# Before translation # Ok, so each s(:when) has 2 elements: the condition and the consequence # They're not wrapped in an array or anything, so this is a lot more # complicated... s(:defn, :describe_value, s(:scope, s(:block, s(:args), s(:case, s(:ivar, :@value), s(:when, s(:array, s(:lit, 1)), s(:lit, :one) ), s(:when, s(:array, s(:lit, 3..5)), s(:lit, :three_to_five) ), s(:when, s(:array, s(:lit, 7), s(:lit, 9)), s(:lit, :seven_or_nine) ), s(:when, s(:array, s(:call, s(:call, s(:vcall, :value), :*, s(:array, s(:lit, 10))), :<, s(:array, s(:lit, 90)) ) ), s(:lit, :passes_multiplication_test) ), s(:lit, :something_else) ) ) ) )