module Doozer class App include Doozer::Util::Logger attr_accessor :options def initialize(args={}) @options=args # load routes load_routes # load the application models, coontrollers, views, and helpers load_files # attach the file watcher for the mvc/lib/etc in development mode load_watcher if Doozer::Configs.rack_env != :deployment puts "=> Doozer racked up" end # This method is called along the rackup chain and maps the request path to the route, controller, and view for the format type. def call(env) # p env.inspect # [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, "DOH!!!"] path = env["PATH_INFO"] # match env.path_info against the route compile #p env.inspect route = Doozer::Routing::Routes::match(path) # p "path: #{path}" # p "route: #{route.inspect}" if not route.nil? if extra_params = route.extra_params(path) controller_klass = handler(route.controller.to_sym) controller ={:env=>env, :route=>route, :extra_params=>extra_params, :port=>@options[:Port]}) # call after_initialize test for excludes #execution_time('controller.after_initialize',:start) controller.after_initialize if not controller_klass.after_initialize_exclude.include?(route.action.to_sym) #execution_time(nil, :end) begin # call before_filter test for excludes #execution_time('controller.before_filter',:start) controller.before_filter if not controller_klass.before_filter_exclude.include?(route.action.to_sym) #execution_time(nil,:end) # call the action method #execution_time('controller.method(route.action).call',:start) controller.method(route.action).call() #execution_time(nil,:end) # call after_filter test for excludes #execution_time('controller.after_filter',:start) controller.after_filter if not controller_klass.after_filter_exclude.include?(route.action.to_sym) #execution_time(nil, :end) # render controller... #execution_time('controller.render_result',:start) r =, route.status, {"Content-Type" => route.content_type}) #execution_time(nil,:end) r.set_cookie('flash',{:value=>nil, :path=>'/'}) r.set_cookie('session',{:value=>controller.session_to_cookie(), :path=>'/'}) # finalize the request controller.finished! controller = nil return r.to_a rescue Doozer::Redirect => redirect # set the status to the one defined in the route which type of redirect do we need to handle? status = (route.status==301) ? 301 : 302 # check to make sure the status wasn't manually changed in the controller status = redirect.status if not redirect.status.nil? r ="redirect...", status, {"Content-Type" => "text/html", "Location"=>redirect.url}) # if we get a redirect we need to do something with the flash messages... r.set_cookie('flash',{:value=>controller.flash_to_cookie(), :path=>'/'}) # might need to set the domain from config app_name value r.set_cookie('session',{:value=>controller.session_to_cookie(), :path=>'/'}) # finalize the request controller.finished! controller = nil return r.to_a rescue => e # finalize the request controller.finished! controller = nil if Doozer::Configs.rack_env == :deployment logger.error("RuntimeError: #{e.to_s}") for line in e.backtrace logger.error(" #{line}") end logger.error("Printing env variables:") logger.error(env.inspect) return [500, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, @@errors[500]] else raise e end end else return end else return [404, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, @@errors[404]] end end def execution_time(name = nil, point = :start) if Doozer::Configs.rack_env == :development @execution_time_name = name if name @execution_time_start = if point == :start @execution_time_end = if point == :end"Excecution Time: #{@execution_time_name}: #{("%0.2f" % ( (@execution_time_end - @execution_time_start) * 1000).to_f)}ms") if point == :end end end # Load all application files for app/helpers/*, app/views/layouts/*, app/views/* and app/controllers/* def load_files # load models load_models puts "=> Caching files" @@controllers = {} @@layouts={} @@views={} @@errors={} # require helper files and include into Doozer::Partial helper_files = Dir.glob(File.join(app_path,'app/helpers/*_helper.rb')) helper_files.each {|f| require f key = f.split("helpers/")[1].gsub(/.rb/,'') Doozer::Partial.include_view_helper(key) } # cache contoller classes controller_files = Dir.glob(File.join(app_path,'app/controllers/*_controller.rb')) # we need to load the application_controller first since this might not be the first in the list... if controller_files.length > 0 i=0 for f in controller_files break if i==0 and f.index('application_controller.rb') if f.index('application_controller.rb') controller_files.insert(0, controller_files.delete(f)) break end i+=1 end end controller_files.each { |f| require f key = f.split("controllers/")[1].split("_controller.rb")[0] if key.index("_") value = key.split('_').each{ | k | k.capitalize! }.join('') else value = key.capitalize end klass_name = "#{value}Controller" @@controllers[key.to_sym] = klass_name # p "cache controller: #{key.to_sym}" # importing view helpers into controller controller_klass = Object.const_get(klass_name) # automatically ads the application helper to the class controller_klass.include_view_helper('application_helper') controller_klass.include_view_helpers } # cache layout erb's layout_files = Dir.glob(File.join(app_path,'app/views/layouts/*.erb')) layout_files.each {|f| key = f.split("layouts/")[1].split(".html.erb")[0].gsub(/.xml.erb/, '_xml').gsub(/.json.erb/, '_json').gsub(/.js.erb/, '_js').gsub(/.rss.erb/, '_rss').gsub(/.atom.erb/, '_atom') results = [], "r").each { |line| results << line } @@layouts[key.to_sym] ="")) } #lood 404 and 500 pages if they exist pnf = Doozer::Configs.page_not_found_url if pnf file = File.join(app_path,"#{pnf}") results = [], "r").each { |line| results << line } @@errors[404] = results.join("") else @@errors[404] = "Sorry, this page can't be found." end ise = Doozer::Configs.internal_server_error_url if ise file = File.join(app_path,"#{ise}") results = [], "r").each { |line| results << line } @@errors[500] = results.join("") else @@errors[500] = "There was an internal server error which borked this request." end @@controllers.each_key { | key | # p key.inspect files = Dir.glob(File.join(app_path,"app/views/#{key.to_s}/*.erb")) files.each { | f | #!!!don't cache partials here!!! view = f.split("#{key.to_s}/")[1].split(".erb")[0].gsub(/\./,'_') # p "check view: #{view}" if not /^_/.match( view ) # p "cache view: #{view}" results = [], "r").each { |line| results << line } @@views[key] = {} if @@views[key].nil? @@views[key][view.to_sym] ="")) end } } end # Load application routes def load_routes require File.join(app_path, 'config/routes') end # Load all application models in app/models def load_models puts "=> Loading models" Dir.glob(File.join(app_path,'app/models/*.rb')).each { | model | require model } end # Loads the file watcher for all application files while in development mode-only. # # This allows you to edit files without restarting the app server to pickup new changes. def load_watcher require 'doozer/watcher' puts "=> Watching files for changes" watcher = # watcher.addDirectory(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'../doozer/'), "*.rb") watcher.addDirectory( app_path + '/app/', "**/*") watcher.addDirectory( app_path + '/app', "**/**/*") watcher.addDirectory( app_path + '/config/', "*.*") watcher.addDirectory( app_path + '/lib/', "*.*") watcher.addDirectory( app_path + '/static/', "*.*") watcher.addDirectory( app_path + '/static/', "**/**/*") watcher.sleepTime = 1 watcher.start { |status, file| if(status == FileSystemWatcher::CREATED) then puts "created: #{file}" load_files Doozer::Partial.clear_loaded_partials elsif(status == FileSystemWatcher::MODIFIED) then puts "modified: #{file}" load_files Doozer::Partial.clear_loaded_partials Doozer::Configs.clear_static_files elsif(status == FileSystemWatcher::DELETED) then puts "deleted: #{file}" load_files Doozer::Partial.clear_loaded_partials Doozer::Configs.clear_static_files end } #don't join the thread it messes up rackup threading watcher.join() # p watcher.isStarted? # p watcher.isStopped? # p watcher.foundFiles.inspect end def handler(key) return Object.const_get(@@controllers[key]) end def app_path Doozer::Configs.app_path end def self.controllers @@controllers end def self.layouts @@layouts end def self.views @@views end end #App end #Doozer