require 'capistrano/dsl/nginx_paths' require 'capistrano/unicorn_nginx/helpers' include Capistrano::UnicornNginx::Helpers include Capistrano::DSL::NginxPaths namespace :load do task :defaults do set :templates_path, 'config/deploy/templates' set :nginx_config_name, -> { "#{fetch(:application)}_#{fetch(:stage)}" } set :nginx_pid, nginx_default_pid_file set :nginx_service_path, '/etc/init.d/nginx' # set :nginx_server_name # default set in the `nginx:defaults` task # ssl options set :nginx_location, '/etc/nginx' set :nginx_use_ssl, false set :nginx_use_http2, false # if true, verifies the client certificate, and passes a number of variables # in the header to the application server consumption in Ruby code. These # are: # - X-Client-DN: the Distinguished Name of the certificate # - X-Client-Serial: the Serial Number of the certificate # - X-Client-Verify: # - SUCCESS if a certificate was supplied that was signed by the CA. # - FAILED if a certificate was supplied that was not signed by the CA. # - NONE if no certificate was supplied # - X-Client-Cert: the PEM version of the supplied certificate set :nginx_use_client_ssl, false set :nginx_ssl_client_ca, nil # the location of the root CA (on server) set :nginx_ssl_cert, -> { nginx_default_ssl_cert_file_name } set :nginx_ssl_cert_key, -> { nginx_default_ssl_cert_key_file_name } set :nginx_ssl_cert_path, -> { nginx_default_ssl_cert_file_path } set :nginx_ssl_cert_key_path, -> { nginx_default_ssl_cert_key_file_path } set :nginx_upload_local_cert, true set :nginx_ssl_cert_local_path, -> { ask(:nginx_ssl_cert_local_path, 'Local path to ssl certificate: ') } set :nginx_ssl_cert_key_local_path, -> { ask(:nginx_ssl_cert_key_local_path, 'Local path to ssl certificate key: ') } set :nginx_fail_timeout, 0 # see set :nginx_read_timeout, nil set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('log') end end namespace :nginx do task :defaults do on roles :web do set :nginx_server_name, fetch(:nginx_server_name, host.to_s) set :nginx_server_port, fetch(:nginx_server_port, 80) set :nginx_server_ssl_ports, fetch(:nginx_server_ssl_ports, [443]) end end desc 'Setup nginx configuration' task :setup do on roles :web do sudo_upload! template('nginx_conf.erb'), nginx_sites_available_file sudo :ln, '-fs', nginx_sites_available_file, nginx_sites_enabled_file end end desc 'Setup nginx Diffie-Hellman parameters' task :setup_dh_params do next unless fetch(:nginx_use_ssl) on roles :web do next if file_exists?(nginx_dh_params_file) && file_exists?(nginx_dh_params_file) sudo :mkdir, '-p', File.dirname(nginx_dh_params_file) sudo :openssl, 'dhparam -out', nginx_dh_params_file, '2048' end end desc 'Setup nginx ssl certs' task :setup_ssl do next unless fetch(:nginx_use_ssl) on roles :web do next if file_exists?(nginx_ssl_cert_file) && file_exists?(nginx_ssl_cert_key_file) if fetch(:nginx_upload_local_cert) sudo_upload! fetch(:nginx_ssl_cert_local_path), nginx_ssl_cert_file sudo_upload! fetch(:nginx_ssl_cert_key_local_path), nginx_ssl_cert_key_file end sudo :chown, 'root:root', nginx_ssl_cert_file sudo :chown, 'root:root', nginx_ssl_cert_key_file end end desc 'Reload nginx configuration' task :reload do on roles :web do sudo nginx_service_path, 'reload' end end before :setup, :defaults before :setup_dh_params, :defaults before :setup_ssl, :defaults end namespace :deploy do after :publishing, 'nginx:reload' end desc 'Server setup tasks' task :setup do invoke 'nginx:setup' invoke 'nginx:setup_dh_params' invoke 'nginx:setup_ssl' end