" parm += " pathfile=" + $pathfile parm += " normal_return_url=#{elysnet[:url_ok]}" parm += " cancel_return_url=#{elysnet[:url_ko]}" parm += " automatic_response_url=#{elysnet[:auto_response]}" parm += " language=fr" parm += " payment_means=CB,1,VISA,1,MASTERCARD,1" parm += " header_flag=no" parm += " customer_email=#{}" parm += " order_id=#{}" result = `./lib/elysnet/bin/request #{parm}` #execution of request script tab = result.split("!") payment = tab[3] return payment end # Returns order's amount def total(options = {}) options = {:tax => true, :cart_voucher_discount => true, :cart_special_offer_discount => true, :product_voucher_discount => true, :product_special_offer_discount => true, :patronage => true, :cart_packaging => true, :product_packaging => true, :with_shipping => true}.update(options.symbolize_keys) total = 0.0 order_details.each do |order_detail| product_price = order_detail.price({:tax => options[:tax], :voucher_discount => options[:product_voucher_discount], :special_offer_discount => options[:product_special_offer_discount], :packaging => options[:product_packaging] }) total += product_price * order_detail.quantity end total += order_shipping.price if options[:with_shipping] && order_shipping && order_shipping.price total -= self.voucher_discount.to_f || 0.0 if options[:cart_voucher_discount] && self.voucher_discount total -= self.special_offer_discount.to_f || 0.0 if options[:cart_special_offer_discount] && self.special_offer_discount total -= self.patronage_discount.to_f || 0.0 if options[:patronage] total += self.packaging_price.to_f || 0.0 if options[:cart_packaging] total = self.after_total(total, options) if self.respond_to?(:after_total) total = 0.0 if total < 0 return total end def discount => false, :cart_special_offer_discount => false, :product_voucher_discount => false) - end # def total(with_tax=false, with_currency=true,with_shipping=true,with_special_offer=true, with_voucher=true, with_patronage=true) # amount = 0 # .each do |order_detail| # price = order_detail.price(with_tax, with_currency,with_special_offer,with_voucher) # amount += price if price # end # amount += order_shipping.price if with_shipping && order_shipping && order_shipping.price # amount -= self.special_offer_discount if with_special_offer && self.special_offer_discount # amount -= self.voucher_discount if with_voucher && self.voucher_discount # amount -= self.patronage_discount if with_patronage # return ("%01.2f" % amount).to_f # end def taxes ("%01.2f" % (total - total(:tax => false))).to_f end def total_items return order_details.length end def product_names count = self.order_details.count if count == 1 return else return "#{count} #{I18n.t('product', :count => 2)}" end end def weight end def special_offer_discount_products return order_details.all(:conditions => ['special_offer_discount_price IS NOT NULL']) end def voucher_discount_products return order_details.all(:conditions => ['voucher_discount_price IS NOT NULL']) end def patronage_discount return read_attribute(:patronage_discount_price) if self.patronage_discount_price return 0 unless self.user if self.user.has_nephew_discount? if Setting.first.nephew_discount_percent? self.user.patronage_discount * total(false,false,true,false,false,false) / 100 else self.user.patronage_discount end elsif self.user.has_godfather_discount? if Setting.first.nephew_discount_percent? self.user.patronage_discount * total(false,false,true,false,false,false) / 100 else self.user.patronage_discount end else 0 end end def self.from_cart(cart) if cart and cart.user_id order_details_attributes = cart.cart_items.collect do |cart_product| OrderDetail.from_cart_product(cart_product).attributes end + Product.find_all_by_id(cart.options[:free_product_ids]).collect do |product| OrderDetail.from_free_product(product).attributes end order = self.find_or_initialize_by_reference( order.order_details.destroy_all order.attributes = { :user_id => cart.user_id, :voucher_discount => cart.voucher_discount_price, :special_offer_discount => cart.special_offer_discount_price, :order_details_attributes => order_details_attributes, :reference => } order.build_address_invoice(cart.address_invoice.attributes.update(:person_id => nil)) order.build_order_shipping(OrderShipping.from_cart(cart).attributes) if cart.options[:colissimo].nil? order.build_address_delivery(cart.address_delivery.attributes.update(:person_id => nil)) else order.build_address_delivery(cart.address_from_colissimo.attributes) end self.after_from_cart(order,cart) if self.respond_to?(:after_from_cart) return order end end def valid_shipment? # AddressInvoice and AddressDelivery is obligatory for valid an order (address_invoice and address_invoice.valid?) and (address_delivery and address_delivery.valid?) end def valid_for_payment? valid_shipment? end def packaging_price #TODO get config from cart config 0 end def to_colissimo_params setting = Setting.first colissimo = setting.colissimo_methods require "digest/sha1" order_id = "#{rand(1000)}m#{self.reference}" cart = Cart.find_by_id(self.reference) if transporter = TransporterRule.find_by_id(cart.options[:transporter_rule_id]) price = transporter.variables else price = colissimo[:forwarding_charges] end signature_tmp = "#{colissimo[:fo]}#{self.user.lastname.to_s.parameterize(' ').upcase}#{colissimo[:preparation_time]}#{price}#{self.user_id}#{self.reference}#{order_id}#{colissimo[:sha]}" signature = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(signature_tmp) unless user.civility.nil? civ = I18n.t("civility.label.#{self.user.civility}").upcase else civ = 'MR' end infos = { :ceAdress3 => cart.address_delivery.address.to_s.parameterize(' ').upcase, :ceAdress4 => cart.address_delivery.address_2.to_s.parameterize(' ').upcase, :ceZipCode => cart.address_delivery.zip_code, :ceTown =>' ').upcase, #:cePhoneNumber =>, :ceCivility => civ, :ceName => self.user.lastname.to_s.parameterize(' ').upcase, :ceFirstName => self.user.firstname.to_s.parameterize(' ').upcase, :ceEmail =>, :trClientNumber => self.user_id, :dyForwardingCharges => price, :dyPreparationTime => colissimo[:preparation_time], :trOrderNumber => self.reference, :orderId => order_id, :signature => signature, :pudoFOId => colissimo[:fo] } infos end def update_attributes_from_colissimo(params) case params[:DELIVERYMODE] when 'DOM', 'RDV', 'DOS' self.update_attributes( :order_shipping_attributes => { :name => 'So Colissimo', :price => params[:DYFORWARDINGCHARGES], :colissimo_type => params[:DELIVERYMODE]}, :address_delivery_attributes =>{ :designation => 'So colissimo', :civility => params[:CECIVILITY], :name => params[:CENAME], :firstname => params[:CEFIRSTNAME], :city => params[:CETOWN], :zip_code => params[:CEZIPCODE], :address => params[:CEADRESS3], :address_2 => params[:CEADRESS4], :country_id => Country.find_by_name('FRANCE').id, :form_attributes => { :other_phone => params[:CEPHONENUMBER], :phone => params[:CEPHONENUMBER],:email => params[:CEEMAIL] } } ) else self.update_attributes( :order_shipping_attributes => { :name => 'So Colissimo', :price => params[:DYFORWARDINGCHARGES], :colissimo_type => params[:DELIVERYMODE]}, :address_delivery_attributes => { :designation => 'So colissimo', :civility => params[:CECIVILITY], :name => params[:PRNAME], :firstname => params[:CEFIRSTNAME], :city => params[:PRTOWN], :zip_code => params[:PRZIPCODE], :address => params[:PRADRESS1], :address_2 => params[:PRADRESS2], :country_id => Country.find_by_name('FRANCE').id, :form_attributes => { :colisssimo_point_id => params[:PRID], :other_phone => params[:CEPHONENUMBER], :phone => params[:CEPHONENUMBER],:email => params[:CEEMAIL] } } ) end end private def payment_confirmation if self.user # decrement user's patronage_count if its use has patronage user.decrement(:patronage_count) if user.has_godfather_discount? # increment user's godfather patronage_count if its user's first order user.godfather.increment(:patronage_count) if user.godfather and user.orders.count(:conditions => { :status => 'paid' }) == 1 end end def waiting_for_cheque_event end def enter_shipping_event #TODO write a generic function for this event #Override this function to do what you want end def update_patronage return true unless self.user and self.user.has_patronage_discount? case aasm_current_state when :unpaid # FIXME #User.decrement_counter(:patronage_count,self.user.godfather_id) self.patronage_discount_price = patronage_discount when :canceled user.godfather.increment(:patronage_count) end end def needs_order_shipping? true end def needs_address_delivery? true end def needs_address_invoice? true end end