class RailsInfo::Logs::Server def initialize(options = {log: {}, debug: false}) options ||= {log: {}, debug: false} options[:log] ||= {} @debug = options[:debug] rails_root = options[:log][:rails_root] || Rails.root.to_s env = options[:log][:env] || Rails.env @body = options[:log][:body] @start_after_last_shutdown = options[:log][:start_after_last_shutdown] || true if @body.blank? file_path = "#{rails_root}/log/#{env}.log" @body =, 'r').read if File.exist?(file_path) end @log ||= {} @writes = {} process if @body.present? end def hash @log end def writes @writes end private def process @body = @body.split("\n").map{|l| l.gsub(/\e/, '')}.map(&:strip) reset_log group_by_action? @body.each do |line| process_line(line) @last_action = @action end delete_empty_tabs set_where_column_as_last_one_in_write_tab @body = nil # free memory end def reset_log @log, @action_indexes, @route, @action, @format, @last_action = {}, {}, '', '', '', '' end def group_by_action? group_by_action = false @body.each do |line| if line.match('Processing by') && line.match('#') && line.match(' as ') && line.split(' ').length == 5 # rails 3 group_by_action = true #elsif line.match('Processing') && line.match('#') && line.match(/\[/) && line.match(/\]/) # rails 2 # group_by_action = true #elsif line.match('Started') && line.match(' for ') && line.match(' at ') && line.split(' ').length == 9 # rails 3 # group_by_action = true break end end unless group_by_action @action = 'no_action_grouping' @log[@action] ||= { 'Request' => {}, 'WRITE' => {}, 'READ' => [], 'views' => [], 'misc' => [], 'errors' => []} end end # TODO: process test.log which don't have action grouping, too # TODO: look if newrelic & Co. already does that but are only doing it for the last action # TODO: parse stack traces by grouping the lines by file and than method, generate a pseudo web sequence diagram code for files as participants and their methods # TODO: integrate a code snippet for each line of the stack trace like brakeman & co. do # TODO: extend rails stack trace output by code snippets def process_line(line) return if line.blank? reset_log and return if line.match('Ctrl-C to shutdown server') && @start_after_last_shutdown parse_route(line) and return return if @route.match(/"\/rails\/info.+"/) parse_action(line) and return return if @action.blank? parse_request(line) and return parse_read(line) and return parse_write(line) and return if line.match('Rendered') && line.match('\(') && line.match('ms\)') @log[@action]['Views'] ||= [] line = line.split('Rendered') line.shift @log[@action]['Views'] << line.join('Rendered').split('(').first.strip elsif line.match('Rendering') @log[@action]['Views'] ||= [] line = line.split('Rendering') line.shift @log[@action]['Views'] << line.join('').strip elsif ( line.match('SHOW FIELDS FROM') || (line.match('SQL \(') && line.match('ms\)')) ) else @log[@action]['misc'] << line end end def delete_empty_tabs @log.each do |action,tabs| tabs.each do |tab,content| @log[action].delete(tab) if @log[action][tab].blank? end end end def set_where_column_as_last_one_in_write_tab{|a,t| t['WRITE'].is_a?(Hash) }.each do |action,tabs| tabs['WRITE'].each do |table_name,data| @log[action]['WRITE'][table_name]['columns'] << 'WHERE' end end @writes.each {|table_name,data| @writes[table_name]['columns'] << 'WHERE' } end def parse_route(line) reg_exp = /^Started(.{1,})for/ return false unless line.match(reg_exp) @route = line.match(reg_exp)[1].strip true end def parse_action(line) reg_exp = /^Processing by {1}(.{1,}) {1}as {1}(.{1,})$/ return false unless line.match(reg_exp) @action = line.match(reg_exp)[1].strip @format = line.match(reg_exp)[2].strip init_log_action unless @action.blank? true end def parse_request(line) reg_exp = /^Parameters:( ){1}(\{(.)+\}$)/ if line.match(reg_exp) @log[@action]['Request']['Parameters'] = eval(line.match(reg_exp)[2]) rescue line true else false end end def parse_read(line) reg_exp_begin = '\[([0-9]+)m( {2}|)(SELECT.+)' #[1mCommunity Load (0.5ms) SELECT `communities`.* FROM `communities` WHERE `communities`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1 reg_exp1 = "#{reg_exp_begin}(\\[)" #[1mCACHE (0.0ms) SELECT `communities`.* FROM `communities` WHERE `communities`.`deleted` = 0 AND `communities`.`slug` = 'bronze' LIMIT 1 reg_exp2 = "#{reg_exp_begin}$" reg_exp = if line.match(reg_exp1) reg_exp1 elsif line.match(reg_exp2) reg_exp2 else nil end return false unless reg_exp @log[@action]['READ'] ||= [] @log[@action]['READ'] << line.match(reg_exp)[3].strip true end def parse_write(line) begin_reg_exp = "\\[[0-9]+m *" reg_exp = "#{begin_reg_exp}((INSERT INTO|UPDATE|DELETE FROM)(.)+)$" return false unless line.match(reg_exp) table_name = line.match("(INSERT INTO|UPDATE|DELETE FROM) {1}`([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)`")[2] data = {} if line.match("#{begin_reg_exp}INSERT INTO( ){1}`(.{1,})`( ){1}(.)+$") data = process_insert(line) elsif line.match("#{begin_reg_exp}UPDATE( ){1}`(.{1,})`( ){1}(.)+$") data = process_update(table_name, line) elsif line.match("#{begin_reg_exp}DELETE FROM( ){1}`(.{1,})`( ){1}(.)+$") data = process_delete(table_name, line) else raise NotImplementedError end # TaskTemplate Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO `task_templates` (`slug`, `name`, `created_at`, `product_id`, `updated_at`, `customer_id`, `state`) VALUES('the code', 'a customer name', '2011-08-26 10:22:54', 2, '2011-08-26 10:22:54', 1002, 'draft') # # InputDataItem Update (0.3ms) UPDATE `data_items` SET `input` = '\n \n <__dynamic_form__>\n \n \n Output field 1\n \n \n \n\n', `updated_at` = '2011-08-26 10:22:55' WHERE `id` = 5485 @log[@action]['WRITE'][table_name] ||= { 'columns' => ['-action-', 'id'], 'rows' => [] } @writes[table_name] ||= { 'columns' => ['-action-', 'id'], 'rows' => [] } @log[@action]['WRITE'][table_name]['columns'] = @log[@action]['WRITE'][table_name]['columns'].concat(data.keys).uniq @writes[table_name]['columns'] = @writes[table_name]['columns'].concat(data.keys).uniq @log[@action]['WRITE'][table_name]['rows'] << data @writes[table_name]['rows'] << data true end def process_insert(line) data = {'-action-' => 'INSERT'} columns = line.match(/\(`(.)+\)(( |)VALUES)/)[0].split('VALUES').first.strip.gsub('`', '')[1..-2].split(',').map(&:strip) cells = nil #begin cells = line.match(/(VALUES(| )\()(.)+\)/)[0].split('VALUES').last.strip. gsub(/\('/, '('). gsub(/,(| )'/, ","). gsub(/',(| )'/, ","). gsub(/',(| )/, ","). strip[1..-2].split(',').map(&:strip) #rescue # raise [line, line.match(/(VALUES(| )\()(.)+\)/)].inspect #end columns.each_index {|column_index| data[columns[column_index]] = cells[column_index]} data end def process_update(table_name, line) data = {'-action-' => 'UPDATE'} # "`editable` = 0, `updated_at` = '2012-07-09 16:33:31'" data_string = line.match(/SET (.+) WHERE/)[1].strip conditions = line.match(/WHERE(.+)$/)[1].strip data_string = data_string.gsub(/(', `|, `)/, "||||").gsub(/(` = '|` = )/, "=").gsub(/(`|')/, '').split('||||') data_string.each do |data_element| data_element = data_element.split('=') data[data_element.shift.strip] = data_element.join('=') end if conditions.match("`#{table_name}`.`id` = ([0-9]+)") data['id'] = conditions.match("`#{table_name}`.`id` = ([0-9]+)")[0].split('=').last.strip elsif conditions.match(/`id` = ([0-9]+)/) data['id'] = conditions.match(/`id` = ([0-9]+)/)[0].split('=').last.strip end data['WHERE'] = conditions data end def process_delete(table_name, line) data = {'-action-' => 'DELETE'} # ... WHERE `id` = 5485 conditions = line.split('WHERE').last if conditions.match("`#{table_name}`.`id` = ([0-9]+)") data['id'] = conditions.match("`#{table_name}`.`id` = ([0-9]+)")[0].split('=').last.strip elsif conditions.match(/`id` = ([0-9]+)/) data['id'] = conditions.match(/`id` = ([0-9]+)/)[0].split('=').last.strip end data['WHERE'] = conditions data end def init_log_action if @action_indexes.has_key?(@action) @action_indexes[@action] = @action_indexes[@action] + 1 else @action_indexes[@action] = 1 end @action = "#{@action} ##{@action_indexes[@action]}" @log[@action] ||= { 'Request' => {'Route' => @route, 'Format' => @format}, 'WRITE' => {}, 'READ' => [], 'views' => [], 'misc' => [], 'errors' => []} end end