require 'time' require 'timeframe' Given /^an? (.+) (has|used) "(.+)" (of\s?)?"(.*)"$/ do |emitter, _, field, __, value| @emitter_class = emitter.gsub(/\s+/,'_').camelize @emitter_class = "#{@emitter_class}Record".constantize Given "it has \"#{field}\" of \"#{value}\"" end Given /^it (has|used) "(.+)" (of\s?)?"(.*)"$/ do |_, field, __, value| @activity_hash ||= {} if value.present? methods = field.split('.') context = @activity_hash methods.each do |method| method = method.to_sym context[method] ||= {} value = Date.parse(value) if value =~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ context[method] = value if method == methods.last.to_sym context = context[method] end end end Given /^the current date is (.+)$/ do |current_date| @current_date = Time.parse(current_date) end When /^emissions are calculated$/ do @activity = @emitter_class.from_params_hash @activity_hash if @current_date do @emission = @activity.emission Timeframe.this_year end else @emission = @activity.emission Timeframe.this_year end @characteristics = @activity.deliberations[:emission].characteristics end Then /^the emission value should be within ([\d\.]+) kgs of ([\d\.]+)$/ do |cusion, emissions| @emission.should be_close(emissions.to_f, cusion.to_f) end Then /^the calculation should have used committees (.*)$/ do |committee_list| committees = committee_list.split(/,\s*/) committees.each do |committee| @characteristics.keys.should include(committee) end end Then /^the (.+) committee should be close to ([^,]+), \+\/-(.+)$/ do |committee, value, cusion| @characteristics[committee.to_sym].to_f.should be_close(value.to_f, cusion.to_f) end Then /^the (.+) committee should be exactly (.*)$/ do |committee, value| @characteristics[committee.to_sym].to_s.should == value end Then /^the active_subtimeframe committee should have timeframe (.*)$/ do |tf_string| days, start, finish = tf_string.split(/,\s*/) @characteristics[:active_subtimeframe].to_s.should =~ /#{days} days starting #{start} ending #{finish}/ end