Given /^the bibliography:$/ do |string| @bibliography = BibTeX.parse(string) end When /^I parse the following file:$/ do |string| @bibliography = BibTeX.parse(string) end When /^I search for "([^"]*)"$/ do |query| @result = @bibliography.query(query) end When /^I search for :(.+)$/ do |query| @result = @bibliography.query(query.to_sym) end When %r{^I search for /(.+)/$} do |query| @result = @bibliography.query( end When /^I (replace|join) all strings(?: in my bibliography)$/ do |method| @bibliography.send("#{method}_strings") end When /^I replace and join all strings(?: in my bibliography)$/ do @bibliography.replace_strings.join_strings end When /^I convert all entries using the filter "([^"]*)"$/ do |filter| @bibliography.convert(filter) end When /^I create an entry with these elements:$/ do |table| @bibliography = entry = table.hashes.first.each_pair do |field, value| entry[field.to_sym] = value end @bibliography << entry.parse_names end When /^I create entries with these elements:$/ do |table| @bibliography = table.hashes.each do |entries| entry = entries.each_pair do |field, value| entry[field.to_sym] = value end @bibliography << entry.parse_names end end Then /^my bibliography should contain the following objects:$/ do |table| @bibliography.each_with_index do |object, index| table.hashes[index].each_pair do |key, value| assert_equal value, object.send(key).to_s end end end Then /^my bibliography should contain th(?:ese|is) (\w+):$/ do |type, table| @bibliography.q("@#{type.chomp!('s')}").zip(table.hashes).each do |object, expected| expected.each_pair do |key, value| assert_equal value, object.send(key).to_s end end end Then /^my bibliography should contain the following numbers of elements:$/ do |table| counts = table.hashes.first counts[[]] = counts.delete('total') if counts.key?('total') counts.each_pair do |type, length| assert_equal length.to_i, @bibliography.find_by_type(type).length end end Then /^my bibliography should contain an entry with (?:key|id) "([^"]*)"$/ do |key| refute_nil @bibliography[key.to_s] end Then /^my bibliography should contain an entry with an? (?:key|id) like "([^"]*)"$/ do |key| pattern = Regexp.compile key refute_nil @bibliography.detect { |e| e.key.to_s =~ pattern } end Then /^my bibliography should contain an entry with (?:key|id) "([^"]*)" and a?n? (\w+) value of "([^"]*)"$/ do |key, field, value| refute_nil @bibliography[key.to_s] assert_equal value, @bibliography[key.to_s][field.downcase.to_sym].to_s end Then /^my bibliography should not contain an entry with (?:key|id) "([^"]*)"$/ do |key| assert_nil @bibliography[key.to_sym] end Then /^there should be exactly (\d+) match(?:es)?$/ do |matches| assert_equal matches.to_i, @result.length end Then /^my bibliography should contain (\d+) (\w+)$/ do |count, type| assert_equal count.to_i, @bibliography.q("@#{type.chomp('s')}").length end Then /^my bibliography should contain (\d+) (\w+) published in (\d+)$/ do |count, type, year| assert_equal count.to_i, @bibliography.q("@#{type.chomp('s')}[year=#{year}]").length end Then /^my bibliography should contain an? (\w+) with id "([^"]*)"$/ do |type, id| assert_equal @bibliography[id.to_sym].type, type.to_sym end Then /^the string "([^"]*)" should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |key, value| assert_equal value, @bibliography.strings[key.to_sym].v.to_s end Then /^the entry with key "([^"]*)" should have a field "([^"]*)" with the value "([^"]*)"$/ do |key, field, value| assert_equal value, @bibliography[key][field.downcase.to_sym].to_s end