# Twoffein-Client Client-Version: <%= require File.absolute_path("../lib/twoffein-client/version.rb", __FILE__); Twoffein::Client::VERSION %> | API-Version: <%= require File.absolute_path("../lib/twoffein-client/version.rb", __FILE__); Twoffein::Server::VERSION %> This client for [Twoffein](http://twoffein.com/)'s [API](http://twoffein.com/api-faq/). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'twoffein-client' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install twoffein-client ## Usage ``` <%= %x[bundle exec bin/twoffein-client --help] %> ``` ### Credentials You need your credentials (screen_name, api_key) to get access to the Twoffein-API. Please set these as shell environment variables `TWOFFEIN_SCREEN_NAME` and `TWOFFEIN_API_KEY`. Thank's! TWOFFEIN_SCREEN_NAME=NAME TWOFFEIN_API_KEY=KEY twoffein-client drinks ## Examples <% def self.example(title, command); title = "### #{title}" input = "**Input:**\n\n #{command.gsub("bundle exec bin/",'')}" output = "**Output:**\n```\n#{%x[#{command}]}```" [title, input, output].join("\n\n") end %> <%= example "Drinks", "bundle exec bin/twoffein-client drinks" %> <%= example "Drinks (filtered)", "bundle exec bin/twoffein-client drinks --grep club" %> <%= example "Profile", "bundle exec bin/twoffein-client profile" %> <%= example "Cookie", "bundle exec bin/twoffein-client cookie DSIW" %> _Notice: You can't send yourself a cookie._ <%= example "Tweet", "bundle exec bin/twoffein-client tweet clubmate" %> ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request