# ronin-asn 1 "May 2022" Ronin "User Manuals" ## SYNOPSIS `ronin asn` [*options*] [`-v` \| `--enum-ips`] {`-n`,`--number` *NUMBER* \| `-c`,`--country` *COUNTRY* \| `-N`,`--name` *NAME* \| `-I`,`--ip` *IP*} ## DESCRIPTION Queries ASN information for the given *IP* or searches for the ASN records for the given *NUMBER*, *NAME*, or *COUNTRY* code. ## OPTIONS `-v`, `--verbose` Prints multi-line human readable output. `-U`, `--url` *URI* Overrides the default ASN list URL. Defaults to `https://iptoasn.com/data/ip2asn-combined.tsv.gz`. `-f`, `--file` *FILE* Overrides the default ASN list file. Defaults to `~/.cache/ronin/ronin-support/ip2asn-combined.tsv.gz`. `-u`, `--update` Updates the ASN list file. `-n`, `--number` *NUM*\|AS*NUM* Searches for all ASN records with the AS number. `-C`, `--country-code` *XX*|`None`|`Unknown` Searches for all ASN records with the country code. `-N`, `--name` *NAME* Searches for all ASN records with the matching name. `-I`, `--ip` *IP* Queries the ASN record for the IP. `-4`, `--ipv4` Filters ASN records for only IPv4 ranges. `-6`, `--ipv6` Filter ASN records for only IPv6 ranges. `-E`, `--enum-ips` Enumerate over the IPs within the ASN ranges. `-h`, `--help` Print help information ## EXAMPLES Print verbose output for all ASN records for `AS15133`: ronin asn -v -n 15133 Print verbose output for the ASN record for the IP address ``: ronin asn -v -I Prints all ASN records for the given country code: ronin asn -C US Prints all ASN records for the given ISP: ronin asn -N EDGECAST Enumerate over the IP addresses in the IP range for `AS15133`: ronin asn --enum-ips -n 15133 Enumerate over all IP addresses for all ASN records belonging to the given ISP: ronin asn --enum-ips -N EDGECAST ## FILES `~/.cache/ronin/ronin-support/ip2asn-combined.tsv.gz` The location of the downloaded ASN list. ## AUTHOR Postmodern