############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2017 Alan Yorinks - All Rights Reserved. # # This file is part of Ruby Banyan. # # Ruby Banyan is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # or (at your option) any later version. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # banyan_base.rb ############################################################################### require 'rubygems' # noinspection RubyResolve require 'ffi-rzmq' require 'socket' # noinspection RubyResolve require 'msgpack' require 'optparse' # This class is used as a base class to create a Banyan compatible # component that connects to a single Banyan Backplane. # A banyan component inherits and extends this class # to encapsulate zeromq and message pack functionality. # Its methods may be overridden by the user in the derived class # to meet the needs of the component. # noinspection ALL class BanyanBase ## Parameters: # back_plane_ip_address: banyan_base back_planeIP Address. # If not specified, it will be set to the # IP address of local computer. # subscriber_port: banyan_base back plane subscriber port. # This must match that of the banyan_base backplane # publisher_port: banyan_base back plane publisher port. # This must match that of the banyan_base backplane # process_name: Component identifier # loop_time: receive loop sleep time. # # Example Usage: # ## require 'rubygems' ## require 'rb_banyan/banyan_base.rb' ## class Myexample < BanyanBase # # def initialize # super(process_name: 'MyExample') # end ## end # ## MyExample.new # ## => This banner appears in the console ## ## *********************************************************************** ## ***** Reminder: Make Sure That The Backplane is Already Running ***** ## *********************************************************************** ## ## ************************************************************ ## MyExample using BackPlane IP address: ## Subscriber Port = 43125 ## Publisher Port = 43124 ## Loop Time = 0.1 seconds ## ************************************************************ def initialize(back_plane_ip_address: nil, subscriber_port: '43125', publisher_port: '43124', process_name: 'Unnamed', loop_time: 0.1) # If no back plane address was specified, determine the IP address # of the local machine if back_plane_ip_address.nil? @back_plane_ip_address = Socket.ip_address_list[1].ip_address else @back_plane_ip_address = back_plane_ip_address end @subscriber_port = subscriber_port @publisher_port = publisher_port @process_name = process_name @loop_time = loop_time puts('***********************************************************************') puts('***** Reminder: Make Sure That The Backplane is Already Running *****') puts('***********************************************************************') puts puts('************************************************************') # noinspection RubyResolve puts(@process_name + ' using BackPlane IP address: ' + @back_plane_ip_address) puts('Subscriber Port = ' + @subscriber_port) puts('Publisher Port = ' + @publisher_port) puts('Loop Time = ' + (@loop_time.to_s) + ' seconds') puts('************************************************************') # establish the zeromq sub and pub sockets and connect to the backplane @context = ZMQ::Context.create @subscriber = @context.socket ZMQ::SUB # noinspection RubyResolve @subscriber.connect 'tcp://' + @back_plane_ip_address + ':' + @subscriber_port @publisher = @context.socket ZMQ::PUB @publisher.connect 'tcp://' + @back_plane_ip_address + ':' + @publisher_port trap('INT') {'puts Control C detected - bye bye.'; @publisher.close; @subscriber.close; @context.terminate; exit} end # This method sets a subscriber topic. # Parameters: # topic: Message topic - must be in the form of a string def set_subscriber_topic(topic) # You can subscribe to multiple topics by calling this method for # each topic. if topic.is_a? String @subscriber.setsockopt ZMQ::SUBSCRIBE, topic else raise TypeError, 'Subscriber topic must be a string' end end # This method will publish a python_banyan payload and its associated topic # Parameters: # payload: Message payload in the form of a hash # topic: Message topic - must be in the form of a string def publish_payload(payload, topic) if topic.is_a? String message = payload.to_msgpack pub_envelope = topic.encode('UTF-8') @publisher.send_strings([pub_envelope, message], flags = ZMQ::DONTWAIT) else raise TypeError, 'Subscriber topic must be a string' end end # receive_loop # # This is the receive loop for zmq messages. # # This method may be overwritten to meet the needs # of the application before handling received messages. def receive_loop loop do list = [] p = @subscriber.recv_strings(list, ZMQ::DONTWAIT) begin if p == -1 if ZMQ::Util.errno == ZMQ::EAGAIN sleep(@loop_time) else sleep(@loop_time) puts ZMQ::Util.errno end else incoming_message_processing(list[0], MessagePack.unpack(list[1])) end rescue Interrupt clean_up end end end # This method should be overwritten to process incoming messages. # Parameters: # topic: Message topic - must be in the form of a string # payload: Message payload in the form of a hash def incoming_message_processing(topic, payload) puts(topic, payload) end # This method closes all zmq connections. def clean_up @publisher.close @subscriber.close @context.terminate end end