require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/face' describe Puppet::Face[:node, '0.0.1'] do describe '#cleanup' do it "should clean everything" do { "cert" => ['hostname'], "cached_facts" => ['hostname'], "cached_node" => ['hostname'], "reports" => ['hostname'], }.each { |k, v| expect(subject).to receive("clean_#{k}".to_sym).with(*v) } subject.cleanup('hostname') end end describe 'when running #clean' do it 'should invoke #cleanup' do expect(subject).to receive(:cleanup).with('hostname') subject.clean('hostname') end end describe "clean action" do before :each do allow(subject).to receive(:cleanup) end it "should have a clean action" do expect(subject).to be_action :clean end it "should not accept a call with no arguments" do expect { subject.clean() }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /At least one node should be passed/) end it "should accept a node name" do expect { subject.clean('hostname') }.to_not raise_error end it "should accept more than one node name" do expect do subject.clean('hostname', 'hostname2', {}) end.to_not raise_error expect do subject.clean('hostname', 'hostname2', 'hostname3') end.to_not raise_error end context "clean action" do subject { Puppet::Face[:node, :current] } before :each do allow(Puppet::Util::Log).to receive(:newdestination) allow(Puppet::Util::Log).to receive(:level=) end describe "during setup" do it "should set facts terminus and cache class to yaml" do expect(Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection).to receive(:terminus_class=).with(:yaml) expect(Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection).to receive(:cache_class=).with(:yaml) subject.clean('hostname') end it "should run in server mode" do subject.clean('hostname') expect(Puppet.run_mode).to be_server end it "should set node cache as yaml" do expect(Puppet::Node.indirection).to receive(:terminus_class=).with(:yaml) expect(Puppet::Node.indirection).to receive(:cache_class=).with(:yaml) subject.clean('hostname') end end describe "when cleaning certificate", :if => Puppet.features.puppetserver_ca? do it "should call the CA CLI gem's clean action" do expect_any_instance_of(Puppetserver::Ca::Action::Clean). to receive(:clean_certs). with(['hostname'], anything). and_return(:success) if Puppet[:cadir].start_with?(Puppet[:ssldir]) expect_any_instance_of(LoggerIO). to receive(:warn). with(/cadir is currently configured to be inside/) end expect(Puppet).not_to receive(:warning) result = subject.clean_cert('hostname') expect(result).to eq(0) end it "should not call the CA CLI gem's clean action if the gem is missing" do expect(Puppet.features).to receive(:puppetserver_ca?).and_return(false) expect_any_instance_of(Puppetserver::Ca::Action::Clean).not_to receive(:run) subject.clean_cert("hostname") end end describe "when cleaning cached facts" do it "should destroy facts" do @host = 'node' expect(Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection).to receive(:destroy).with(@host) subject.clean_cached_facts(@host) end end describe "when cleaning cached node" do it "should destroy the cached node" do expect(Puppet::Node.indirection).to receive(:destroy).with(@host) subject.clean_cached_node(@host) end end describe "when cleaning archived reports" do it "should tell the reports to remove themselves" do allow(Puppet::Transaction::Report.indirection).to receive(:destroy).with(@host) subject.clean_reports(@host) end end end end end