describe BubbleWrap::Media::Player do describe ".play" do before do @player = @local_file = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(File.join(App.resources_path, 'test.mp3')) end it "should raise error if not modal and no callback given" do should.raise(BW::Media::Error::NilPlayerCallback) do end end it "should yield to a block if not modal" do @did_yield = false do |_player| @did_yield = true end @did_yield.should == true @player.stop end it "should use the MPMoviePlayerController option overrides" do, allows_air_play: true) do |_player| @did_yield = true end @player.media_player.allowsAirPlay.should == true end end =begin describe ".play_modal" do before do @player = @local_file = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(File.join(App.resources_path, 'test.mp3')) end it "should present a modalViewController on root if no controller given" do @controller = App.window.rootViewController @player.play_modal(@local_file) EM.add_timer 2.0 do resume end wait_max 5 do @controller.modalViewController.should.not == nil EM.add_timer 4.0 do resume end @player.stop wait_max 5 do @controller.modalViewController.should == nil @controller = nil @player = nil end end end it "should present a modalViewController if controller given" do parent = App.window.rootViewController @controller = UINavigationController.alloc.init parent.addChildViewController @controller @controller.viewWillAppear(false) parent.view.addSubview(@controller.view) @controller.viewDidAppear(false) @controller.didMoveToParentViewController(parent) EM.add_timer 3.0 do resume end wait_max 5 do @player.play_modal(@local_file, controller: @controller) @controller.modalViewController.should.not == nil EM.add_timer 2.0 do @player.stop end EM.add_timer 4.0 do resume end wait_max 5 do @controller.modalViewController.should == nil @controller.willMoveToParentViewController(nil) @controller.viewWillDisappear(false) @controller.removeFromParentViewController @controller.viewDidDisappear(false) @controller = nil @player = nil end end end end =end end