// Copyright (C) 2010 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_SVM_C_LiNEAR_TRAINER_Hh_ #define DLIB_SVM_C_LiNEAR_TRAINER_Hh_ #include "svm_c_linear_trainer_abstract.h" #include "../algs.h" #include "../optimization.h" #include "../matrix.h" #include "function.h" #include "kernel.h" #include #include #include "sparse_vector.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename matrix_type, typename in_sample_vector_type, typename in_scalar_vector_type > class oca_problem_c_svm : public oca_problem { public: /* This class is used as part of the implementation of the svm_c_linear_trainer defined towards the end of this file. The bias parameter is dealt with by imagining that each sample vector has -1 as its last element. */ typedef typename matrix_type::type scalar_type; oca_problem_c_svm( const scalar_type C_pos, const scalar_type C_neg, const in_sample_vector_type& samples_, const in_scalar_vector_type& labels_, const bool be_verbose_, const scalar_type eps_, const unsigned long max_iter, const unsigned long dims_ ) : samples(samples_), labels(labels_), C(std::min(C_pos,C_neg)), Cpos(C_pos/C), Cneg(C_neg/C), be_verbose(be_verbose_), eps(eps_), max_iterations(max_iter), dims(dims_) { dot_prods.resize(samples.size()); is_first_call = true; } virtual scalar_type get_c ( ) const { return C; } virtual long get_num_dimensions ( ) const { // plus 1 for the bias term return dims + 1; } virtual bool optimization_status ( scalar_type current_objective_value, scalar_type current_error_gap, scalar_type current_risk_value, scalar_type current_risk_gap, unsigned long num_cutting_planes, unsigned long num_iterations ) const { if (be_verbose) { using namespace std; cout << "objective: " << current_objective_value << endl; cout << "objective gap: " << current_error_gap << endl; cout << "risk: " << current_risk_value << endl; cout << "risk gap: " << current_risk_gap << endl; cout << "num planes: " << num_cutting_planes << endl; cout << "iter: " << num_iterations << endl; cout << endl; } if (num_iterations >= max_iterations) return true; if (current_risk_gap < eps) return true; return false; } virtual bool risk_has_lower_bound ( scalar_type& lower_bound ) const { lower_bound = 0; return true; } virtual void get_risk ( matrix_type& w, scalar_type& risk, matrix_type& subgradient ) const { line_search(w); subgradient.set_size(w.size(),1); subgradient = 0; risk = 0; // loop over all the samples and compute the risk and its subgradient at the current solution point w for (long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) { // multiply current SVM output for the ith sample by its label const scalar_type df_val = labels(i)*dot_prods[i]; if (labels(i) > 0) risk += Cpos*std::max(0.0,1 - df_val); else risk += Cneg*std::max(0.0,1 - df_val); if (df_val < 1) { if (labels(i) > 0) { subtract_from(subgradient, samples(i), Cpos); subgradient(subgradient.size()-1) += Cpos; } else { add_to(subgradient, samples(i), Cneg); subgradient(subgradient.size()-1) -= Cneg; } } } scalar_type scale = 1.0/samples.size(); risk *= scale; subgradient = scale*subgradient; } private: // ----------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------- void line_search ( matrix_type& w ) const /*! ensures - does a line search to find a better w - for all i: #dot_prods[i] == dot(colm(#w,0,w.size()-1), samples(i)) - #w(w.size()-1) !*/ { // The reason for using w_size_m1 and not just w.size()-1 is because // doing it this way avoids an inane warning from gcc that can occur in some cases. const long w_size_m1 = w.size()-1; for (long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) dot_prods[i] = dot(colm(w,0,w_size_m1), samples(i)) - w(w_size_m1); if (is_first_call) { is_first_call = false; best_so_far = w; dot_prods_best = dot_prods; } else { // do line search going from best_so_far to w. Store results in w. // Here we use the line search algorithm presented in section 3.1.1 of Franc and Sonnenburg. const scalar_type A0 = length_squared(best_so_far - w); const scalar_type BB0 = dot(best_so_far, w - best_so_far); const scalar_type scale_pos = (get_c()*Cpos)/samples.size(); const scalar_type scale_neg = (get_c()*Cneg)/samples.size(); ks.clear(); ks.reserve(samples.size()); scalar_type f0 = BB0; for (long i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) { const scalar_type& scale = (labels(i)>0) ? scale_pos : scale_neg; const scalar_type B = scale*labels(i) * ( dot_prods_best[i] - dot_prods[i]); const scalar_type C = scale*(1 - labels(i)* dot_prods_best[i]); // Note that if B is 0 then it doesn't matter what k is set to. So 0 is fine. scalar_type k = 0; if (B != 0) k = -C/B; if (k > 0) ks.push_back(helper(k, std::abs(B))); if ( (B < 0 && k > 0) || (B > 0 && k <= 0) ) f0 += B; } scalar_type opt_k = 1; // ks.size() == 0 shouldn't happen but check anyway if (f0 >= 0 || ks.size() == 0) { // Getting here means that we aren't searching in a descent direction. // We could take a zero step but instead lets just assign w to the new best // so far point just to make sure we don't get stuck coming back to this // case over and over. This might happen if we never move the best point // seen so far. // So we let opt_k be 1 } else { std::sort(ks.begin(), ks.end()); // figure out where f0 goes positive. for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ks.size(); ++i) { f0 += ks[i].B; if (f0 + A0*ks[i].k >= 0) { opt_k = ks[i].k; break; } } } // Don't let the step size get too big. Otherwise we might pick huge steps // over and over that don't improve the cutting plane approximation. if (opt_k > 1.0) { opt_k = 1.0; } // take the step suggested by the line search best_so_far = (1-opt_k)*best_so_far + opt_k*w; // update best_so_far dot products for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dot_prods_best.size(); ++i) dot_prods_best[i] = (1-opt_k)*dot_prods_best[i] + opt_k*dot_prods[i]; const scalar_type mu = 0.1; // Make sure we always take a little bit of a step towards w regardless of what the // line search says to do. We do this since it is possible that some steps won't // advance the best_so_far point. So this ensures we always make some progress each // iteration. w = (1-mu)*best_so_far + mu*w; // update dot products for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dot_prods.size(); ++i) dot_prods[i] = (1-mu)*dot_prods_best[i] + mu*dot_prods[i]; } } struct helper { helper(scalar_type k_, scalar_type B_) : k(k_), B(B_) {} scalar_type k; scalar_type B; bool operator< (const helper& item) const { return k < item.k; } }; mutable std::vector ks; mutable bool is_first_call; mutable std::vector dot_prods; mutable matrix_type best_so_far; // best w seen so far mutable std::vector dot_prods_best; // dot products between best_so_far and samples const in_sample_vector_type& samples; const in_scalar_vector_type& labels; const scalar_type C; const scalar_type Cpos; const scalar_type Cneg; const bool be_verbose; const scalar_type eps; const unsigned long max_iterations; const unsigned long dims; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename matrix_type, typename in_sample_vector_type, typename in_scalar_vector_type, typename scalar_type > oca_problem_c_svm make_oca_problem_c_svm ( const scalar_type C_pos, const scalar_type C_neg, const in_sample_vector_type& samples, const in_scalar_vector_type& labels, const bool be_verbose, const scalar_type eps, const unsigned long max_iterations, const unsigned long dims ) { return oca_problem_c_svm( C_pos, C_neg, samples, labels, be_verbose, eps, max_iterations, dims); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename K > class svm_c_linear_trainer { public: typedef K kernel_type; typedef typename kernel_type::scalar_type scalar_type; typedef typename kernel_type::sample_type sample_type; typedef typename kernel_type::mem_manager_type mem_manager_type; typedef decision_function trained_function_type; // You are getting a compiler error on this line because you supplied a non-linear kernel // to the svm_c_linear_trainer object. You have to use one of the linear kernels with this // trainer. COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT((is_same_type >::value || is_same_type >::value )); svm_c_linear_trainer ( ) { Cpos = 1; Cneg = 1; verbose = false; eps = 0.001; max_iterations = 10000; learn_nonnegative_weights = false; last_weight_1 = false; } explicit svm_c_linear_trainer ( const scalar_type& C ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(C > 0, "\t svm_c_linear_trainer::svm_c_linear_trainer()" << "\n\t C must be greater than 0" << "\n\t C: " << C << "\n\t this: " << this ); Cpos = C; Cneg = C; verbose = false; eps = 0.001; max_iterations = 10000; learn_nonnegative_weights = false; last_weight_1 = false; } void set_epsilon ( scalar_type eps_ ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(eps_ > 0, "\t void svm_c_linear_trainer::set_epsilon()" << "\n\t eps_ must be greater than 0" << "\n\t eps_: " << eps_ << "\n\t this: " << this ); eps = eps_; } const scalar_type get_epsilon ( ) const { return eps; } unsigned long get_max_iterations ( ) const { return max_iterations; } void set_max_iterations ( unsigned long max_iter ) { max_iterations = max_iter; } void be_verbose ( ) { verbose = true; } void be_quiet ( ) { verbose = false; } void set_oca ( const oca& item ) { solver = item; } const oca get_oca ( ) const { return solver; } const kernel_type get_kernel ( ) const { return kernel_type(); } bool learns_nonnegative_weights ( ) const { return learn_nonnegative_weights; } void set_learns_nonnegative_weights ( bool value ) { learn_nonnegative_weights = value; if (learn_nonnegative_weights) prior.set_size(0); } bool forces_last_weight_to_1 ( ) const { return last_weight_1; } void force_last_weight_to_1 ( bool should_last_weight_be_1 ) { last_weight_1 = should_last_weight_be_1; if (last_weight_1) prior.set_size(0); } void set_prior ( const trained_function_type& prior_ ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(prior_.basis_vectors.size() == 1 && prior_.alpha(0) == 1, "\t void svm_c_linear_trainer::set_prior()" << "\n\t The supplied prior could not have been created by this object's train() method." << "\n\t prior_.basis_vectors.size(): " << prior_.basis_vectors.size() << "\n\t prior_.alpha(0): " << prior_.alpha(0) << "\n\t this: " << this ); prior = sparse_to_dense(prior_.basis_vectors(0)); prior_b = prior_.b; learn_nonnegative_weights = false; last_weight_1 = false; } bool has_prior ( ) const { return prior.size() != 0; } void set_c ( scalar_type C ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(C > 0, "\t void svm_c_linear_trainer::set_c()" << "\n\t C must be greater than 0" << "\n\t C: " << C << "\n\t this: " << this ); Cpos = C; Cneg = C; } const scalar_type get_c_class1 ( ) const { return Cpos; } const scalar_type get_c_class2 ( ) const { return Cneg; } void set_c_class1 ( scalar_type C ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(C > 0, "\t void svm_c_linear_trainer::set_c_class1()" << "\n\t C must be greater than 0" << "\n\t C: " << C << "\n\t this: " << this ); Cpos = C; } void set_c_class2 ( scalar_type C ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(C > 0, "\t void svm_c_linear_trainer::set_c_class2()" << "\n\t C must be greater than 0" << "\n\t C: " << C << "\n\t this: " << this ); Cneg = C; } template < typename in_sample_vector_type, typename in_scalar_vector_type > const decision_function train ( const in_sample_vector_type& x, const in_scalar_vector_type& y ) const { scalar_type obj; return do_train(mat(x),mat(y),obj); } template < typename in_sample_vector_type, typename in_scalar_vector_type > const decision_function train ( const in_sample_vector_type& x, const in_scalar_vector_type& y, scalar_type& svm_objective ) const { return do_train(mat(x),mat(y),svm_objective); } private: template < typename in_sample_vector_type, typename in_scalar_vector_type > const decision_function do_train ( const in_sample_vector_type& x, const in_scalar_vector_type& y, scalar_type& svm_objective ) const { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(is_learning_problem(x,y) == true, "\t decision_function svm_c_linear_trainer::train(x,y)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t x.nr(): " << x.nr() << "\n\t y.nr(): " << y.nr() << "\n\t x.nc(): " << x.nc() << "\n\t y.nc(): " << y.nc() << "\n\t is_learning_problem(x,y): " << is_learning_problem(x,y) ); #ifdef ENABLE_ASSERTS for (long i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { DLIB_ASSERT(y(i) == +1 || y(i) == -1, "\t decision_function svm_c_linear_trainer::train(x,y)" << "\n\t invalid inputs were given to this function" << "\n\t y("< w_type; w_type w; const unsigned long num_dims = max_index_plus_one(x); unsigned long num_nonnegative = 0; if (learn_nonnegative_weights) { num_nonnegative = num_dims; } unsigned long force_weight_1_idx = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (last_weight_1) { force_weight_1_idx = num_dims-1; } if (has_prior()) { if (is_matrix::value) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT(num_dims == (unsigned long)prior.size(), "\t decision_function svm_c_linear_trainer::train(x,y)" << "\n\t The dimension of the training vectors must match the dimension of\n" << "\n\t those used to create the prior." << "\n\t num_dims: " << num_dims << "\n\t prior.size(): " << prior.size() ); } const unsigned long dims = std::max(num_dims, (unsigned long)prior.size()); // In the case of sparse sample vectors, it is possible that the input // vector dimensionality is larger than the prior vector dimensionality. // We need to check for this case and pad prior with zeros if it is the // case. matrix prior_temp = join_cols(join_cols(prior, zeros_matrix(dims-prior.size(),1)), mat(prior_b)); svm_objective = solver( make_oca_problem_c_svm(Cpos, Cneg, x, y, verbose, eps, max_iterations, dims), w, prior_temp); } else { svm_objective = solver( make_oca_problem_c_svm(Cpos, Cneg, x, y, verbose, eps, max_iterations, num_dims), w, num_nonnegative, force_weight_1_idx); } // put the solution into a decision function and then return it decision_function df; df.b = static_cast(w(w.size()-1)); df.basis_vectors.set_size(1); // Copy the plane normal into the output basis vector. The output vector might be a // sparse vector container so we need to use this special kind of copy to handle that case. // As an aside, the reason for using max_index_plus_one() and not just w.size()-1 is because // doing it this way avoids an inane warning from gcc that can occur in some cases. const long out_size = max_index_plus_one(x); assign(df.basis_vectors(0), matrix_cast(colm(w, 0, out_size))); df.alpha.set_size(1); df.alpha(0) = 1; return df; } scalar_type Cpos; scalar_type Cneg; oca solver; scalar_type eps; bool verbose; unsigned long max_iterations; bool learn_nonnegative_weights; bool last_weight_1; matrix prior; scalar_type prior_b; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // DLIB_SVM_C_LiNEAR_TRAINER_Hh_