module WrapIt # # Describes elements that can contain other elements # # @author Alexey Ovchinnikov # class Container < Base switch :deffered_render after_initialize do @children = deffered_render? ? [] : empty_html end def self.child(*args, &block) create_args = args.last.is_a?(Array) ? args.pop : [] klass = args.pop klass.is_a?(Class) && klass = unless klass.is_a?(String) args.push(klass) klass = 'WrapIt::Base' end! { |n| n.is_a?(Symbol) } args.size > 0 || fail(ArgumentError, 'No valid method names given') args.each do |method| define_method method do |*helper_args, &helper_block| # We should clone arguments becouse if we have loop in template, # `extract_options!` below works only for first iterration default_args = create_args.clone options = helper_args.extract_options! options[:helper_name] = method options.merge!(default_args.extract_options!) helper_args += default_args + [options] add_children(klass, block, *helper_args, &helper_block) end end end # protected after_capture do if deffered_render? html = Hash[ { |c| [c.object_id, capture { c.render }] }] if omit_content? @content = html.values.reduce(empty_html) { |a, e| a << e } else safe = html_safe?(@content) @content = @content .split(CONTENT_SPLIT_REGEXP) .reduce(empty_html) do |a, e| match = CONTENT_REPLACE_REGEXP.match(e) safe || e = html_safe(e) a << match.nil? ? e : html[match[:obj_id].to_i(16)] end end else omit_content? && @content = @children end end private CONTENT_SPLIT_REGEXP = /()/ CONTENT_REPLACE_REGEXP = /\A\z/ def add_children(helper_class, class_block, *args, &helper_block) item = Object .const_get(helper_class) .new(@template, *args, &helper_block) class_block.nil? || instance_exec(item, &class_block) item = item.render unless deffered_render? @children << item if deffered_render? || omit_content? if omit_content? empty_html else if deffered_render? html_safe("") else item end end end end end