package org.embulk.spi; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Collections; import; import; import io.airlift.slice.Slice; import io.airlift.slice.Slices; import org.embulk.spi.time.Timestamp; public class PageBuilder implements AutoCloseable { private final BufferAllocator allocator; private final PageOutput output; private final Schema schema; private final int[] columnOffsets; private final int fixedRecordSize; private Buffer buffer; private Slice bufferSlice; private int count; private int position; private final byte[] nullBitSet; private final BiMap stringReferences = HashBiMap.create(); private int stringReferenceSize; private int nextVariableLengthDataOffset; public PageBuilder(BufferAllocator allocator, Schema schema, PageOutput output) { this.allocator = allocator; this.output = output; this.schema = schema; this.columnOffsets = PageFormat.columnOffsets(schema); this.nullBitSet = new byte[PageFormat.nullBitSetSize(schema)]; this.fixedRecordSize = PageFormat.recordHeaderSize(schema) + PageFormat.totalColumnSize(schema); this.nextVariableLengthDataOffset = fixedRecordSize; newBuffer(); } private void newBuffer() { this.buffer = allocator.allocate(PageFormat.PAGE_HEADER_SIZE + fixedRecordSize); this.bufferSlice = Slices.wrappedBuffer(buffer.array(), buffer.offset(), buffer.capacity()); this.count = 0; this.position = PageFormat.PAGE_HEADER_SIZE; this.stringReferences.clear(); this.stringReferenceSize = 0; } public Schema getSchema() { return schema; } public void setNull(Column column) { setNull(column.getIndex()); } public void setNull(int columnIndex) { nullBitSet[columnIndex >>> 3] |= (1 << (columnIndex & 7)); } public void setBoolean(Column column, boolean value) { // TODO check type? setBoolean(column.getIndex(), value); } public void setBoolean(int columnIndex, boolean value) { bufferSlice.setByte(getOffset(columnIndex), value ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } public void setLong(Column column, long value) { // TODO check type? setLong(column.getIndex(), value); } public void setLong(int columnIndex, long value) { bufferSlice.setLong(getOffset(columnIndex), value); } public void setDouble(Column column, double value) { // TODO check type? setDouble(column.getIndex(), value); } public void setDouble(int columnIndex, double value) { bufferSlice.setDouble(getOffset(columnIndex), value); } public void setString(Column column, String value) { // TODO check type? setString(column.getIndex(), value); } public void setString(int columnIndex, String value) { Integer reuseIndex = stringReferences.get(value); if (reuseIndex != null) { bufferSlice.setInt(getOffset(columnIndex), reuseIndex); } else { int index = stringReferences.size(); stringReferences.put(value, index); bufferSlice.setInt(getOffset(columnIndex), index); stringReferenceSize += value.length() * 2 + 4; // assuming size of char = size of byte * 2 + length } } public void setTimestamp(Column column, Timestamp value) { // TODO check type? setTimestamp(column.getIndex(), value); } public void setTimestamp(int columnIndex, Timestamp value) { int offset = getOffset(columnIndex); bufferSlice.setLong(offset, value.getEpochSecond()); bufferSlice.setInt(offset + 8, value.getNano()); } private int getOffset(int columnIndex) { return position + columnOffsets[columnIndex]; } private static class StringReferenceSortComparator implements Comparator>, Serializable { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry e1, Map.Entry e2) { return e1.getValue().compareTo(e2.getValue()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof StringReferenceSortComparator; } } private List getSortedStringReferences() { ArrayList> s = new ArrayList<>(stringReferences.entrySet()); Collections.sort(s, new StringReferenceSortComparator()); String[] array = new String[s.size()]; for (int i=0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = s.get(i).getKey(); } return Arrays.asList(array); } public void addRecord() { // record header bufferSlice.setInt(position, nextVariableLengthDataOffset); // nextVariableLengthDataOffset means record size bufferSlice.setBytes(position + 4, nullBitSet); count++; this.position += nextVariableLengthDataOffset; this.nextVariableLengthDataOffset = fixedRecordSize; Arrays.fill(nullBitSet, (byte) 0); // flush if next record will not fit in this buffer if (buffer.capacity() < position + nextVariableLengthDataOffset + stringReferenceSize) { flush(); } } private void doFlush() { if (buffer != null && count > 0) { // write page header bufferSlice.setInt(0, count); buffer.limit(position); // flush page Page page = Page.wrap(buffer).setStringReferences(getSortedStringReferences()); buffer = null; bufferSlice = null; output.add(page); } } public void flush() { doFlush(); if (buffer == null) { newBuffer(); } } public void finish() { doFlush(); output.finish(); } @Override public void close() { if (buffer != null) { buffer.release(); buffer = null; bufferSlice = null; } } /* TODO for variable-length types private void flushAndTakeOverRemaingData() { if (page != null) { // page header page.setInt(0, count); Page lastPage = page; = allocator.allocatePage(Page.PAGE_HEADER_SIZE + fixedRecordSize + nextVariableLengthDataOffset); page.setBytes(Page.PAGE_HEADER_SIZE, lastPage, position, nextVariableLengthDataOffset); this.count = 0; this.position = Page.PAGE_HEADER_SIZE; output.add(lastPage); } } public int getVariableLengthDataOffset() { return nextVariableLengthDataOffset; } public VariableLengthDataWriter setVariableLengthData(int columnIndex, int intData) { // Page.VARIABLE_LENGTH_COLUMN_SIZE is 4 bytes page.setInt(position + columnOffsets[columnIndex], intData); return new VariableLengthDataWriter(nextVariableLengthDataOffset); } Page ensureVariableLengthDataCapacity(int requiredOffsetFromPosition) { if (page.capacity() < position + requiredOffsetFromPosition) { flushAndTakeOverRemaingData(); } return page; } public class VariableLengthDataWriter { private int offsetFromPosition; VariableLengthDataWriter(int offsetFromPosition) { this.offsetFromPosition = offsetFromPosition; } public void writeByte(byte value) { ensureVariableLengthDataCapacity(offsetFromPosition + 1); page.setByte(position + offsetFromPosition, value); offsetFromPosition += 1; } public void writeShort(short value) { ensureVariableLengthDataCapacity(offsetFromPosition + 2); page.setShort(position + offsetFromPosition, value); offsetFromPosition += 2; } public void writeInt(int value) { ensureVariableLengthDataCapacity(offsetFromPosition + 4); page.setInt(position + offsetFromPosition, value); offsetFromPosition += 4; } public void writeLong(long value) { ensureVariableLengthDataCapacity(offsetFromPosition + 8); page.setLong(position + offsetFromPosition, value); offsetFromPosition += 8; } public void writeFloat(float value) { ensureVariableLengthDataCapacity(offsetFromPosition + 4); page.setFloat(position + offsetFromPosition, value); offsetFromPosition += 4; } public void writeDouble(double value) { ensureVariableLengthDataCapacity(offsetFromPosition + 8); page.setDouble(position + offsetFromPosition, value); offsetFromPosition += 8; } public void writeBytes(byte[] data) { writeBytes(data, 0, data.length); } public void writeBytes(byte[] data, int off, int len) { ensureVariableLengthDataCapacity(offsetFromPosition + len); page.setBytes(position + offsetFromPosition, data, off, len); offsetFromPosition += len; } } */ }