window.ckeditor_configuration = { default: { language: 'en', entities_latin: false, forcePasteAsPlainText: true, height: '400px', allowedContent: true, format_tags: 'p;h2;h3', toolbar: [ ['Bold', 'Italic'], ['Format'], ['JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'], ['Subscript', 'Superscript'], ['NumberedList', 'BulletedList'], ['Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor', 'Image', 'MediaEmbed' ], ['Source', 'Maximize', 'ShowBlocks']], extraPlugins: 'mediaembed' } }; /* global CKEDITOR */ jQuery(function() { var body = jQuery('body'); CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(e) { jQuery(e.editor.element.$).addClass("ckeditor-initialized"); }); var remove_array_value = function(arr, value) { var b = ''; for (b in arr) { if (arr[b] === value) { arr.splice(b, 1); break; } } }; var remove_toolbar_item = function(toolbar_config, removable_item) { for(var i = 0; i < toolbar_config.length; i++) { remove_array_value(toolbar_config[i], removable_item); } }; body.on( 'richtextinit', 'textarea.richtext', function( event, extra_config ) { var textarea = jQuery(this); var type ='type'); if (!type) { type = 'default'; } if (typeof window.ckeditor_configuration[type] === 'undefined') { return; } var config = jQuery.extend(true, {}, window.ckeditor_configuration[type]); textarea.closest("form").on( 'beforevalidation', function() { for ( var instance in CKEDITOR.instances ) { if (CKEDITOR.instances.hasOwnProperty(instance)) { CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); } } }); config.width = '100%'; config.height = textarea.outerHeight(); config.filebrowserUploadMethod = 'form'; if( !textarea.attr( 'id' ) ) { textarea.attr( 'id', 'richtext_' + String((new Date()).getTime()).replace(/\D/gi,'') ); } if ('attachment-upload-url') ||'attachment-browse-url')) { if ('attachment-browse-url')) { config.filebrowserBrowseUrl ='attachment-browse-url'); } if ('attachment-upload-url')) { config.filebrowserUploadUrl ='attachment-upload-url'); } } else { remove_toolbar_item(config.toolbar, 'Image'); } if ('external-stylesheet')) { config.contentsCss ='external-stylesheet'); } if (extra_config) { jQuery.each(extra_config, function(index, value){ config[index] = value; }); } textarea.ckeditor(config); textarea.on('richtextsuspend', function() { if ('richtext-suspended')) { return; } CKEDITOR.instances[ textarea.attr('id') ].destroy(); textarea.hide();'richtext-suspended', true); }); textarea.on('richtextresume', function() { if (!'richtext-suspended')) { return; }; textarea.trigger('richtextinit');'richtext-suspended', false); }); textarea.on('focusprepare', function() { if ('richtext-suspended')) { return; } CKEDITOR.instances[ textarea.attr('id') ].focus(); }); }); // initialize richtext editor for any new richtext textarea after any content load body.on('contentloaded', function(e) { var block = jQuery(; var textareas ='textarea.richtext') ? block : block.find( 'textarea.richtext' ); // remove textareas that need not be initialized automatically textareas = textareas.not('.template textarea, textarea.manual-init'); textareas.trigger('richtextinit'); }); body.on('contentbeforeremove', function(e) { // remove ckeditor instances when removing fields var removable_item = jQuery(; var textareas ='textarea.richtext') ? removable_item : removable_item.find( 'textarea.richtext' ); textareas.each(function() { jQuery(this).trigger('richtextsuspend'); }); }); // to avoid losing content ckeditor needs to be disabled and reenabled when used inside a sortable list body.on('sortablestart', function( event ) { jQuery('textarea.richtext').each(function() { jQuery(this).trigger('richtextsuspend'); }); }); body.on('sortablestop sortableupdate', function( event ) { // restore ckeditor on either sortablestop or sortableupdate, whichever comes first // (sortable plugin actually calls update before stop) jQuery('textarea.richtext').each(function() { jQuery(this).trigger('richtextresume'); }); }); // if id of the textarea gets changed, ckeditor needs to be reinitialized body.on('beforeattributechange', 'textarea.richtext', function(event, event_params) { if (event_params.attribute !== 'id') { return; } jQuery(this).trigger('richtextsuspend'); }); body.on('attributechanged', 'textarea.richtext', function(event, event_params) { if (event_params.attribute !== 'id') { return; } jQuery(this).trigger('richtextresume'); }); });