Upconverting Software DVD/Video/Online Player
Sensible Cinema can playback your DVD's or Movie files (or even online players) in upscaled goodness. This means they look
awesome on higher resolution monitors and it really brings out the details in the movie.
You can use this to play it back in high-res on your monitor, or attach your computer to your projector
or TV to get back the equivalent of a hardware "DVD upscaler" playback, but for free, no extra
hardware necessary.
1) installation: download the latest version from http://sourceforge.net/projects/sensible-cinema/files.
Note that you must accept the terms of the gplv3 in order to use this software.
2) unzip it
3) run "advanced--upconverter.bat" file
4) click setup upconverting options button, choose "DVD style playback"
5) close the setup window, insert DVD if desired, click "watch DVD upconverted (unedited)" button
to use the "online upconverting" you need to (be using windows and) install https://github.com/rdp/screen-capture-recorder-to-video-windows-free
then use its start menu -> Screen Capture Recorder -> configure -> configure by resizing a transparent window to "overlay" your player
in one monitor with it so that it will capture that.
Then run "advanced--upconverter"
Then click "watch upconverted online player" and drag your window to your other monitor and enjoy upconverted netflix instant/hulu etc.
Enjoy your film. Feedback welcome rogerdpack@gmail.com
How does it do this? It uses a high quality software upscaling algorithm (lanczos)
along with some denoise and sharpening filters, via ffmpeg/mplayer programs.
This is (arguably) better than some hardware DVD upscalers. It's still a work in progress
but seems to be working well. WE NEED HELP if you are a movie or image buff we could use
help tweaking upconvert parameters to find the best settings (though the default seem to work well).
Also note that you "can" get upconversion from other sources. You can tweak ffdshow + media player classic
to display with similar settings, or purchase/use PowerDVD which I think also does something like this.
This project aims to make the process easier :)
See also the various other things that sensible cinema does here.