$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless $:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) def require_active_support require 'active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' require 'active_support/core_ext/duplicable' Array.send(:include, ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Array::ExtractOptions) Hash.send(:include, ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Hash::IndifferentAccess) require 'active_support/core_ext/class/inheritable_attributes' end begin require_active_support rescue LoadError require 'rubygems' require_active_support end # This allows us to call blah(&:some_method) instead of blah{|i| i.some_method } unless Symbol.instance_methods.include?('to_proc') class Symbol def to_proc Proc.new {|obj| obj.send(self) } end end end # http://rpheath.com/posts/341-ruby-inject-with-index unless Array.instance_methods.include?("inject_with_index") module Enumerable def inject_with_index(injected) each_with_index{ |obj, index| injected = yield(injected, obj, index) } injected end end end module HashMapper VERSION = '0.0.8' # we need this for inheritable mappers, which is annoying because it needs ActiveSupport, kinda overkill. # def self.extended(base) base.class_eval do write_inheritable_attribute :maps, [] class_inheritable_accessor :maps end end def map(from, to, using=nil, &filter) self.maps << Map.new(from, to, using) to.filter = filter if block_given? # Useful if just one block given end def from(path, &filter) path_map = PathMap.new(path) path_map.filter = filter if block_given? # Useful if two blocks given path_map end alias :to :from def using(mapper_class) mapper_class end def normalize(a_hash) perform_hash_mapping a_hash, :normalize end def denormalize(a_hash) perform_hash_mapping a_hash, :denormalize end def before_normalize(&blk) @before_normalize = blk end def before_denormalize(&blk) @before_denormalize = blk end def after_normalize(&blk) @after_normalize = blk end def after_denormalize(&blk) @after_denormalize = blk end protected def perform_hash_mapping(a_hash, meth) output = {} # Before filter before_filter = instance_eval "@before_#{meth}" a_hash = before_filter.call(a_hash, output) if before_filter # Do the mapping maps.each do |m| m.process_into(output, a_hash, meth) end # After filter after_filter = instance_eval "@after_#{meth}" output = after_filter.call(a_hash, output) if after_filter # Return output end # Contains PathMaps # Makes them interact # class Map attr_reader :path_from, :path_to, :delegated_mapper def initialize(path_from, path_to, delegated_mapper = nil) @path_from, @path_to, @delegated_mapper = path_from, path_to, delegated_mapper end def process_into(output, input, meth = :normalize) path_1, path_2 = (meth == :normalize ? [path_from, path_to] : [path_to, path_from]) catch :no_value do value = get_value_from_input(output, input, path_1, meth) add_value_to_hash!(output, path_2, value) end end protected def get_value_from_input(output, input, path, meth) value = path.inject(input) do |h,e| v = h.with_indifferent_access[e] # this does it, but uses ActiveSupport throw :no_value if v.nil?#.has_key?(e) v end delegated_mapper ? delegate_to_nested_mapper(value, meth) : value end def delegate_to_nested_mapper(value, meth) case value when Array value.map {|h| delegated_mapper.send(meth, h)} when nil throw :no_value else delegated_mapper.send(meth, value) end end def add_value_to_hash!(hash, path, value) path.inject_with_index(hash) do |h,e,i| if !h[e].nil? # it can be FALSE h[e] else h[e] = (i == path.size-1 ? path.apply_filter(value) : {}) end end end end # contains array of path segments # class PathMap include Enumerable attr_reader :segments attr_writer :filter def initialize(path) @path = path.dup @segments = parse(path) @filter = lambda{|value| value}# default filter does nothing end def apply_filter(value) @filter.call(value) end def each(&blk) @segments.each(&blk) end def first @segments.first end def last @segments.last end def size @segments.size end private def parse(path) path.sub(/^\//,'').split('/').map(&:to_sym) end end end