module TransForms module NestedForms extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # Call this method from any Form class that uses a Hash attribute to # process nested form models. It will include a number of methods # to more efficiently go through params and records. def has_nested_forms include TransForms::NestedForms::Active end end module Active extend ActiveSupport::Concern protected # A method that can be used to iterate through a Hash value that is # structured the way Rails form helper +fields_for+ will create. # # Example: # # # Given the following Hash: # attr = { '0' => { name: 'John' }, '0' => { name: 'Peter' } } # # # It can be processed like this: # each_nested_hash_for attr do |nested_hash| # name = nested_hash['name'] # # Do something with the name, like create multiple Contact # # records # end # def each_nested_hash_for(attr, &block) if attr.is_a?(Hash) attr.values.each do |v| if v.is_a?(Hash) end end end end # A method that can be used to make sure that there are at least # one nested hash that has a present value. Useful for validating # an attribute when there needs to be at least one association # created together with a main record. def any_nested_hash_for?(attr) attr.is_a?(Hash) && attr.values.detect { |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v.values.detect(&:present?).present? }.present? end def find_from!(collection, identifier, find_by = :id) if identifier.present? collection.detect { |instance| instance.send(find_by) == identifier.to_i } || (raise NotFoundFromError) else raise NotFoundFromError end end end end end TransForms::FormBase.send(:include, TransForms::NestedForms)