module Micronaut module Rails module Mocking module WithMocha def stub_model(model_class, params = {}) params = params.dup model = = params.delete(:id) || next_id model.extend Micronaut::Rails::Mocking::ModelStubber params.keys.each do |prop| model[prop] = params.delete(prop) if model.has_attribute?(prop) end add_stubs(model, params) yield model if block_given? model end # Stubs methods on +object+ (if +object+ is a symbol or string a new mock # with that name will be created). +stubs+ is a Hash of +method=>value+ def add_stubs(object, params) # :nodoc: m = [String, Symbol].include?(object.class) ? mock(object.to_s) : object params.each { |prop, value| m.stubs(prop).returns(value) } m end def mock_model(model_class, params = {}) id = params[:id] || next_id model = stub("#{}_#{id}", { :id => id, :to_param => id.to_s, :new_record? => false, :errors => stub("errors", :count => 0) }.update(params)) model.instance_eval <<-CODE def as_new_record self.stubs(:id).returns(nil) self.stubs(:to_param).returns(nil) self.stubs(:new_record?).returns(true) self end def is_a?(other) #{model_class}.ancestors.include?(other) end def kind_of?(other) #{model_class}.ancestors.include?(other) end def instance_of?(other) other == #{model_class} end def class #{model_class} end CODE yield model if block_given? return model end private @@model_id = 1000 def next_id @@model_id += 1 end end end end end