module Bio class Gadget < Thor desc 'rgt2mtx [RGT]', < '-g', :type => :string, :desc => 'GTF to revert old transcript_id (oId) renamed by cuffcompare. Moreover, "RNA_SPIKE_*" chromosome names will be inserted for the transcripts aligned on the forward strand of spike-in sequences.' option 'sample', :aliases => '-s', :type => :string, :desc => 'Mapping from condition/replicate to sample ID for the column names of output matrix. Tab-separated text with three columns of condition, replicate and the sample ID.' def rgt2mtx(rgt="/dev/stdin") tid2oid = unless options['gtf'].nil? open(options['gtf']).each { |line| cols = line.rstrip.split(/\t/) tid = cols[8].match(/transcript_id \"([^\"]+)/).to_a[1] oid = cols[8].match(/oId \"([^\"]+)/).to_a[1] oid = "#{cols[0]}.#{oid}" if cols[0] =~ /^RNA_SPIKE_/ tid2oid[tid] = oid } end cr2sid = unless options['sample'].nil? open(options['sample']).each { |line| c, r, sid = line.rstrip.split(/\t/) cr2sid["#{c}|#{r}"] = sid } end id = nil header = true raws = open("| tail -n +2 #{rgt} | sort -k 1").each { |line| cols = line.rstrip.split(/\t/) id = cols[0] if id.nil? if id != cols[0] if header if options['sample'].nil? puts ([''] + raws.keys.sort).join("\t") else tmp = [''] raws.keys.sort.each { |cr| tmp.push(cr2sid[cr]) } puts tmp.join("\t") end header = false end tmp = [tid2oid.key?(id) ? tid2oid[id] : id] raws.keys.sort.each { |k| tmp.push(raws[k]) } puts tmp.join("\t") id = cols[0] end raws["#{cols[1]}|#{cols[2]}"] = cols[3] } tmp = [tid2oid.key?(id) ? tid2oid[id] : id] raws.keys.sort.each { |k| tmp.push(raws[k]) } puts tmp.join("\t") end end end