require "dry-monads" require "dry/matcher/either_matcher" RSpec.describe "Dry::Matcher::EitherMatcher" do describe "external matching" do subject(:match) { Dry::Matcher::EitherMatcher.(result) do |m| m.success do |v| "Matched success: #{v}" end m.failure do |v| "Matched failure: #{v}" end end } context "successful result" do let(:result) { Dry::Monads::Right("a success") } it "matches on success" do expect(match).to eq "Matched success: a success" end end context "failed result" do let(:result) { Dry::Monads::Left("a failure") } it "matches on failure" do expect(match).to eq "Matched failure: a failure" end end context "result convertible to either" do context "converts to success" do let(:result) { Dry::Monads::Try.lift([StandardError], -> { 'a success' }) } it "matches on success" do expect(match).to eq "Matched success: a success" end end context "converts to failure" do let(:result) { Dry::Monads::Try.lift([StandardError], -> { raise('a failure') }) } it "matches on failure" do expect(match).to eq "Matched failure: a failure" end end end end end