webshims.register('form-native-extend', function($, webshims, window, doc, undefined, options){ "use strict"; var support = webshims.support; if(!support.formvalidation || webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){return;} var typeModels = webshims.inputTypes; var runTest = false; var validityRules = {}; var updateValidity = (function(){ var timer; var getValidity = function(){ $(this).prop('validity'); }; var update = function(){ $('input').each(getValidity); }; return function(){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(update, 9); }; })(); webshims.addInputType = function(type, obj){ typeModels[type] = obj; runTest = true; //update validity of all implemented input types if($.isDOMReady && support.formvalidation && !webshims.bugs.bustedValidity){ updateValidity(); } }; webshims.addValidityRule = function(type, fn){ validityRules[type] = fn; }; $.each({typeMismatch: 'mismatch', badInput: 'bad'}, function(name, fn){ webshims.addValidityRule(name, function (input, val, cache, validityState){ if(val === ''){return false;} var ret = validityState[name]; if(!('type' in cache)){ cache.type = (input[0].getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase(); } if(typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type][fn]){ ret = typeModels[cache.type][fn](val, input); } return ret || false; }); }); var formsExtModule = webshims.modules['form-number-date-api']; var overrideValidity = formsExtModule.loaded && !formsExtModule.test(); var validityProps = ['customError', 'badInput','typeMismatch','rangeUnderflow','rangeOverflow','stepMismatch','tooLong', 'tooShort','patternMismatch','valueMissing','valid']; var validityChanger = ['value']; var validityElements = []; var testValidity = function(elem, init){ if(!elem && !runTest){return;} var type = (elem.getAttribute && elem.getAttribute('type') || elem.type || '').toLowerCase(); if(typeModels[type]){ $.prop(elem, 'validity'); } }; var oldSetCustomValidity = {}; ['input', 'textarea', 'select'].forEach(function(name){ var desc = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(name, 'setCustomValidity', { prop: { value: function(error){ error = error+''; var elem = (name == 'input') ? $(this).getNativeElement()[0] : this; desc.prop._supvalue.call(elem, error); if(overrideValidity){ webshims.data(elem, 'hasCustomError', !!(error)); testValidity(elem); } } } }); oldSetCustomValidity[name] = desc.prop._supvalue; }); if(overrideValidity){ validityChanger.push('min'); validityChanger.push('max'); validityChanger.push('step'); validityElements.push('input'); } if(overrideValidity){ var stopValidity; validityElements.forEach(function(nodeName){ var oldDesc = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(nodeName, 'validity', { prop: { get: function(){ if(stopValidity){return;} var elem = (nodeName == 'input') ? $(this).getNativeElement()[0] : this; var validity = oldDesc.prop._supget.call(elem); if(!validity){ return validity; } var validityState = {}; validityProps.forEach(function(prop){ validityState[prop] = validity[prop] || false; }); if( !$.prop(elem, 'willValidate') ){ return validityState; } stopValidity = true; var jElm = $(elem), cache = {type: (elem.getAttribute && elem.getAttribute('type') || elem.type || '').toLowerCase(), nodeName: (elem.nodeName || '').toLowerCase()}, val = jElm.val(), customError = !!(webshims.data(elem, 'hasCustomError')), setCustomMessage ; stopValidity = false; validityState.customError = customError; if( validityState.valid && validityState.customError ){ validityState.valid = false; } else if(!validityState.valid) { var allFalse = true; $.each(validityState, function(name, prop){ if(prop){ allFalse = false; return false; } }); if(allFalse){ validityState.valid = true; } } $.each(validityRules, function(rule, fn){ validityState[rule] = fn(jElm, val, cache, validityState); if( validityState[rule] && (validityState.valid || !setCustomMessage) && ((typeModels[cache.type])) ) { oldSetCustomValidity[nodeName].call(elem, webshims.createValidationMessage(elem, rule)); validityState.valid = false; setCustomMessage = true; } }); if(validityState.valid){ oldSetCustomValidity[nodeName].call(elem, ''); webshims.data(elem, 'hasCustomError', false); } return validityState; }, writeable: false } }); }); validityChanger.forEach(function(prop){ webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify(validityElements, prop, function(s){ testValidity(this); }); }); if(doc.addEventListener){ var inputThrottle; var testPassValidity = function(e){ if(!('form' in e.target)){return;} clearTimeout(inputThrottle); testValidity(e.target); }; doc.addEventListener('change', testPassValidity, true); doc.addEventListener('input', function(e){ clearTimeout(inputThrottle); inputThrottle = setTimeout(function(){ testValidity(e.target); }, 290); }, true); } var validityElementsSel = validityElements.join(','); webshims.addReady(function(context, elem){ if(runTest){ $(validityElementsSel, context).add(elem.filter(validityElementsSel)).each(function(){ testValidity(this); }); } }); } //end: overrideValidity webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'type', { prop: { get: function(){ var elem = this; var type = (elem.getAttribute && elem.getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase(); return (webshims.inputTypes[type]) ? type : elem.type; } } }); }); ;webshims.register('form-number-date-api', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){ "use strict"; if(!webshims.addInputType){ webshims.error("you can not call forms-ext feature after calling forms feature. call both at once instead: $.webshims.polyfill('forms forms-ext')"); } if(!webshims.getStep){ webshims.getStep = function(elem, type){ var step = $.attr(elem, 'step'); if(step === 'any'){ return step; } type = type || getType(elem); if(!typeModels[type] || !typeModels[type].step){ return step; } step = typeProtos.number.asNumber(step); return ((!isNaN(step) && step > 0) ? step : typeModels[type].step) * (typeModels[type].stepScaleFactor || 1); }; } if(!webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache){ webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache = function(attr, elem, cache){ if (!(attr+'AsNumber' in cache)) { cache[attr+'AsNumber'] = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber(elem.attr(attr)); if(isNaN(cache[attr+'AsNumber']) && (attr+'Default' in typeModels[cache.type])){ cache[attr+'AsNumber'] = typeModels[cache.type][attr+'Default']; } } }; } var nan = parseInt('NaN', 10), typeModels = webshims.inputTypes, isNumber = function(string){ return (typeof string == 'number' || (string && string == string * 1)); }, supportsType = function(type){ return ($('<input type="'+type+'" />').prop('type') === type); }, getType = function(elem){ return (elem.getAttribute('type') || '').toLowerCase(); }, isDateTimePart = function(string){ return (string && !(isNaN(string * 1))); }, addMinMaxNumberToCache = webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache, addleadingZero = function(val, len){ val = ''+val; len = len - val.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ val = '0'+val; } return val; }, EPS = 1e-7, typeBugs = webshims.bugs.bustedValidity ; webshims.addValidityRule('stepMismatch', function(input, val, cache, validityState){ if(val === ''){return false;} if(!('type' in cache)){ cache.type = getType(input[0]); } if(cache.type == 'week'){return false;} var base, attrVal; var ret = (validityState || {}).stepMismatch || false; if(typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].step){ if( !('step' in cache) ){ cache.step = webshims.getStep(input[0], cache.type); } if(cache.step == 'any'){return false;} if(!('valueAsNumber' in cache)){ cache.valueAsNumber = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( val ); } if(isNaN(cache.valueAsNumber)){return false;} addMinMaxNumberToCache('min', input, cache); base = cache.minAsNumber; if(isNaN(base) && (attrVal = input.prop('defaultValue'))){ base = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( attrVal ); } if(isNaN(base)){ base = typeModels[cache.type].stepBase || 0; } ret = Math.abs((cache.valueAsNumber - base) % cache.step); ret = !( ret <= EPS || Math.abs(ret - cache.step) <= EPS ); } return ret; }); [{name: 'rangeOverflow', attr: 'max', factor: 1}, {name: 'rangeUnderflow', attr: 'min', factor: -1}].forEach(function(data, i){ webshims.addValidityRule(data.name, function(input, val, cache, validityState) { var ret = (validityState || {})[data.name] || false; if(val === ''){return ret;} if (!('type' in cache)) { cache.type = getType(input[0]); } if (typeModels[cache.type] && typeModels[cache.type].asNumber) { if(!('valueAsNumber' in cache)){ cache.valueAsNumber = typeModels[cache.type].asNumber( val ); } if(isNaN(cache.valueAsNumber)){ return false; } addMinMaxNumberToCache(data.attr, input, cache); if(isNaN(cache[data.attr+'AsNumber'])){ return ret; } ret = ( cache[data.attr+'AsNumber'] * data.factor < cache.valueAsNumber * data.factor - EPS ); } return ret; }); }); webshims.reflectProperties(['input'], ['max', 'min', 'step']); //IDLs and methods, that aren't part of constrain validation, but strongly tight to it var valueAsNumberDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'valueAsNumber', { prop: { get: function(){ var elem = this; var type = getType(elem); var ret = (typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asNumber) ? typeModels[type].asNumber($.prop(elem, 'value')) : (valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supget && valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supget.apply(elem, arguments)); if(ret == null){ ret = nan; } return ret; }, set: function(val){ var elem = this; var type = getType(elem); if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].numberToString){ //is NaN a number? if(isNaN(val)){ $.prop(elem, 'value', ''); return; } var set = typeModels[type].numberToString(val); if(set !== false){ $.prop(elem, 'value', set); } else { webshims.error('INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11'); } } else if(valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supset) { valueAsNumberDescriptor.prop._supset.apply(elem, arguments); } } } }); var valueAsDateDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'valueAsDate', { prop: { get: function(){ var elem = this; var type = getType(elem); return (typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asDate && !typeModels[type].noAsDate) ? typeModels[type].asDate($.prop(elem, 'value')) : valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supget && valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supget.call(elem) || null; }, set: function(value){ var elem = this; var type = getType(elem); if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].dateToString && !typeModels[type].noAsDate){ if(value === null){ $.prop(elem, 'value', ''); return ''; } var set = typeModels[type].dateToString(value); if(set !== false){ $.prop(elem, 'value', set); return set; } else { webshims.error('INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11'); } } else { return valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supset && valueAsDateDescriptor.prop._supset.apply(elem, arguments) || null; } } } }); $.each({stepUp: 1, stepDown: -1}, function(name, stepFactor){ var stepDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', name, { prop: { value: function(factor){ var step, val, valModStep, alignValue, cache, base, attrVal; var type = getType(this); if(typeModels[type] && typeModels[type].asNumber){ cache = {type: type}; if(!factor){ factor = 1; webshims.warn("you should always use a factor for stepUp/stepDown"); } factor *= stepFactor; step = webshims.getStep(this, type); if(step == 'any'){ webshims.info("step is 'any' can't apply stepUp/stepDown"); throw('invalid state error'); } webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache('min', $(this), cache); webshims.addMinMaxNumberToCache('max', $(this), cache); val = $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber'); if(factor > 0 && !isNaN(cache.minAsNumber) && (isNaN(val) || cache.minAsNumber > val)){ $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber', cache.minAsNumber); return; } else if(factor < 0 && !isNaN(cache.maxAsNumber) && (isNaN(val) || cache.maxAsNumber < val)){ $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber', cache.maxAsNumber); return; } if(isNaN(val)){ val = 0; } base = cache.minAsNumber; if(isNaN(base) && (attrVal = $.prop(this, 'defaultValue'))){ base = typeModels[type].asNumber( attrVal ); } if(!base){ base = 0; } step *= factor; val = (val + step).toFixed(5) * 1; valModStep = (val - base) % step; if ( valModStep && (Math.abs(valModStep) > EPS) ) { alignValue = val - valModStep; alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step ); val = alignValue.toFixed(5) * 1; } if( (!isNaN(cache.maxAsNumber) && val > cache.maxAsNumber) || (!isNaN(cache.minAsNumber) && val < cache.minAsNumber) ){ webshims.info("max/min overflow can't apply stepUp/stepDown"); return; } $.prop(this, 'valueAsNumber', val); } else if(stepDescriptor.prop && stepDescriptor.prop._supvalue){ return stepDescriptor.prop._supvalue.apply(this, arguments); } else { webshims.info("no step method for type: "+ type); throw('invalid state error'); } } } }); }); /* * ToDO: WEEK */ // var getWeek = function(date){ // var time; // var checkDate = new Date(date.getTime()); // // checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() + 4 - (checkDate.getDay() || 7)); // // time = checkDate.getTime(); // checkDate.setMonth(0); // checkDate.setDate(1); // return Math.floor(Math.round((time - checkDate) / 86400000) / 7) + 1; // }; // // var setWeek = function(year, week){ // var date = new Date(year, 0, 1); // // week = (week - 1) * 86400000 * 7; // date = new Date(date.getTime() + week); // date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1 - (date.getDay() || 7)); // return date; // }; var typeProtos = { number: { bad: function(val){ return !(isNumber(val)); }, step: 1, //stepBase: 0, 0 = default stepScaleFactor: 1, asNumber: function(str){ return (isNumber(str)) ? str * 1 : nan; }, numberToString: function(num){ return (isNumber(num)) ? num : false; } }, range: { minDefault: 0, maxDefault: 100 }, color: { bad: (function(){ var cReg = /^\u0023[a-f0-9]{6}$/; return function(val){ return (!val || val.length != 7 || !(cReg.test(val))); }; })() }, date: { bad: function(val){ if(!val || !val.split || !(/\d$/.test(val))){return true;} var i; var valA = val.split(/\u002D/); if(valA.length !== 3){return true;} var ret = false; if(valA[0].length < 4 || valA[1].length != 2 || valA[1] > 12 || valA[2].length != 2 || valA[2] > 33){ ret = true; } else { for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){ if(!isDateTimePart(valA[i])){ ret = true; break; } } } return ret || (val !== this.dateToString( this.asDate(val, true) ) ); }, step: 1, //stepBase: 0, 0 = default stepScaleFactor: 86400000, asDate: function(val, _noMismatch){ if(!_noMismatch && this.bad(val)){ return null; } return new Date(this.asNumber(val, true)); }, asNumber: function(str, _noMismatch){ var ret = nan; if(_noMismatch || !this.bad(str)){ str = str.split(/\u002D/); ret = Date.UTC(str[0], str[1] - 1, str[2]); } return ret; }, numberToString: function(num){ return (isNumber(num)) ? this.dateToString(new Date( num * 1)) : false; }, dateToString: function(date){ return (date && date.getFullYear) ? addleadingZero(date.getUTCFullYear(), 4) +'-'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCMonth()+1, 2) +'-'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCDate(), 2) : false; } }, /* * ToDO: WEEK */ // week: { // bad: function(val){ // if(!val || !val.split){return true;} // var valA = val.split('-W'); // var ret = true; // if(valA.length == 2 && valA[0].length > 3 && valA.length == 2){ // ret = this.dateToString(setWeek(valA[0], valA[1])) != val; // } // return ret; // }, // step: 1, // stepScaleFactor: 604800000, // stepBase: -259200000, // asDate: function(str, _noMismatch){ // var ret = null; // if(_noMismatch || !this.bad(str)){ // ret = str.split('-W'); // ret = setWeek(ret[0], ret[1]); // } // return ret; // }, // asNumber: function(str, _noMismatch){ // var ret = nan; // var date = this.asDate(str, _noMismatch); // if(date && date.getUTCFullYear){ // ret = date.getTime(); // } // return ret; // }, // dateToString: function(date){ // var week, checkDate; // var ret = false; // if(date && date.getFullYear){ // week = getWeek(date); // if(week == 1){ // checkDate = new Date(date.getTime()); // checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() + 7); // date.setUTCFullYear(checkDate.getUTCFullYear()); // } // ret = addleadingZero(date.getUTCFullYear(), 4) +'-W'+addleadingZero(week, 2); // } // return ret; // }, // numberToString: function(num){ // return (isNumber(num)) ? this.dateToString(new Date( num * 1)) : false; // } // }, time: { bad: function(val, _getParsed){ if(!val || !val.split || !(/\d$/.test(val))){return true;} val = val.split(/\u003A/); if(val.length < 2 || val.length > 3){return true;} var ret = false, sFraction; if(val[2]){ val[2] = val[2].split(/\u002E/); sFraction = parseInt(val[2][1], 10); val[2] = val[2][0]; } $.each(val, function(i, part){ if(!isDateTimePart(part) || part.length !== 2){ ret = true; return false; } }); if(ret){return true;} if(val[0] > 23 || val[0] < 0 || val[1] > 59 || val[1] < 0){ return true; } if(val[2] && (val[2] > 59 || val[2] < 0 )){ return true; } if(sFraction && isNaN(sFraction)){ return true; } if(sFraction){ if(sFraction < 100){ sFraction *= 100; } else if(sFraction < 10){ sFraction *= 10; } } return (_getParsed === true) ? [val, sFraction] : false; }, step: 60, stepBase: 0, stepScaleFactor: 1000, asDate: function(val){ val = new Date(this.asNumber(val)); return (isNaN(val)) ? null : val; }, asNumber: function(val){ var ret = nan; val = this.bad(val, true); if(val !== true){ ret = Date.UTC('1970', 0, 1, val[0][0], val[0][1], val[0][2] || 0); if(val[1]){ ret += val[1]; } } return ret; }, dateToString: function(date){ if(date && date.getUTCHours){ var str = addleadingZero(date.getUTCHours(), 2) +':'+ addleadingZero(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2), tmp = date.getSeconds() ; if(tmp != "0"){ str += ':'+ addleadingZero(tmp, 2); } tmp = date.getUTCMilliseconds(); if(tmp != "0"){ str += '.'+ addleadingZero(tmp, 3); } return str; } else { return false; } } }, month: { bad: function(val){ return typeProtos.date.bad(val+'-01'); }, step: 1, stepScaleFactor: false, //stepBase: 0, 0 = default asDate: function(val){ return new Date(typeProtos.date.asNumber(val+'-01')); }, asNumber: function(val){ //1970-01 var ret = nan; if(val && !this.bad(val)){ val = val.split(/\u002D/); val[0] = (val[0] * 1) - 1970; val[1] = (val[1] * 1) - 1; ret = (val[0] * 12) + val[1]; } return ret; }, numberToString: function(num){ var mod; var ret = false; if(isNumber(num)){ mod = (num % 12); num = ((num - mod) / 12) + 1970; mod += 1; if(mod < 1){ num -= 1; mod += 12; } ret = addleadingZero(num, 4)+'-'+addleadingZero(mod, 2); } return ret; }, dateToString: function(date){ if(date && date.getUTCHours){ var str = typeProtos.date.dateToString(date); return (str.split && (str = str.split(/\u002D/))) ? str[0]+'-'+str[1] : false; } else { return false; } } } ,'datetime-local': { bad: function(val, _getParsed){ if(!val || !val.split || (val+'special').split(/\u0054/).length !== 2){return true;} val = val.split(/\u0054/); return ( typeProtos.date.bad(val[0]) || typeProtos.time.bad(val[1], _getParsed) ); }, noAsDate: true, asDate: function(val){ val = new Date(this.asNumber(val)); return (isNaN(val)) ? null : val; }, asNumber: function(val){ var ret = nan; var time = this.bad(val, true); if(time !== true){ val = val.split(/\u0054/)[0].split(/\u002D/); ret = Date.UTC(val[0], val[1] - 1, val[2], time[0][0], time[0][1], time[0][2] || 0); if(time[1]){ ret += time[1]; } } return ret; }, dateToString: function(date, _getParsed){ return typeProtos.date.dateToString(date) +'T'+ typeProtos.time.dateToString(date, _getParsed); } } }; if(typeBugs || !supportsType('range') || !supportsType('time') || !supportsType('month') || !supportsType('datetime-local')){ typeProtos.range = $.extend({}, typeProtos.number, typeProtos.range); typeProtos.time = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.time); typeProtos.month = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.month); typeProtos['datetime-local'] = $.extend({}, typeProtos.date, typeProtos.time, typeProtos['datetime-local']); } // ['number', 'month', 'range', 'date', 'time', 'color', 'datetime-local'].forEach(function(type){ if(typeBugs || !supportsType(type)){ webshims.addInputType(type, typeProtos[type]); } }); if($('<input />').prop('labels') == null){ webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty('button, input, keygen, meter, output, progress, select, textarea', 'labels', { prop: { get: function(){ if(this.type == 'hidden'){return null;} var id = this.id; var labels = $(this) .closest('label') .filter(function(){ var hFor = (this.attributes['for'] || {}); return (!hFor.specified || hFor.value == id); }) ; if(id) { labels = labels.add('label[for="'+ id +'"]'); } return labels.get(); }, writeable: false } }); } }); ;(function($){ "use strict"; var isNumber = function(string){ return (typeof string == 'number' || (string && string == string * 1)); }; var retDefault = function(val, def){ if(!(typeof val == 'number' || (val && val == val * 1))){ return def; } return val * 1; }; var createOpts = ['step', 'min', 'max', 'readonly', 'title', 'disabled', 'tabindex']; var normalizeTouch = (function(){ var types = { touchstart: 1, touchend: 1, touchmove: 1 }; var normalize = ['pageX', 'pageY']; return function(e){ if(types[e.type] && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.touches && e.originalEvent.touches.length){ for(var i = 0; i < normalize.length; i++){ e[normalize[i]] = e.originalEvent.touches[0][normalize[i]]; } } return e; }; })(); var rangeProto = { _create: function(){ var i; this.element.addClass(this.options.baseClass || 'ws-range ws-input').attr({role: 'slider'}).append('<span class="ws-range-rail ws-range-track"><span class="ws-range-min ws-range-progress" /><span class="ws-range-thumb"><span><span data-value="" data-valuetext="" /></span></span></span>'); this.trail = $('.ws-range-track', this.element); this.range = $('.ws-range-progress', this.element); this.thumb = $('.ws-range-thumb', this.trail); this.thumbValue = $('span[data-value]', this.thumb); this.updateMetrics(); this.orig = this.options.orig; for(i = 0; i < createOpts.length; i++){ this[createOpts[i]](this.options[createOpts[i]]); } this.value = this._value; this.value(this.options.value); this.initDataList(); this.element.data('rangeUi', this); this.addBindings(); this._init = true; }, value: $.noop, _value: function(val, _noNormalize, animate){ var left, posDif; var o = this.options; var oVal = val; var thumbStyle = {}; var rangeStyle = {}; if(!_noNormalize && parseFloat(val, 10) != val){ val = o.min + ((o.max - o.min) / 2); } if(!_noNormalize){ val = this.normalizeVal(val); } left = 100 * ((val - o.min) / (o.max - o.min)); if(this._init && val == o.value && oVal == val){return;} o.value = val; if($.fn.stop){ this.thumb.stop(); this.range.stop(); } rangeStyle[this.dirs.width] = left+'%'; if(this.vertical){ left = Math.abs(left - 100); } thumbStyle[this.dirs.left] = left+'%'; if(!animate || !$.fn.animate){ this.thumb[0].style[this.dirs.left] = thumbStyle[this.dirs.left]; this.range[0].style[this.dirs.width] = rangeStyle[this.dirs.width]; } else { if(typeof animate != 'object'){ animate = {}; } else { animate = $.extend({}, animate); } if(!animate.duration){ posDif = Math.abs(left - parseInt(this.thumb[0].style[this.dirs.left] || 50, 10)); animate.duration = Math.max(Math.min(999, posDif * 5), 99); } this.thumb.animate(thumbStyle, animate); this.range.animate(rangeStyle, animate); } if(this.orig && (oVal != val || (!this._init && this.orig.value != val)) ){ this.options._change(val); } this._setValueMarkup(); }, _setValueMarkup: function(){ var o = this.options; var textValue = o.textValue ? o.textValue(this.options.value) : o.options[o.value] || o.value; this.element[0].setAttribute('aria-valuenow', this.options.value); this.element[0].setAttribute('aria-valuetext', textValue); this.thumbValue[0].setAttribute('data-value', this.options.value); this.thumbValue[0].setAttribute('data-valuetext', textValue); if(o.selectedOption){ $(o.selectedOption).removeClass('ws-selected-option'); o.selectedOption = null; } if(o.value in o.options){ o.selectedOption = $('[data-value="'+o.value+'"].ws-range-ticks', this.trail).addClass('ws-selected-option'); } }, initDataList: function(){ if(this.orig){ var listTimer; var that = this; var updateList = function(){ $(that.orig) .jProp('list') .off('updateDatalist', updateList) .on('updateDatalist', updateList) ; clearTimeout(listTimer); listTimer = setTimeout(function(){ if(that.list){ that.list(); } }, 9); }; $(this.orig).on('listdatalistchange', updateList); this.list(); } }, list: function(opts){ var o = this.options; var min = o.min; var max = o.max; var trail = this.trail; var that = this; this.element.attr({'aria-valuetext': o.options[o.value] || o.value}); $('.ws-range-ticks', trail).remove(); $(this.orig).jProp('list').find('option:not([disabled])').each(function(){ o.options[$.prop(this, 'value')] = $.prop(this, 'label') || ''; }); $.each(o.options, function(val, label){ if(!isNumber(val) || val < min || val > max){return;} var left = 100 * ((val - min) / (max - min)); var attr = 'data-value="'+val+'"'; if(label){ attr += ' data-label="'+label+'"'; if(o.showLabels){ attr += ' title="'+label+'"'; } } if(that.vertical){ left = Math.abs(left - 100); } that.posCenter( $('<span class="ws-range-ticks"'+ attr +' style="'+(that.dirs.left)+': '+left+'%;" />').appendTo(trail) ); }); if(o.value in o.options){ this._setValueMarkup(); } }, readonly: function(val){ val = !!val; this.options.readonly = val; this.element.attr('aria-readonly', ''+val); if(this._init){ this.updateMetrics(); } }, disabled: function(val){ val = !!val; this.options.disabled = val; if(val){ this.element.attr({tabindex: -1, 'aria-disabled': 'true'}); } else { this.element.attr({tabindex: this.options.tabindex, 'aria-disabled': 'false'}); } if(this._init){ this.updateMetrics(); } }, tabindex: function(val){ this.options.tabindex = val; if(!this.options.disabled){ this.element.attr({tabindex: val}); } }, title: function(val){ this.element.prop('title', val); }, min: function(val){ this.options.min = retDefault(val, 0); this.element.attr('aria-valuemin', this.options.min); this.value(this.options.value, true); }, max: function(val){ this.options.max = retDefault(val, 100); this.element.attr('aria-valuemax', this.options.max); this.value(this.options.value, true); }, step: function(val){ var o = this.options; var step = val == 'any' ? 'any' : retDefault(val, 1); if(o.stepping){ webshims.error('stepping was removed. Use stepfactor instead.'); } if(o.stepfactor && step != 'any'){ step *= o.stepfactor; } o.step = step; this.value(this.options.value); }, normalizeVal: function(val){ var valModStep, alignValue, step; var o = this.options; if(val <= o.min){ val = o.min; } else if(val >= o.max) { val = o.max; } else if(o.step != 'any'){ step = o.step; valModStep = (val - o.min) % step; alignValue = val - valModStep; if ( Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step ) { alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step ); } val = alignValue.toFixed(5) * 1; } return val; }, doStep: function(factor, animate){ var step = retDefault(this.options.step, 1); if(this.options.step == 'any'){ step = Math.min(step, (this.options.max - this.options.min) / 10); } this.value( this.options.value + (step * factor), false, animate ); }, getStepedValueFromPos: function(pos){ var val, valModStep, alignValue, step; if(pos <= 0){ val = this.options[this.dirs[this.isRtl ? 'max' : 'min']]; } else if(pos > 100) { val = this.options[this.dirs[this.isRtl ? 'min' : 'max']]; } else { if(this.vertical || this.isRtl){ pos = Math.abs(pos - 100); } val = ((this.options.max - this.options.min) * (pos / 100)) + this.options.min; step = this.options.step; if(step != 'any'){ valModStep = (val - this.options.min) % step; alignValue = val - valModStep; if ( Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step ) { alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step ); } val = ((alignValue).toFixed(5)) * 1; } } return val; }, addRemoveClass: function(cName, add){ var isIn = this.element.prop('className').indexOf(cName) != -1; var action; if(!add && isIn){ action = 'removeClass'; this.element.removeClass(cName); this.updateMetrics(); } else if(add && !isIn){ action = 'addClass'; } if(action){ this.element[action](cName); if(this._init){ this.updateMetrics(); } } }, addBindings: function(){ var leftOffset, widgetUnits, hasFocus, isActive; var that = this; var o = this.options; var eventTimer = (function(){ var events = {}; return { init: function(name, curVal, fn){ if(!events[name]){ events[name] = {fn: fn}; if(that.orig){ $(that.orig).on(name, function(){ events[name].val = $.prop(that.orig, 'value'); }); } } events[name].val = curVal; }, call: function(name, val){ if(events[name].val != val){ clearTimeout(events[name].timer); events[name].val = val; events[name].timer = setTimeout(function(){ events[name].fn(val, that); }, 0); } } }; })(); var updateValue = function(val, animate){ if(val != o.value){ that.value(val, false, animate); eventTimer.call('input', val); } }; var setValueFromPos = function(e, animate){ if(e.type == 'touchmove'){ e.preventDefault(); normalizeTouch(e); } updateValue(that.getStepedValueFromPos((e[that.dirs.mouse] - leftOffset) * widgetUnits), animate); if(e && e.type == 'mousemove'){ e.preventDefault(); } }; var remove = function(e){ if(e && (e.type == 'mouseup' || e.type == 'touchend')){ eventTimer.call('input', o.value); eventTimer.call('change', o.value); } that.addRemoveClass('ws-active'); $(document).off('mousemove touchmove', setValueFromPos).off('mouseup touchend', remove); $(window).off('blur', removeWin); isActive = false; }; var removeWin = function(e){ if(e.target == window){remove();} }; var add = function(e){ if(isActive || (e.type == 'touchstart' && (!e.originalEvent || !e.originalEvent.touches || e.originalEvent.touches.length != 1))){ return; } e.preventDefault(); $(document).off('mousemove touchmove', setValueFromPos).off('mouseup touchend', remove); $(window).off('blur', removeWin); if(!o.readonly && !o.disabled){ eventTimer.init('input', o.value); eventTimer.init('change', o.value); normalizeTouch(e); that.element.trigger('focus'); that.addRemoveClass('ws-active', true); leftOffset = that.element.offset(); widgetUnits = that.element[that.dirs.innerWidth](); if(!widgetUnits || !leftOffset){return;} leftOffset = leftOffset[that.dirs.pos]; widgetUnits = 100 / widgetUnits; if(e.target.className == 'ws-range-ticks'){ updateValue(e.target.getAttribute('data-value'), o.animate); } else { setValueFromPos(e, o.animate); } isActive = true; $(document) .on(e.type == 'touchstart' ? { touchend: remove, touchmove: setValueFromPos } : { mouseup: remove, mousemove: setValueFromPos } ) ; $(window).on('blur', removeWin); e.stopPropagation(); } }; var elementEvts = { 'touchstart mousedown': add, focus: function(e){ if(!o.disabled && !hasFocus){ if(!isActive){ eventTimer.init('input', o.value); eventTimer.init('change', o.value); } that.addRemoveClass('ws-focus', true); that.updateMetrics(); } hasFocus = true; }, blur: function(e){ that.element.removeClass('ws-focus ws-active'); that.updateMetrics(); hasFocus = false; eventTimer.init('input', o.value); eventTimer.call('change', o.value); }, keyup: function(){ that.addRemoveClass('ws-active'); eventTimer.call('input', o.value); eventTimer.call('change', o.value); }, keydown: function(e){ var step = true; var code = e.keyCode; if(!o.readonly && !o.disabled){ if(that.isRtl){ if(code == 39){ code = 37; } else if(code == 37){ code = 39; } } if (code == 39 || code == 38) { that.doStep(1); } else if (code == 37 || code == 40) { that.doStep(-1); } else if (code == 33) { that.doStep(10, o.animate); } else if (code == 34) { that.doStep(-10, o.animate); } else if (code == 36) { that.value(that.options.max, false, o.animate); } else if (code == 35) { that.value(that.options.min, false, o.animate); } else { step = false; } if (step) { that.addRemoveClass('ws-active', true); eventTimer.call('input', o.value); e.preventDefault(); } } } }; eventTimer.init('input', o.value, this.options.input); eventTimer.init('change', o.value, this.options.change); elementEvts[$.fn.mwheelIntent ? 'mwheelIntent' : 'mousewheel'] = function(e, delta){ if(delta && hasFocus && !o.readonly && !o.disabled){ that.doStep(delta); e.preventDefault(); eventTimer.call('input', o.value); } }; this.element.on(elementEvts); this.thumb.on({ mousedown: add }); if(this.orig){ $(this.orig).jProp('form').on('reset', function(){ var val = $.prop(that.orig, 'value'); that.value(val); setTimeout(function(){ var val2 = $.prop(that.orig, 'value'); if(val != val2){ that.value(val2); } }, 4); }); } if (window.webshims) { webshims.ready('WINDOWLOAD', function(){ webshims.ready('dom-support', function(){ if ($.fn.onWSOff) { var timer; var update = function(){ that.updateMetrics(); }; that.element.onWSOff('updateshadowdom', function(){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(update, 100); }); } }); if (!$.fn.onWSOff && webshims._polyfill) { webshims._polyfill(['dom-support']); } }); } }, posCenter: function(elem, outerWidth){ var temp, eS; if(this.options.calcCenter && (!this._init || this.element[0].offsetWidth)){ if(!elem){ elem = this.thumb; } eS = elem[0].style; if(!outerWidth){ outerWidth = elem[this.dirs.outerWidth](); } outerWidth = outerWidth / -2; eS[this.dirs.marginLeft] = outerWidth +'px'; if(this.options.calcTrail && elem[0] == this.thumb[0]){ temp = this.element[this.dirs.innerHeight](); eS[this.dirs.marginTop] = ((elem[this.dirs.outerHeight]() - temp) / -2) + 'px'; this.range[0].style[this.dirs.marginTop] = ((this.range[this.dirs.outerHeight]() - temp) / -2 ) +'px'; this.range[0].style[this.dirs.posLeft] = outerWidth +'px'; outerWidth *= -1; this.range[0].style[this.dirs.paddingRight] = outerWidth +'px'; this.trail[0].style[this.dirs.left] = outerWidth +'px'; this.trail[0].style[this.dirs.right] = outerWidth +'px'; } } }, updateMetrics: function(){ var width = this.element.innerWidth(); this.vertical = (width && this.element.innerHeight() - width > 10); this.dirs = this.vertical ? {mouse: 'pageY', pos: 'top', posLeft: 'bottom', paddingRight: 'paddingTop', min: 'max', max: 'min', left: 'top', right: 'bottom', width: 'height', innerWidth: 'innerHeight', innerHeight: 'innerWidth', outerWidth: 'outerHeight', outerHeight: 'outerWidth', marginTop: 'marginLeft', marginLeft: 'marginTop'} : {mouse: 'pageX', pos: 'left', posLeft: 'left', paddingRight: 'paddingRight', min: 'min', max: 'max', left: 'left', right: 'right', width: 'width', innerWidth: 'innerWidth', innerHeight: 'innerHeight', outerWidth: 'outerWidth', outerHeight: 'outerHeight', marginTop: 'marginTop', marginLeft: 'marginLeft'} ; if(!this.vertical && this.element.css('direction') == 'rtl'){ this.isRtl = true; this.dirs.left = 'right'; this.dirs.right = 'left'; this.dirs.marginLeft = 'marginRight'; this.dirs.posLeft = 'right'; } this.element [this.vertical ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('vertical-range') [this.isRtl ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ws-is-rtl') ; this.updateMetrics = this.posCenter; this.posCenter(); } }; var oCreate = function (o) { function F() {} F.prototype = o; return new F(); }; $.fn.rangeUI = function(opts){ opts = $.extend({ readonly: false, disabled: false, tabindex: 0, min: 0, step: 1, max: 100, value: 50, input: $.noop, change: $.noop, _change: $.noop, showLabels: true, options: {}, calcCenter: true, calcTrail: true }, opts); return this.each(function(){ var obj = $.extend(oCreate(rangeProto), {element: $(this)}); obj.options = opts; obj._create.call(obj); }); }; $.fn.rangeUI.normalizeTouch = normalizeTouch; if(window.webshims && webshims.isReady){ webshims.isReady('range-ui', true); } })(window.webshims ? webshims.$ : jQuery); ;webshims.register('form-number-date-ui', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){ "use strict"; var curCfg; var formcfg = webshims.formcfg; var hasFormValidation = webshims.support.formvalidation && !webshims.bugs.bustedValidity; var monthDigits = ['01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12']; var stopPropagation = function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }; var getMonthOptions = function(opts){ var selectName = 'monthSelect'+opts.monthNames; if(!curCfg[selectName]){ var labels = curCfg.date[opts.monthNames] || monthDigits; curCfg[selectName] = ('<option value=""></option>')+$.map(monthDigits, function(val, i){ return '<option value="'+val+'">'+labels[i]+'</option>'; }).join(''); } return curCfg[selectName]; }; var daySelect = '<select class="dd"><option value=""></option>'+ (function(){ var i = 1; var opts = []; while(i < 32){ opts.push('<option>'+ ((i < 10) ? '0'+ i : i) +'</option>' ); i++; } return opts.join(''); })() +'</select>'; var createFormat = function(name){ if(!curCfg.patterns[name+'Obj']){ var obj = {}; $.each(curCfg.patterns[name].split(curCfg[name+'Format']), function(i, name){ obj[name] = i; }); curCfg.patterns[name+'Obj'] = obj; } }; var createYearSelect = function(obj, opts){ var options, nowY, max, min; if(opts.yearSelect){ nowY = parseInt(opts.value.split('-')[0], 10); max = opts.max.split('-'); min = opts.min.split('-'); options = webshims.picker.createYearSelect(nowY || parseInt(min[0], 10) || parseInt(max[0], 10) || nowYear, max, min); options.unshift('<option />'); $(obj.elements) .filter('select.yy') .html(options.join('')) .each(function(){ if(!nowY){ $('option[selected]', this).removeAttr('selected'); $(this).val(); } }) ; } }; var numericType = webshims.support.inputtypes.tel && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mobile') != -1 && !('inputMode' in document.createElement('input') && !('inputmode' in document.createElement('input'))) ? 'tel' : 'text'; var splitInputs = { date: { _create: function(opts){ var obj = { splits: [] }; if(opts.yearSelect){ obj.splits.push($('<select class="yy"></select>')[0]); } else { obj.splits.push($('<input type="'+ numericType +'" class="yy" size="4" inputmode="numeric" maxlength="4" />')[0]); } if(opts.monthSelect){ obj.splits.push($('<select class="mm">'+getMonthOptions(opts)+'</select>')[0]); } else { obj.splits.push($('<input type="'+ numericType +'" class="mm" inputmode="numeric" maxlength="2" size="2" />')[0]); } if(opts.daySelect){ obj.splits.push($(daySelect)[0]); } else { obj.splits.push($('<input type="'+ numericType +'" class="dd ws-spin" inputmode="numeric" maxlength="2" size="2" />')[0]); } obj.elements = [obj.splits[0], $('<span class="ws-input-seperator" />')[0], obj.splits[1], $('<span class="ws-input-seperator" />')[0], obj.splits[2]]; createYearSelect(obj, opts); return obj; }, sort: function(element){ createFormat('d'); var i = 0; var seperators = $('.ws-input-seperator', element).html(curCfg.dFormat); var inputs = $('input, select', element); $.each(curCfg.patterns.dObj, function(name, value){ var input = inputs.filter('.'+ name); if(input[0]){ input.appendTo(element); if(i < seperators.length){ seperators.eq(i).insertAfter(input); } i++; } }); } }, month: { _create: function(opts){ var obj = { splits: [] }; if(opts.yearSelect){ obj.splits.push($('<select class="yy"></select>')[0]); } else { obj.splits.push($('<input type="'+ numericType +'" class="yy" size="4" inputmode="numeric" maxlength="4" />')[0]); } if(opts.monthSelect){ obj.splits.push($('<select class="mm">'+getMonthOptions(opts)+'</select>')[0]); } else { obj.splits.push($('<input type="text" class="mm ws-spin" />')[0]); if(opts.onlyMonthDigits){ $().attr({inputmode: 'numeric', size: 2, maxlength: 2}); try { obj.splits[1].setAttribute('type', numericType); } catch(e){} } } obj.elements = [obj.splits[0], $('<span class="ws-input-seperator" />')[0], obj.splits[1]]; createYearSelect(obj, opts); return obj; }, sort: function(element){ var seperator = $('.ws-input-seperator', element).html(curCfg.dFormat); var mm = $('input.mm, select.mm', element); var action; if(curCfg.date.showMonthAfterYear){ mm.appendTo(element); action = 'insertBefore'; } else { mm.prependTo(element); action = 'insertAfter'; } seperator[action](mm); } } }; var nowDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000 )); var nowYear = nowDate.getFullYear(); nowDate = new Date(nowDate.getFullYear(), nowDate.getMonth(), nowDate.getDate(), nowDate.getHours()).getTime(); var steps = { number: { step: 1 }, // week: { // step: 1, // start: new Date(nowDate) // }, 'datetime-local': { step: 60, start: new Date(nowDate).getTime() }, time: { step: 60 }, month: { step: 1, start: new Date(nowDate) }, date: { step: 1, start: new Date(nowDate) } }; var labelWidth = (function(){ var getId = function(){ return webshims.getID(this); }; return function(element, labels, noFocus){ $(element).attr({'aria-labelledby': labels.map(getId).get().join(' ')}); if(!noFocus){ labels.on('click', function(e){ if(!e.isDefaultPrevented()){ element.getShadowFocusElement().focus(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); } }; })(); var addZero = function(val){ if(!val){return "";} val = val+''; return val.length == 1 ? '0'+val : val; }; var loadPicker = function(type, name){ type = (type == 'color' ? 'color' : 'forms')+'-picker'; if(!loadPicker[name+'Loaded'+type]){ loadPicker[name+'Loaded'+type] = true; webshims.ready(name, function(){ webshims.loader.loadList([type]); }); } return type; }; options.addZero = addZero; webshims.loader.addModule('forms-picker', { noAutoCallback: true, css: 'styles/forms-picker.css', options: options }); webshims.loader.addModule('color-picker', { noAutoCallback: true, css: 'jpicker/jpicker.css', options: options, d: ['forms-picker'] }); options.steps = steps; (function(){ formcfg.de = $.extend(true, { numberFormat: { ",": ".", ".": "," }, timeSigns: ":. ", numberSigns: ',', dateSigns: '.', dFormat: ".", patterns: { d: "dd.mm.yy" }, month: { currentText: 'Aktueller Monat' }, time: { currentText: 'Jetzt' }, date: { close: 'schließen', clear: 'Löschen', prevText: 'Zurück', nextText: 'Vor', currentText: 'Heute', monthNames: ['Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni', 'Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember'], monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Feb','Mär','Apr','Mai','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Okt','Nov','Dez'], dayNames: ['Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag'], dayNamesShort: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'], dayNamesMin: ['So','Mo','Di','Mi','Do','Fr','Sa'], weekHeader: 'KW', firstDay: 1, isRTL: false, showMonthAfterYear: false, yearSuffix: '' } }, formcfg.de || {}); formcfg.en = $.extend(true, { numberFormat: { ".": ".", ",": "," }, numberSigns: '.', dateSigns: '/', timeSigns: ":. ", dFormat: "/", patterns: { d: "mm/dd/yy" }, meridian: ['AM', 'PM'], month: { currentText: 'This month' }, time: { "currentText": "Now" }, date: { "closeText": "Done", clear: 'Clear', "prevText": "Prev", "nextText": "Next", "currentText": "Today", "monthNames": ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"], "monthNamesShort": ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"], "dayNames": ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"], "dayNamesShort": ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"], "dayNamesMin": ["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"], "weekHeader": "Wk", "firstDay": 0, "isRTL": false, "showMonthAfterYear": false, "yearSuffix": "" } }, formcfg.en || {}); if(!formcfg['en-US']){ formcfg['en-US'] = $.extend(true, {}, formcfg['en']); } if(!formcfg['en-GB']){ formcfg['en-GB'] = $.extend(true, {}, formcfg.en, { date: {firstDay: 1}, patterns: {d: "dd/mm/yy"} }); } if(!formcfg['en-AU']){ formcfg['en-AU'] = $.extend(true, {}, formcfg['en-GB']); } if(!formcfg['']){ formcfg[''] = formcfg['en-US']; } curCfg = formcfg['']; var processLangCFG = function(langCfg){ if(!langCfg.date.monthkeys){ var create = function(i, name){ var strNum; var num = i + 1; strNum = (num < 10) ? '0'+num : ''+num; langCfg.date.monthkeys[num] = strNum; langCfg.date.monthkeys[name] = strNum; langCfg.date.monthkeys[name.toLowerCase()] = strNum; }; langCfg.date.monthkeys = {}; langCfg.date.monthDigits = monthDigits; langCfg.numberSigns += '-'; if(langCfg.meridian){ langCfg.timeSigns += langCfg.meridian[0] + langCfg.meridian[1] + langCfg.meridian[0].toLowerCase() + langCfg.meridian[1].toLowerCase(); } $.each(langCfg.date.monthNames, create); $.each(langCfg.date.monthNamesShort, create); } if(!langCfg.colorSigns){ langCfg.colorSigns = '#abcdefABCDEF'; } if(!langCfg['datetime-localSigns']){ langCfg['datetime-localSigns'] = langCfg.dateSigns+langCfg.timeSigns; } if(!langCfg['datetime-local']){ langCfg['datetime-local'] = {}; } if(!langCfg.time){ langCfg.time = {}; } if(!langCfg['datetime-local'].currentText && langCfg.time.currentText){ langCfg['datetime-local'].currentText = langCfg.time.currentText; } }; var triggerLocaleChange = function(){ processLangCFG(curCfg); $(document).triggerHandler('wslocalechange'); }; curCfg = webshims.activeLang(formcfg); triggerLocaleChange(); $(formcfg).on('change', function(){ curCfg = formcfg.__active; triggerLocaleChange(); }); })(); (function(){ var retDefault = function(val, def){ if(!(typeof val == 'number' || (val && val == val * 1))){ return def; } return val * 1; }; var formatVal = { number: function(val, o, noCorrect){ var parts, len, i, isNegative; if(o && o.nogrouping){ return (val+'').replace(/\,/g, '').replace(/\./, curCfg.numberFormat['.']); } val += ''; if(val.charAt(0) == '-'){ isNegative = true; val = val.replace('-', ''); } parts = val.split('.'); len = parts[0].length; i = len - 1; val = ""; while(i >= 0) { val = parts[0].charAt(i) + val; if (i > 0 && (len - i) % 3 === 0) { val = curCfg.numberFormat[','] + val; } --i; } if(parts[1] != null){ if(!noCorrect){ parts[1] = parts[1].replace(/\-/g, '0'); } val += curCfg.numberFormat['.'] + parts[1]; } if(isNegative){ val = '-'+val; } return val; }, time: function(val, o, noCorrect){ var fVal, i; if(val){ val = val.split(':'); if(val.length != 2 || isNaN(parseInt(val[0] || '', 10)) || isNaN(parseInt(val[1] || '', 10))){ return val.join(':'); } if(curCfg.meridian){ fVal = (val[0] * 1); if(fVal && fVal >= 12){ val[0] = addZero(fVal - 12+''); fVal = 1; } else { fVal = 0; } if(val[0] === '00'){ val[0] = '12'; } } if(!noCorrect){ for(i = 0; i < val.length; i++){ val[i] = addZero(val[i]); } if(!val[1]){ val[1] = '00'; } } val = $.trim(val.join(':')); if(fVal != null && curCfg.meridian){ val += ' '+curCfg.meridian[fVal]; } } return val; }, 'datetime-local': function(val, o){ var fVal = $.trim(val || '').split('T'); if(fVal.length == 2){ val = this.date(fVal[0], o) +' '+this.time(fVal[1], o); } return val; }, // week: function(val){ // return val; // }, //todo empty val for month/split month: function(val, options){ var names; var p = val.split('-'); if(p[0] && p[1]){ if(!options || !options.monthSelect){ names = curCfg.date[options.monthNames] || curCfg.date.monthNames; p[1] = names[(p[1] * 1) - 1]; } if(options && options.splitInput){ val = [p[0] || '', p[1] || '']; } else if(p[1]){ val = curCfg.date.showMonthAfterYear ? p.join(' ') : p[1]+' '+p[0]; } } else if(options && options.splitInput){ val = [p[0] || '', p[1] || '']; } return val; }, date: function(val, opts){ var p = (val+'').split('-'); if(p[2] && p[1] && p[0]){ if(opts && opts.splitInput){ val = p; } else { val = curCfg.patterns.d.replace('yy', p[0] || ''); val = val.replace('mm', p[1] || ''); val = val.replace('dd', p[2] || ''); } } else if(opts && opts.splitInput){ val = [p[0] || '', p[1] || '', p[2] || '']; } return val; }, color: function(val, opts){ var ret = '#000000'; if(val){ val = val.toLowerCase(); if(val.length == 7 && createHelper('color').isValid(val)) { ret = val; } } return ret; } }; var parseVal = { number: function(val){ return (val+'').split(curCfg.numberFormat[',']).join('').replace(curCfg.numberFormat['.'], '.'); }, // week: function(val){ // return val; // }, 'datetime-local': function(val, o){ var tmp; var fVal = $.trim(val || '').split(/\s+/); if(fVal.length == 2){ if(fVal[0].indexOf(':') != -1 && fVal[1].indexOf(':') == -1){ tmp = fVal[1]; fVal[1] = fVal[0]; fVal[0] = tmp; } val = this.date(fVal[0], o) +'T'+ this.time(fVal[1], o); } else if (fVal.length == 3) { val = this.date(fVal[0], o) +'T'+ this.time(fVal[1]+fVal[2], o); } return val; }, time: function(val){ var fVal; if(val && curCfg.meridian){ val = val.toUpperCase(); if(val.substr(0,2) === "12"){ val = "00" + val.substr(2); } if(val.indexOf(curCfg.meridian[1]) != -1){ val = val.split(':'); fVal = (val[0].replace(curCfg.meridian[1], '') * 1); if(!isNaN(fVal)){ val[0] = fVal + 12; } val = val.join(':'); } val = $.trim(val.replace(curCfg.meridian[0], '').replace(curCfg.meridian[1], '')); } return val; }, month: function(val, opts, noCorrect){ var p = (!opts.splitInput) ? val.trim().split(/[\.\s-\/\\]+/) : val; if(p.length == 2 && p[0] && p[1]){ p[0] = !noCorrect && curCfg.date.monthkeys[p[0]] || p[0]; p[1] = !noCorrect && curCfg.date.monthkeys[p[1]] || p[1]; if(p[1].length == 2 && p[0].length > 3){ val = p[0]+'-'+p[1]; } else if(p[0].length == 2 && p[1].length > 3){ val = p[1]+'-'+p[0]; } else { val = ''; } } else if(opts.splitInput) { val = ''; } return val; }, date: function(val, opts, noCorrect){ createFormat('d'); var tmp, obj; var ret = ''; if(opts.splitInput){ obj = {yy: 0, mm: 1, dd: 2}; } else { obj = curCfg.patterns.dObj; val = val.split(curCfg.dFormat); } if(val.length == 3 && val[0] && val[1] && val[2] && (!noCorrect || (val[obj.yy].length > 3 && val[obj.mm].length == 2 && val[obj.dd].length == 2))){ if(!opts.noDayMonthSwitch && val[obj.mm] > 12 && val[obj.dd] < 13){ tmp = val[obj.dd]; val[obj.dd] = val[obj.mm]; val[obj.mm] = tmp; } if(val[obj.yy].length < 4){ tmp = ((new Date()).getFullYear() +'').substr(0, 4 - val[obj.yy].length); if(val[obj.yy] > 50){ tmp--; } val[obj.yy] = tmp + val[obj.yy]; } ret = ([addZero(val[obj.yy]), addZero(val[obj.mm]), addZero(val[obj.dd])]).join('-'); } return ret; }, color: function(val, opts){ var ret = '#000000'; if(val){ val = val.toLowerCase(); if (val.indexOf('#') !== 0) { val = '#' + val; } if(val.length == 4){ val = '#' + val.charAt(1) + val.charAt(1) + val.charAt(2) + val.charAt(2) + val.charAt(3) + val.charAt(3); } if(val.length == 7 && createHelper('color').isValid(val)) { ret = val; } } return ret; } }; var placeholderFormat = { date: function(val, opts){ var hintValue = (val || '').split('-'); if(hintValue.length == 3){ hintValue = opts.splitInput ? hintValue : curCfg.patterns.d.replace('yy', hintValue[0]).replace('mm', hintValue[1]).replace('dd', hintValue[2]); } else { hintValue = opts.splitInput ? [val, val, val] : val; } return hintValue; }, month: function(val, opts){ var hintValue = (val || '').split('-'); if(hintValue.length == 2){ hintValue = opts.splitInput ? hintValue : curCfg.date.showMonthAfterYear ? hintValue[0] +' '+hintValue[1] : hintValue[1] +' '+ hintValue[0]; } else { hintValue = opts.splitInput ? [val, val] : val; } return hintValue; } }; var createHelper = (function(){ var types = {}; return function(type){ var input; if(!types[type]){ input = $('<input type="'+type+'" step="any" />'); types[type] = { asNumber: function(val){ var type = (typeof val == 'object') ? 'valueAsDate' : 'value'; return input.prop(type, val).prop('valueAsNumber'); }, asValue: function(val){ var type = (typeof val == 'object') ? 'valueAsDate' : 'valueAsNumber'; return input.prop(type, val).prop('value'); }, asDate: function(val){ var type = (typeof val == 'number') ? 'valueAsNumber' : 'value'; return input.prop(type, val).prop('valueAsDate'); }, isValid: function(val, attrs){ if(attrs && (attrs.nodeName || attrs.jquery)){ attrs = { min: $(attrs).prop('min') || '', max: $(attrs).prop('max') || '', step: $(attrs).prop('step') || 'any' }; } attrs = $.extend({step: 'any', min: '', max: ''}, attrs || {}); return input.attr(attrs).prop('value', val).is(':valid') && input.prop('value') == val; } }; } return types[type]; }; })(); steps.range = steps.number; var wsWidgetProto = { _create: function(){ var i, that, timedMirror; var o = this.options; var createOpts = this.createOpts; this.type = o.type; this.orig = o.orig; this.buttonWrapper = $('<span class="input-buttons '+this.type+'-input-buttons"></span>').insertAfter(this.element); this.options.containerElements.push(this.buttonWrapper[0]); o.mirrorValidity = o.mirrorValidity && this.orig && hasFormValidation; if(o.splitInput && this._addSplitInputs){ if(o.monthSelect){ this.element.addClass('ws-month-select'); } this._addSplitInputs(); } else { this.inputElements = this.element; } if( steps[this.type] && typeof steps[this.type].start == 'object'){ steps[this.type].start = this.asNumber(steps[this.type].start); } for(i = 0; i < createOpts.length; i++){ if(o[createOpts[i]] != null){ this[createOpts[i]](o[createOpts[i]], o[createOpts[i]]); } } if(this.type == 'color'){ this.inputElements.prop('maxLength', 7); } this.addBindings(); $(this.element).data('wsWidget'+o.type, this); if(o.buttonOnly){ this.inputElements.prop({readOnly: true}); } this._init = true; if(o.mirrorValidity){ that = this; timedMirror = function(){ clearTimeout(timedMirror._timerDealy); timedMirror._timerDealy = setTimeout(timedMirror._wsexec, 9); }; timedMirror._wsexec = function(){ clearTimeout(timedMirror._timerDealy); that.mirrorValidity(true); }; timedMirror(); $(this.orig).on('change input', function(e){ if(e.type == 'input'){ timedMirror(); } else { timedMirror._wsexec(); } }); } }, mirrorValidity: function(_noTest){ // if(this._init && this.options.mirrorValidity){ if(!_noTest){ $.prop(this.orig, 'validity'); } var message = $(this.orig).getErrorMessage(); if(message !== this.lastErrorMessage){ this.inputElements.prop('setCustomValidity', function(i, val){ if(val._supvalue){ val._supvalue.call(this, message); } }); this.lastErrorMessage = message; } } }, addBindings: function(){ var that = this; var o = this.options; var run = function(){ that._addBindings(); }; if(this._addBindings){ run(); } else { webshims.ready('forms-picker', run); loadPicker(this.type, 'WINDOWLOAD'); } this.inputElements .add(this.buttonWrapper) .add(this.element) .one('mousedown focusin', function(e){ loadPicker(that.type, 'DOM'); }) .on({ 'change input focus focusin blur focusout': function(e){ var oVal, nVal; $(e.target).trigger('ws__'+e.type); if(o.toFixed && o.type == 'number' && e.type == 'change'){ oVal = that.element.prop('value'); nVal = that.toFixed(oVal, true); if(oVal != nVal){ that.element[0].value = nVal; } } } }) ; if(this.type != 'color'){ (function(){ var localeChange, select, selectVal; if(!o.splitInput){ localeChange = function(){ if(o.value){ that.value(o.value, true); } if(placeholderFormat[that.type] && o.placeholder){ that.placeholder(o.placeholder); } }; } else { localeChange = function(){ that.reorderInputs(); if(o.monthSelect){ select = that.inputElements.filter('select.mm'); selectVal = select.prop('value'); select.html(getMonthOptions(o)); select.prop('value', selectVal); } }; that.reorderInputs(); } $(that.orig).onWSOff('wslocalechange', localeChange); })(); } }, required: function(val, boolVal){ this.inputElements.attr({'aria-required': ''+boolVal}); this.mirrorValidity(); }, parseValue: function(noCorrect){ var value = this.inputElements.map(function(){ return $.prop(this, 'value'); }).get(); if(!this.options.splitInput){ value = value[0]; } return parseVal[this.type](value, this.options, noCorrect); }, formatValue: function(val, noSplit){ return formatVal[this.type](val, noSplit === false ? false : this.options); }, createOpts: ['readonly', 'title', 'disabled', 'tabindex', 'placeholder', 'defaultValue', 'value', 'required'], placeholder: function(val){ var options = this.options; options.placeholder = val; var placeholder = val; if(placeholderFormat[this.type]){ placeholder = placeholderFormat[this.type](val, this.options); } if(options.splitInput && typeof placeholder == 'object'){ $.each(this.splits, function(i, elem){ if($.nodeName(elem, 'select')){ $(elem).children('option:first-child').text(placeholder[i]); } else { $.prop(elem, 'placeholder', placeholder[i]); } }); } else { this.element.prop('placeholder', placeholder); } }, list: function(val){ if(this.type == 'number'){ this.element.attr('list', $.attr(this.orig, 'list')); } this.options.list = val; this._propertyChange('list'); }, _propertyChange: $.noop, tabindex: function(val){ this.options.tabindex = val; this.inputElements.prop('tabindex', this.options.tabindex); $('button', this.buttonWrapper).prop('tabindex', this.options.tabindex); }, title: function(val){ if(!val && this.orig && $.attr(this.orig, 'title') == null){ val = null; } this.options.title = val; if(val == null){ this.inputElements.removeAttr('title'); } else { this.inputElements.prop('title', this.options.title); } } }; ['defaultValue', 'value'].forEach(function(name){ var formatName = 'format'+name; wsWidgetProto[name] = function(val, force){ if(!this._init || force || val !== this.options[name] || this.options[formatName] != this.element.prop(name)){ this.options[formatName] = this.formatValue(val); this.element.prop(name, this.options[formatName]); this.options[name] = val; this._propertyChange(name); this.mirrorValidity(); } }; }); ['readonly', 'disabled'].forEach(function(name){ var isDisabled = name == 'disabled'; wsWidgetProto[name] = function(val, boolVal){ var options = this.options; if(options[name] != boolVal || !this._init){ options[name] = !!boolVal; if(!isDisabled && options.buttonOnly){ this.inputElements.attr({'aria-readonly': options[name]}); } else { this.inputElements.prop(name, options[name]); } this.buttonWrapper[options[name] ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ws-'+name); if(isDisabled){ $('button', this.buttonWrapper).prop('disabled', options[name]); } } }; }); var spinBtnProto = $.extend({}, wsWidgetProto, { _create: function(){ var o = this.options; var helper = createHelper(o.type); this.elemHelper = $('<input type="'+ o.type+'" />'); this.asNumber = helper.asNumber; this.asValue = helper.asValue; this.isValid = helper.isValid; this.asDate = helper.asDate; wsWidgetProto._create.apply(this, arguments); this._init = false; this.buttonWrapper.html('<span unselectable="on" class="step-controls"><span class="step-up step-control"></span><span class="step-down step-control"></span></span>'); if(this.type == 'number'){ this.inputElements.attr('inputmode', 'numeric'); } if((!o.max && typeof o.relMax == 'number') || (!o.min && typeof o.relMin == 'number')){ webshims.error('relMax/relMin are not supported anymore calculate at set it your own.'); } if(this.options.relDefaultValue){ webshims.warn('relDefaultValue was removed use startValue instead!'); } this._init = true; }, createOpts: ['step', 'min', 'max', 'readonly', 'title', 'disabled', 'tabindex', 'placeholder', 'defaultValue', 'value', 'required'], _addSplitInputs: function(){ if(!this.inputElements){ var create = splitInputs[this.type]._create(this.options); this.splits = create.splits; this.inputElements = $(create.elements).prependTo(this.element).filter('input, select'); } }, addZero: addZero, _setStartInRange: function(){ var start = this.options.startValue && this.asNumber( this.options.startValue ) || steps[this.type].start || 0; if(!isNaN(this.minAsNumber) && start < this.minAsNumber){ start = this.minAsNumber; } else if(!isNaN(this.maxAsNumber) && start > this.maxAsNumber){ start = this.maxAsNumber; } try { this.elemHelper.prop('valueAsNumber', start); } catch(e){ webshims.warn('valueAsNumber set: '+e); } this.options.defValue = this.elemHelper.prop('value'); }, reorderInputs: function(){ if(splitInputs[this.type]){ var element = this.element.attr('dir', curCfg.date.isRTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'); splitInputs[this.type].sort(element, this.options); setTimeout(function(){ var data = webshims.data(element); if(data && data.shadowData){ data.shadowData.shadowFocusElement = element.find('input, select')[0] || element[0]; } }, 9); } }, step: function(val){ var defStep = steps[this.type]; this.options.step = val; this.elemHelper.prop('step', retDefault(val, defStep.step)); this.mirrorValidity(); }, _beforeValue: function(val){ this.valueAsNumber = this.asNumber(val); this.options.value = val; if(isNaN(this.valueAsNumber) || (!isNaN(this.minAsNumber) && this.valueAsNumber < this.minAsNumber) || (!isNaN(this.maxAsNumber) && this.valueAsNumber > this.maxAsNumber)){ this._setStartInRange(); } else { this.elemHelper.prop('value', val); this.options.defValue = ""; } }, toFixed: function(val, force){ var o = this.options; if(o.toFixed && o.type == 'number' && val && !isNaN(this.valueAsNumber) && (force || !this.element.is(':focus')) && (!o.fixOnlyFloat || (this.valueAsNumber % 1))){ val = formatVal[this.type](this.valueAsNumber.toFixed(o.toFixed), this.options); } return val; } }); ['defaultValue', 'value'].forEach(function(name){ var isValue = name == 'value'; spinBtnProto[name] = function(val, force, isLive){ var selectionEnd; if(isValue){ this._beforeValue(val); } else { this.elemHelper.prop(name, val); } val = formatVal[this.type](val, this.options); if(this.options.splitInput){ $.each(this.splits, function(i, elem){ var setOption; if(!(name in elem) && !isValue && $.nodeName(elem, 'select')){ $('option[value="'+ val[i] +'"]', elem).prop('defaultSelected', true); } else { $.prop(elem, name, val[i]); } }); } else { val = this.toFixed(val); if(isLive && this._getSelectionEnd){ selectionEnd = this._getSelectionEnd(val); } this.element.prop(name, val); if(selectionEnd != null){ this.element.prop('selectionEnd', selectionEnd); } } this._propertyChange(name); this.mirrorValidity(); }; }); $.each({min: 1, max: -1}, function(name, factor){ var numName = name +'AsNumber'; spinBtnProto[name] = function(val){ this.elemHelper.prop(name, val); this[numName] = this.asNumber(val); if(this.valueAsNumber != null && (isNaN(this.valueAsNumber) || (!isNaN(this[numName]) && (this.valueAsNumber * factor) < (this[numName] * factor)))){ this._setStartInRange(); } this.options[name] = val; if(this._init){ createYearSelect({elements: this.inputElements}, this.options); } this._propertyChange(name); this.mirrorValidity(); }; }); $.fn.wsBaseWidget = function(opts){ opts = $.extend({}, opts); return this.each(function(){ webshims.objectCreate(wsWidgetProto, { element: { value: $(this) } }, opts); }); }; $.fn.wsBaseWidget.wsProto = wsWidgetProto; $.fn.spinbtnUI = function(opts){ opts = $.extend({ monthNames: 'monthNamesShort' }, opts); return this.each(function(){ webshims.objectCreate(spinBtnProto, { element: { value: $(this) } }, opts); }); }; $.fn.spinbtnUI.wsProto = spinBtnProto; webshims._format = formatVal; })(); if(!$.fn.wsTouchClick){ $.fn.wsTouchClick = (function(){ var supportsTouchaction = ('touchAction' in document.documentElement.style); var addTouch = !supportsTouchaction && ('ontouchstart' in window) && document.addEventListener; return function(target, handler){ var touchData, touchEnd, touchStart, stopClick, allowClick; var runHandler = function(){ if(!stopClick){ return handler.apply(this, arguments); } }; if($.isFunction(target)){ handler = target; target = false; this.on('click', runHandler); } else { this.on('click', target, runHandler); } if(addTouch){ allowClick = function(){ stopClick = false; }; touchEnd = function(e){ var ret, touch; e = e.originalEvent || {}; $(this).off('touchend touchcancel', touchEnd); var changedTouches = e.changedTouches || e.touches; if(e.type == 'touchcancel' || !touchData || !changedTouches || changedTouches.length != 1){ return; } touch = changedTouches[0]; if(Math.abs(touchData.x - touch.pageX) > 40 || Math.abs(touchData.y - touch.pageY) > 40 || Date.now() - touchData.now > 300){ return; } e.preventDefault(); stopClick = true; setTimeout(allowClick, 400); ret = handler.apply(this, arguments); return ret; }; touchStart = function(e){ var touch, elemTarget; if((!e || e.touches.length != 1)){ return; } touch = e.touches[0]; elemTarget = target ? $(touch.target).closest(target) : $(this); if(!elemTarget.length){ return; } touchData = { x: touch.pageX, y: touch.pageY, now: Date.now() }; elemTarget.on('touchend touchcancel', touchEnd); }; this.each(function(){ this.addEventListener('touchstart', touchStart, true); }); } else if(supportsTouchaction && !target){ this.css('touch-action', 'manipulation'); } return this; }; })(); } (function(){ var picker = {}; var modern = window.Modernizr; var assumeVirtualKeyBoard = (modern && (modern.touchevents || modern.touch)) || (/android|iphone|ipad|ipod|blackberry|iemobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())); webshims.inlinePopover = { _create: function(){ this.element = $('<div class="ws-inline-picker"><div class="ws-po-box" /></div>').data('wspopover', this); this.contentElement = $('.ws-po-box', this.element); this.element.insertAfter(this.options.prepareFor); }, show: $.noop, hide: $.noop, preventBlur: $.noop, isVisible: true }; picker.isInRange = function(value, max, min){ return !((min[0] && min[0] > value[0]) || (max[0] && max[0] < value[0])); }; picker.createYearSelect = function(value, max, min, valueAdd, stepper){ if(!stepper){ stepper = {start: value, step: 1, label: value}; } var temp; var goUp = true; var goDown = true; var options = ['<option selected="">'+ stepper.label + '</option>']; var i = 0; var createOption = function(value, add){ var value2, label; if(stepper.step > 1){ value2 = value + stepper.step - 1; label = value+' – '+value2; } else { label = value; } if(picker.isInRange([value], max, min) || (value2 && picker.isInRange([value2], max, min))){ options[add]('<option value="'+ (value+valueAdd) +'">'+ label +'</option>'); return true; } }; if(!valueAdd){ valueAdd = ''; } while(i < 18 && (goUp || goDown)){ i++; if(goUp){ temp = stepper.start - (i * stepper.step); goUp = createOption(temp, 'unshift'); } if(goDown){ temp = stepper.start + (i * stepper.step); goDown = createOption(temp, 'push'); } } return options; }; picker._genericSetFocus = function(element, _noFocus){ element = $(element || this.activeButton); if(!this.popover.openedByFocus && !_noFocus){ var that = this; var setFocus = function(noTrigger){ clearTimeout(that.timer); that.timer = setTimeout(function(){ if(element[0]){ element.trigger('focus'); if(noTrigger !== true && !element.is(':focus')){ setFocus(true); } } }, that.popover.isVisible ? 0 : 360); }; this.popover.activateElement(element); setFocus(); } }; picker._actions = { changeInput: function(val, popover, data){ if(!data.options.noChangeDismiss){ picker._actions.cancel(val, popover, data); } data.setChange(val); }, cancel: function(val, popover, data){ if(!data.options.inlinePicker){ popover.stopOpen = true; if(!popover.openedByFocus && assumeVirtualKeyBoard){ $('button', data.buttonWrapper).trigger('focus'); } else { data.element.getShadowFocusElement().trigger('focus'); } setTimeout(function(){ popover.stopOpen = false; }, 9); popover.hide(); } } }; picker.commonInit = function(data, popover){ if(data._commonInit){return;} data._commonInit = true; var tabbable; popover.isDirty = true; popover.element.on('updatepickercontent pickerchange', function(){ tabbable = false; }); if(!data.options.inlinePicker){ popover.contentElement.on({ keydown: function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 9){ if(!tabbable){ tabbable = $('input:not(:disabled), [tabindex="0"]:not(:disabled)', this).filter(':visible'); } var index = tabbable.index(e.target); if(e.shiftKey && index <= 0){ tabbable.last().focus(); return false; } if(!e.shiftKey && index >= tabbable.length - 1){ tabbable.first().focus(); return false; } } else if(e.keyCode == 27){ data.element.getShadowFocusElement().focus(); popover.hide(); return false; } } }); } data._propertyChange = (function(){ var timer; var update = function(){ if(popover.isVisible){ popover.element.triggerHandler('updatepickercontent'); } }; return function(prop){ if(prop == 'value' && (!data.options.inlinePicker || data._handledValue )){return;} popover.isDirty = true; if(popover.isVisible){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(update, 9); } }; })(); popover.activeElement = $([]); popover.activateElement = function(element){ element = $(element); if(element[0] != popover.activeElement[0]){ popover.activeElement.removeClass('ws-focus'); element.addClass('ws-focus'); } popover.activeElement = element; }; popover.element.on({ wspopoverbeforeshow: function(){ data.element.triggerHandler('wsupdatevalue'); popover.element.triggerHandler('updatepickercontent'); } }); $(data.orig).on('remove', function(e){ if(!e.originalEvent){ $(document).off('wslocalechange', data._propertyChange); } }); }; picker._common = function(data){ if(data.options.nopicker){return;} var options = data.options; var popover = webshims.objectCreate(options.inlinePicker ? webshims.inlinePopover : webshims.wsPopover, {}, $.extend(options.popover || {}, {prepareFor: options.inlinePicker ? data.buttonWrapper : data.element})); var opener = $('<button type="button" class="ws-popover-opener"><span /></button>').appendTo(data.buttonWrapper); var showPickerContent = function(){ (picker[data.type].showPickerContent || picker.showPickerContent)(data, popover); }; var show = function(){ var type = loadPicker(data.type, 'DOM'); if(!options.disabled && !options.readonly && (options.inlinePicker || !popover.isVisible)){ webshims.ready(type, showPickerContent); popover.show(data.element); } }; var open = function(){ if((options.inlinePicker || popover.isVisible) && popover.activeElement){ popover.openedByFocus = false; popover.activeElement.focus(); } show(); }; var toogle = function(){ if(popover.openedByFocus || !popover.isVisible){ open(); } else { popover.hide(); } } options.containerElements.push(popover.element[0]); popover.element .addClass(data.type+'-popover input-picker') .attr({role: 'application'}) .on({ wspopoverhide: function(){ popover.openedByFocus = false; }, focusin: function(e){ if(popover.activateElement){ popover.openedByFocus = false; popover.activateElement(e.target); } }, focusout: function(){ if(popover.activeElement){ popover.activeElement.removeClass('ws-focus'); } if(options.inlinePicker){ popover.openedByFocus = true; } } }) ; labelWidth(popover.element.children('div.ws-po-outerbox').attr({role: 'group'}), options.labels, true); labelWidth(opener, options.labels, true); if(options.tabindex != null){ opener.attr({tabindex: options.tabindex}); } if(options.disabled){ opener.prop({disabled: true}); } opener.wsTouchClick(toogle); if(options.inlinePicker){ popover.openedByFocus = true; } else { opener .on({ mousedown: function(){ stopPropagation.apply(this, arguments); popover.preventBlur(); }, keydown: function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 40 && e.altKey){ open(); } }, 'focus mousedown': (function(){ var allowClose = true; var reset = function(){ allowClose = true; }; return function(e){ if(e.type == 'mousedown'){ allowClose = false; setTimeout(reset); } if(e.type == 'focus' && allowClose && options.openOnFocus && popover.openedByFocus && (popover.options.appendTo == 'auto' || popover.options.appendTo == 'element')){ popover.hide(); } else { popover.preventBlur(); } }; })() }) ; (function(){ var mouseFocus = false; var resetMouseFocus = function(){ mouseFocus = false; }; data.inputElements.on({ keydown: function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 40 && e.altKey && !$.nodeName(e.target, 'select')){ open(); } }, focus: function(e){ if(!popover.stopOpen && (options.buttonOnly || options.openOnFocus || (mouseFocus && options.openOnMouseFocus)) && !$.nodeName(e.target, 'select')){ popover.openedByFocus = options.buttonOnly ? false : !options.noInput; show(); } else { popover.preventBlur(); } }, mousedown: function(e){ mouseFocus = true; setTimeout(resetMouseFocus, 9); if(options.buttonOnly && popover.isVisible && popover.activeElement){ popover.openedByFocus = false; setTimeout(function(){ popover.openedByFocus = false; popover.activeElement.focus(); }, 4); } if(data.element.is(':focus') && !$.nodeName(e.target, 'select')){ popover.openedByFocus = options.buttonOnly ? false : !options.noInput; show(); } popover.preventBlur(); } }); })(); } data.popover = popover; data.opener = opener; $(data.orig).on('remove', function(e){ if(!e.originalEvent){ setTimeout(function(){ opener.remove(); popover.element.remove(); }, 4); } }); if(options.inlinePicker){ show(); } }; picker.month = picker._common; picker.date = picker._common; picker.time = picker._common; picker['datetime-local'] = picker._common; // picker.week = picker._common; picker.color = function(data){ var ret = picker._common.apply(this, arguments); var alpha = $(data.orig).data('alphacontrol'); var colorIndicator = data.opener .prepend('<span class="ws-color-indicator-bg"><span class="ws-color-indicator" /></span>') .find('.ws-color-indicator') ; var showColor = function(){ colorIndicator.css({backgroundColor: $.prop(this, 'value') || '#000000'}); }; var showOpacity = (function(){ var timer; var show = function(){ try { var value = data.alpha.prop('valueAsNumber') / (data.alpha.prop('max') || 1); if(!isNaN(value)){ colorIndicator.css({opacity: value}); } } catch(er){} }; return function(e){ clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(show, !e || e.type == 'change' ? 4: 40); }; })(); data.alpha = (alpha) ? $('#'+alpha) : $([]); $(data.orig).on('wsupdatevalue change', showColor).each(showColor); data.alpha.on('wsupdatevalue change input', showOpacity).each(showOpacity); return ret; }; webshims.picker = picker; })(); (function(){ var stopCircular, isCheckValidity; var supportInputTypes = webshims.support.inputtypes; var inputTypes = { }; var boolAttrs = {disabled: 1, required: 1, readonly: 1}; var copyProps = [ 'disabled', 'readonly', 'value', 'defaultValue', 'min', 'max', 'step', 'title', 'required', 'placeholder' ]; // var copyAttrs = ['data-placeholder', 'tabindex']; $.each(copyProps.concat(copyAttrs), function(i, name){ var fnName = name.replace(/^data\-/, ''); webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify('input', name, function(val, boolVal){ if(!stopCircular){ var shadowData = webshims.data(this, 'shadowData'); if(shadowData && shadowData.data && shadowData.nativeElement === this && shadowData.data[fnName]){ if(boolAttrs[fnName]){ shadowData.data[fnName](val, boolVal); } else { shadowData.data[fnName](val); } } } }); }); if(options.replaceUI && 'valueAsNumber' in document.createElement('input')){ var reflectFn = function(){ if(webshims.data(this, 'hasShadow')){ $.prop(this, 'value', $.prop(this, 'value')); } }; webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify('input', 'valueAsNumber', reflectFn); webshims.onNodeNamesPropertyModify('input', 'valueAsDate', reflectFn); $.each({stepUp: 1, stepDown: -1}, function(name, stepFactor){ var stepDescriptor = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('input', name, { prop: { value: function(){ var ret; if(stepDescriptor.prop && stepDescriptor.prop._supvalue){ ret = stepDescriptor.prop._supvalue.apply(this, arguments); reflectFn.apply(this, arguments); } return ret; } } }); }); } var extendType = (function(){ return function(name, data){ inputTypes[name] = data; data.attrs = $.merge([], copyAttrs, data.attrs); data.props = $.merge([], copyProps, data.props); }; })(); var isVisible = function(){ return $.css(this, 'display') != 'none'; }; var sizeInput = function(data){ var init, parent, lastWidth, left, right, isRtl, hasButtons; var oriStyleO = data.orig.style; var styleO = data.element[0].style; if($.support.boxSizing == null){ $(function(){ parent = data.orig.parentNode; }); } else { parent = data.orig.parentNode; } var updateStyles = function(){ var curWidth, marginR, marginL, assignWidth; var correctWidth = 0.8; if(parent){ curWidth = parent.offsetWidth; } if(!init || (curWidth && curWidth != lastWidth)){ lastWidth = curWidth; oriStyleO.display = ''; styleO.display = 'none'; if(!init){ hasButtons = data.buttonWrapper && data.buttonWrapper.filter(isVisible).length; isRtl = hasButtons && data.buttonWrapper.css('direction') == 'rtl'; if(isRtl){ left = 'Right'; right = 'Left'; } else { left = 'Left'; right = 'Right'; } if(hasButtons){ data.buttonWrapper[isRtl ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('ws-is-rtl'); } } marginR = $.css( data.orig, 'margin'+right); styleO['margin'+left] = $.css( data.orig, 'margin'+left); styleO['margin'+right] = hasButtons ? '0px' : marginR; if(hasButtons){ marginL = (parseInt(data.buttonWrapper.css('margin'+left), 10) || 0); styleO['padding'+right] = ''; if(marginL < 0){ marginR = (parseInt(marginR, 10) || 0) + ((data.buttonWrapper.outerWidth() + marginL) * -1); data.buttonWrapper[0].style['margin'+right] = marginR+'px'; styleO['padding'+right] = ((parseInt( data.element.css('padding'+right), 10) || 0) + data.buttonWrapper.outerWidth()) +'px'; } else { data.buttonWrapper[0].style['margin'+right] = marginR; correctWidth = data.buttonWrapper.outerWidth(true) + correctWidth; } } assignWidth = $(data.orig).outerWidth() - correctWidth; styleO.display = ''; data.element.outerWidth(assignWidth); oriStyleO.display = 'none'; init = true; } }; oriStyleO.webkitAppearance = 'none'; data.element.onWSOff('updateshadowdom', updateStyles, true); }; var implementType = function(){ var type = $.prop(this, 'type'); var i, opts, data, optsName, labels, cNames, hasInitialFocus; if(inputTypes[type] && webshims.implement(this, 'inputwidgets') && (!supportInputTypes[type] || !$(this).hasClass('ws-noreplace'))){ data = {}; optsName = type; hasInitialFocus = $(this).is(':focus'); labels = $(this).jProp('labels'); opts = $.extend(webshims.getOptions(this, type, [options.widgets, options[type], $($.prop(this, 'form')).data(type)]), { orig: this, type: type, labels: labels, options: {}, input: function(val){ opts._change(val, 'input'); }, change: function(val){ opts._change(val, 'change'); }, _change: function(val, trigger){ stopCircular = true; $.prop(opts.orig, 'value', val); stopCircular = false; if(trigger){ $(opts.orig).trigger(trigger); } }, containerElements: [] }); for(i = 0; i < copyProps.length; i++){ opts[copyProps[i]] = $.prop(this, copyProps[i]); } for(i = 0; i < copyAttrs.length; i++){ optsName = copyAttrs[i].replace(/^data\-/, ''); if(optsName == 'placeholder' || !opts[optsName]){ opts[optsName] = $.attr(this, copyAttrs[i]) || opts[optsName]; } } if(opts.formatMonthNames){ webshims.error('formatMonthNames was renamded to monthNames'); } if(opts.onlyMonthDigits){ opts.monthNames = 'monthDigits'; } data.shim = inputTypes[type]._create(opts); webshims.addShadowDom(this, data.shim.element, { data: data.shim || {} }); data.shim.options.containerElements.push(data.shim.element[0]); cNames = $.prop(this, 'className'); if(opts.classes){ cNames += ' '+opts.classes; $(this).addClass(opts.classes); } if(opts.splitInput || type == 'range'){ cNames = cNames.replace('form-control', ''); } data.shim.element.on('change input', stopPropagation).addClass(cNames+' '+webshims.shadowClass); if(data.shim.buttonWrapper){ data.shim.buttonWrapper.addClass('input-button-size-'+(data.shim.buttonWrapper.children().filter(isVisible).length)+' '+webshims.shadowClass); if(data.shim.buttonWrapper.filter(isVisible).length){ data.shim.element.addClass('has-input-buttons'); } } labelWidth($(this).getShadowFocusElement(), labels); $(this).on('change', function(e){ if(!stopCircular){ data.shim.value($.prop(this, 'value')); } }); (function(){ var has = { focusin: true, focus: true }; var timer; var hasFocusTriggered = false; var hasFocus = false; $(data.shim.options.containerElements) .on({ 'focusin focus focusout blur': function(e){ e.stopImmediatePropagation(); hasFocus = has[e.type]; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function(){ if(hasFocus != hasFocusTriggered){ hasFocusTriggered = hasFocus; $(opts.orig).triggerHandler(hasFocus ? 'focus' : 'blur'); $(opts.orig).trigger(hasFocus ? 'focusin' : 'focusout'); } hasFocusTriggered = hasFocus; }, 9); } }) ; })(); if(hasFormValidation){ $(opts.orig).on('firstinvalid', function(e){ if(!webshims.fromSubmit && isCheckValidity){return;} $(opts.orig).off('invalid.replacedwidgetbubble').on('invalid.replacedwidgetbubble', function(evt){ if(!evt.isDefaultPrevented()){ webshims.validityAlert.showFor( e.target ); e.preventDefault(); evt.preventDefault(); } $(opts.orig).off('invalid.replacedwidgetbubble'); }); }); } if(opts.calculateWidth){ sizeInput(data.shim); } else { $(this).css('display', 'none'); } if(hasInitialFocus){ $(this).getShadowFocusElement().trigger('focus'); } } }; if(hasFormValidation){ ['input', 'form'].forEach(function(name){ var desc = webshims.defineNodeNameProperty(name, 'checkValidity', { prop: { value: function(){ isCheckValidity = true; var ret = desc.prop._supvalue.apply(this, arguments); isCheckValidity = false; return ret; } } }); }); } var replace = {}; if(options.replaceUI){ $.each($.extend(replace, $.isPlainObject(options.replaceUI) ? options.replaceUI : { 'range': 1, 'number': 1, 'time': 1, 'month': 1, 'date': 1, 'color': 1, 'datetime-local': 1 }), function(name, val){ if(supportInputTypes[name] && val == 'auto'){ replace[name] = webshims._getAutoEnhance(val); } }); } if(supportInputTypes.number && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Touch') == -1 && ((/MSIE 1[0|1]\.\d/.test(navigator.userAgent)) || (/Trident\/7\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)))){ replace.number = 1; } if(replace.range !== false && (!supportInputTypes.range || replace.range)){ extendType('range', { _create: function(opts, set){ var data = $('<span />').insertAfter(opts.orig).rangeUI(opts).data('rangeUi'); return data; } }); } ['number', 'time', 'month', 'date', 'color', 'datetime-local'].forEach(function(name){ if(replace[name] !== false && (!supportInputTypes[name] || replace[name])){ extendType(name, { _create: function(opts, set){ if(opts.monthSelect || opts.daySelect || opts.yearSelect){ opts.splitInput = true; } if(opts.splitInput && !splitInputs[name]){ webshims.warn('splitInput not supported for '+ name); opts.splitInput = false; } var markup = opts.splitInput ? '<span class="ws-'+name+' ws-input ws-inputreplace" role="group"></span>' : '<input class="ws-'+name+' ws-inputreplace" type="text" />'; var data = $(markup).insertAfter(opts.orig); if(steps[name]){ data = data.spinbtnUI(opts).data('wsWidget'+name); } else { data = data.wsBaseWidget(opts).data('wsWidget'+name); } if(webshims.picker && webshims.picker[name]){ webshims.picker[name](data); } return data; } }); } }); var init = function(){ webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){ $('input', context) .add(contextElem.filter('input')) .each(implementType) ; }); }; if($('<input />').prop('labels') == null){ webshims.defineNodeNamesProperty('button, input, keygen, meter, output, progress, select, textarea', 'labels', { prop: { get: function(){ if(this.type == 'hidden'){return null;} var id = this.id; var labels = $(this) .closest('label') .filter(function(){ var hFor = (this.attributes['for'] || {}); return (!hFor.specified || hFor.value == id); }) ; if(id) { labels = labels.add('label[for="'+ id +'"]'); } return labels.get(); }, writeable: false } }); } if(formcfg._isLoading){ $(formcfg).one('change', init); } else { init(); } })(); }); ;webshims.register('form-datalist', function($, webshims, window, document, undefined, options){ "use strict"; var lazyLoad = function(name){ if(!name || typeof name != 'string'){ name = 'DOM'; } if(!lazyLoad[name+'Loaded']){ lazyLoad[name+'Loaded'] = true; webshims.ready(name, function(){ webshims.loader.loadList(['form-datalist-lazy']); }); } }; var noDatalistSupport = { submit: 1, button: 1, reset: 1, hidden: 1, range: 1, date: 1, month: 1 }; if(webshims.modules["form-number-date-ui"].loaded){ $.extend(noDatalistSupport, { number: 1, time: 1 }); } /* * implement propType "element" currently only used for list-attribute (will be moved to dom-extend, if needed) */ webshims.propTypes.element = function(descs, name){ webshims.createPropDefault(descs, 'attr'); if(descs.prop){return;} descs.prop = { get: function(){ var elem = $.attr(this, name); if(elem){ elem = document.getElementById(elem); if(elem && descs.propNodeName && !$.nodeName(elem, descs.propNodeName)){ elem = null; } } return elem || null; }, writeable: false }; }; /* * Implements datalist element and list attribute */ (function(){ var formsCFG = webshims.cfg.forms; var listSupport = webshims.support.datalist; if(listSupport && !formsCFG.customDatalist){return;} var initializeDatalist = function(){ var updateDatlistAndOptions = function(){ var id; if(!$.data(this, 'datalistWidgetData') && (id = $.prop(this, 'id'))){ $('input[list="'+ id +'"], input[data-wslist="'+ id +'"]').eq(0).attr('list', id); } else { $(this).triggerHandler('updateDatalist'); } }; var inputListProto = { //override autocomplete autocomplete: { attr: { get: function(){ var elem = this; var data = $.data(elem, 'datalistWidget'); if(data){ return data._autocomplete; } return ('autocomplete' in elem) ? elem.autocomplete : elem.getAttribute('autocomplete'); }, set: function(value){ var elem = this; var data = $.data(elem, 'datalistWidget'); if(data){ data._autocomplete = value; if(value == 'off'){ data.hideList(); } } else { if('autocomplete' in elem){ elem.autocomplete = value; } else { elem.setAttribute('autocomplete', value); } } } } } }; if(listSupport){ //options only return options, if option-elements are rooted: but this makes this part of HTML5 less backwards compatible if(!($('<datalist><select><option></option></select></datalist>').prop('options') || []).length ){ webshims.defineNodeNameProperty('datalist', 'options', { prop: { writeable: false, get: function(){ var options = this.options || []; if(!options.length){ var elem = this; var select = $('select', elem); if(select[0] && select[0].options && select[0].options.length){ options = select[0].options; } } return options; } } }); } inputListProto.list = { attr: { get: function(){ var val = webshims.contentAttr(this, 'list'); if(val != null){ $.data(this, 'datalistListAttr', val); if(!noDatalistSupport[$.prop(this, 'type')] && !noDatalistSupport[$.attr(this, 'type')]){ this.removeAttribute('list'); } } else { val = $.data(this, 'datalistListAttr'); } return (val == null) ? undefined : val; }, set: function(value){ var elem = this; $.data(elem, 'datalistListAttr', value); if (!noDatalistSupport[$.prop(this, 'type')] && !noDatalistSupport[$.attr(this, 'type')]) { webshims.objectCreate(shadowListProto, undefined, { input: elem, id: value, datalist: $.prop(elem, 'list') }); elem.setAttribute('data-wslist', value); } else { elem.setAttribute('list', value); } $(elem).triggerHandler('listdatalistchange'); } }, initAttr: true, reflect: true, propType: 'element', propNodeName: 'datalist' }; } else { webshims.defineNodeNameProperties('input', { list: { attr: { get: function(){ var val = webshims.contentAttr(this, 'list'); return (val == null) ? undefined : val; }, set: function(value){ var elem = this; webshims.contentAttr(elem, 'list', value); webshims.objectCreate(options.shadowListProto, undefined, {input: elem, id: value, datalist: $.prop(elem, 'list')}); $(elem).triggerHandler('listdatalistchange'); } }, initAttr: true, reflect: true, propType: 'element', propNodeName: 'datalist' } }); } webshims.defineNodeNameProperties('input', inputListProto); webshims.addReady(function(context, contextElem){ contextElem .filter('datalist > select, datalist, datalist > option, datalist > select > option') .closest('datalist') .each(updateDatlistAndOptions) ; }); }; /* * ShadowList */ var shadowListProto = { _create: function(opts){ if(noDatalistSupport[$.prop(opts.input, 'type')] || noDatalistSupport[$.attr(opts.input, 'type')]){return;} var datalist = opts.datalist; var data = $.data(opts.input, 'datalistWidget'); var that = this; if(datalist && data && data.datalist !== datalist){ data.datalist = datalist; data.id = opts.id; $(data.datalist) .off('updateDatalist.datalistWidget') .on('updateDatalist.datalistWidget', $.proxy(data, '_resetListCached')) ; data._resetListCached(); return; } else if(!datalist){ if(data){ data.destroy(); } return; } else if(data && data.datalist === datalist){ return; } this.datalist = datalist; this.id = opts.id; this.hasViewableData = true; this._autocomplete = $.attr(opts.input, 'autocomplete'); $.data(opts.input, 'datalistWidget', this); $.data(datalist, 'datalistWidgetData', this); lazyLoad('WINDOWLOAD'); if(webshims.isReady('form-datalist-lazy')){ if(window.QUnit){ that._lazyCreate(opts); } else { setTimeout(function(){ that._lazyCreate(opts); }, 9); } } else { $(opts.input).one('focus', lazyLoad); webshims.ready('form-datalist-lazy', function(){ if(!that._destroyed){ that._lazyCreate(opts); } }); } }, destroy: function(e){ var input; var autocomplete = $.attr(this.input, 'autocomplete'); $(this.input) .off('.datalistWidget') .removeData('datalistWidget') ; this.shadowList.remove(); $(document).off('.datalist'+this.id); $(window).off('.datalist'+this.id); if(this.input.form && this.input.id){ $(this.input.form).off('submit.datalistWidget'+this.input.id); } this.input.removeAttribute('aria-haspopup'); if(autocomplete === undefined){ this.input.removeAttribute('autocomplete'); } else { $(this.input).attr('autocomplete', autocomplete); } if(e && e.type == 'beforeunload'){ input = this.input; setTimeout(function(){ $.attr(input, 'list', $.attr(input, 'list')); }, 9); } this._destroyed = true; } }; webshims.loader.addModule('form-datalist-lazy', { noAutoCallback: true, options: $.extend(options, {shadowListProto: shadowListProto}) }); if(!options.list){ options.list = {}; } //init datalist update initializeDatalist(); })(); });