[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/currency_cloud.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/currency_cloud) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/CurrencyCloud/currencycloud-ruby.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/CurrencyCloud/currencycloud-ruby) # Currency Cloud This is the official Ruby SDK for v2 of Currency Cloud's API. Additional documentation for each API endpoint can be found at [connect.currencycloud.com][connect] ## Installation You don't need this source code unless you want to modify the gem. If you just want to use the library in your application, you should run: `gem install currency_cloud` If you want to build the gem from source: `gem build currency_cloud.gemspec` ## Supported Ruby versions This library aims to support and is [tested against][travis] the following Ruby implementations: * MRI 1.9.3 * MRI 2.0.0 * MRI 2.1.0 * MRI 2.2.0 * [JRuby][jruby] * [Rubinius][rubinius] # Usage ```ruby require 'currency_cloud' ## Configure ## CurrencyCloud.login_id = '' CurrencyCloud.api_key = '' CurrencyCloud.environment = :demonstration # use :production when ready ## Make API calls ## currencies = CurrencyCloud::Reference.currencies #[#"AED", "decimal_places"=>2, "name"=>"United Arab Emirates Dirham"}>, # #"AUD", "decimal_places"=>2, "name"=>"Australian Dollar"}>, # #"CAD", "decimal_places"=>2, "name"=>"Canadian Dollar"}>, # # #"TRY", "decimal_places"=>2, "name"=>"Turkish Lira"}>, # #"USD", "decimal_places"=>2, "name"=>"United States Dollar"}>, # #"ZAR", "decimal_places"=>2, "name"=>"South African Rand"}>] balances = CurrencyCloud::Balance.find #"5a998e06-3eb7-46d6-ba58-f749864159ce", "account_id"=>"e7483671-5dc6-0132-e126-002219414986", "currency"=>"GBP", "amount"=>"20034.78", "created_at"=>"2014-12-04T09:50:35+00:00", "updated_at"=>"2015-03-23T14:33:37+00:00"}>, # #"7b3796d0-35f3-4f47-8554-8020750a8f9d", "account_id"=>"e7483671-5dc6-0132-e126-002219414986", "currency"=>"EUR", "amount"=>"3012.16", "created_at"=>"2014-12-04T09:50:41+00:00", "updated_at"=>"2015-04-13T08:22:50+00:00"}>, # @pagination= # #> ``` ## On Behalf Of If you want to make calls on behalf of another user (e.g. someone who has a sub-account with you), you can execute certain commands 'on behalf of' the user's contact_id. Here is an example: ```ruby CurrencyCloud.on_behalf_of("c6ece846-6df1-461d-acaa-b42a6aa74045") do beneficiary = CurrencyCloud::Beneficiary.create() conversion = CurrencyCloud::Conversion.create() payment = CurrencyCloud::Payment.create() end ``` Alternatively, you can just merge it with an existing params `Hash`, for example: ```ruby CurrencyCloud::Account.create(account_name: 'My Test User', on_behalf_of: "c6ece846-6df1-461d-acaa-b42a6aa74045") ``` Each of the above transactions will be executed in scope of the limits for that contact and linked to that contact. Note that the real user who executed the transaction will also be stored. ## Errors When an error occurs in the API, the library aims to give us much information as possible. Here is an example: ```yaml CurrencyCloud::BadRequestError --- platform: Ruby 1.9.3 request: parameters: login_id: non-existent-login-id api_key: ef0fd50fca1fb14c1fab3a8436b9ecb57528f0 verb: post url: https://devapi.thecurrencycloud.com/v2/authenticate/api response: status_code: 400 date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 22:46:53 GMT request_id: 2775253392756800903 errors: - field: api_key code: api_key_length_is_invalid message: api_key should be 64 character(s) long params: length: 64 ``` This is split into 5 sections: 1. Error Type: In this case `BadRequestError` represents an HTTP 400 error 2. Platform: The Ruby implementation that was used e.g. 'Ruby 2.2' or 'Ruby 1.9.3 (JRuby 1.7.8)'' 3. Request: Details about the HTTP request that was made e.g. the POST parameters 4. Response: Details about the HTTP response that was returned e.g. HTTP status code 5. Errors: A list of errors that provide additional information The final section contains valuable information: - Field: The parameter that the error is linked to - Code: A code representing this error - Message: A human readable message that explains the error - Params: A hash that contains dynamic parts of the error message for building custom error messages When troubleshooting API calls with Currency Cloud support, including the full error in any correspondence can be very helpful. # Development Test cases can be run with: `bundle exec rspec`. There is also a `Guardfile` that is useful for continuously rerunning tests while you develop. ## Dependencies * [HTTParty][httparty] * [json][json] ## Versioning This project uses [semantic versioning][semver]. You can safely express a dependency on a major version and expect all minor and patch versions to be backwards compatible. # Copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Currency Cloud. See [LICENSE][license] for details. [connect]: https://connect.currencycloud.com/documentation/getting-started/introduction [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/CurrencyCloud/currencycloud-ruby [jruby]: http://jruby.org/ [rubinius]: http://rubini.us/ [httparty]: https://github.com/jnunemaker/httparty [json]: https://github.com/intridea/multi_json [semver]: http://semver.org/ [license]: LICENSE.md