require "reactive-ruby/ext/string" require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute' require 'reactive-ruby/callbacks' require "reactive-ruby/ext/hash" require "reactive-ruby/rendering_context" require "reactive-ruby/observable" require "reactive-ruby/state" require 'native' module React module Component def self.included(base) base.include(API) base.include(React::Callbacks) base.class_eval do class_attribute :initial_state define_callback :before_mount define_callback :after_mount define_callback :before_receive_props define_callback :before_update define_callback :after_update define_callback :before_unmount def render raise "no render defined" end unless method_defined? :render def children nodes = `#{@native}.props.children` || [] class << nodes include Enumerable def to_n self end def each(&block) if block_given? %x{ React.Children.forEach(#{self.to_n}, function(context){ #{`context`))} }) } nil else`React.Children.count(#{self.to_n})`) do |y| %x{ React.Children.forEach(#{self.to_n}, function(context){ #{y <<`context`)} }) } end end end end nodes end end base.extend(ClassMethods) if #puts "getting parent of #{}" parent ="::").inject([Module]) { |nesting, next_const| nesting + [nesting.last.const_get(next_const)] }[-2] #puts "defining method missing for module #{parent}" class << parent #.class_eval do def method_missing(n, *args, &block) #puts "method missing for #{n} called" name = n if name =~ /_as_node$/ node_only = true name = name.gsub(/_as_node$/, "") end unless name = const_get(name) and name.method_defined? :render #puts "can't find render method" return super end if node_only { React::RenderingContext.render(name, *args, &block) }.to_n else React::RenderingContext.render(name, *args, &block) end rescue Exception => e puts "pow" message = "#{}.#{n} method_missing handler exception raised: #{e}" `console.error(#{message})` end end end end def initialize(native_element) @native = native_element end def params`#{@native}.props`) end def refs`#{@native}.refs`) end def state raise "No native ReactComponent associated" unless @native`#{@native}.state`) end def update_react_js_state(object, name, value) set_state({"#{object.class.to_s+'.' unless object == self}name" => value}) rescue nil # in case we are in render end def emit(event_name, *args) self.params["_on#{event_name.to_s.event_camelize}"].call(*args) end def component_will_mount IsomorphicHelpers.load_context(true) if IsomorphicHelpers.on_opal_client? @processed_params = {} React::State.initialize_states(self, initial_state) React::State.set_state_context_to(self) { self.run_callback(:before_mount) } rescue Exception => e self.class.process_exception(e, self) end def component_did_mount React::State.set_state_context_to(self) do self.run_callback(:after_mount) React::State.update_states_to_observe end rescue Exception => e self.class.process_exception(e, self) end def component_will_receive_props(next_props) # need to rethink how this works in opal-react, or if its actually that useful within the react.rb environment # for now we are just using it to clear processed_params React::State.set_state_context_to(self) { self.run_callback(:before_receive_props, } @processed_params = {} rescue Exception => e self.class.process_exception(e, self) end def should_component_update?(next_props, next_state) React::State.set_state_context_to(self) { self.respond_to?(:needs_update?) ? self.needs_update?(, : true } rescue Exception => e self.class.process_exception(e, self) end def component_will_update(next_props, next_state) React::State.set_state_context_to(self) { self.run_callback(:before_update,, } rescue Exception => e self.class.process_exception(e, self) end def component_did_update(prev_props, prev_state) React::State.set_state_context_to(self) do self.run_callback(:after_update,, React::State.update_states_to_observe end rescue Exception => e self.class.process_exception(e, self) end def component_will_unmount React::State.set_state_context_to(self) do self.run_callback(:before_unmount) React::State.remove end rescue Exception => e self.class.process_exception(e, self) end def p(*args, &block) if block || args.count == 0 || (args.count == 1 && args.first.is_a?(Hash)) _p_tag(*args, &block) else Kernel.p(*args) end end def component?(name) name_list = name.split("::") scope_list ="::").inject([Module]) { |nesting, next_const| nesting + [nesting.last.const_get(next_const)] }.reverse scope_list.each do |scope| component = name_list.inject(scope) do |scope, class_name| scope.const_get(class_name) end rescue nil return component if component and component.method_defined? :render end nil end def method_missing(n, *args, &block) return params[n] if params.key? n name = n if name =~ /_as_node$/ node_only = true name = name.gsub(/_as_node$/, "") end unless (React::HTML_TAGS.include?(name) || name == 'present' || name == '_p_tag' || (name = component?(name, self))) return super end if name == "present" name = args.shift end if name == "_p_tag" name = "p" end if node_only { React::RenderingContext.render(name, *args, &block) }.to_n else React::RenderingContext.render(name, *args, &block) end end def watch(value, &on_change), on_change) end def define_state(*args, &block) React::State.initialize_states(self, self.class.define_state(*args, &block)) end attr_reader :waiting_on_resources def _render_wrapper React::State.set_state_context_to(self) do RenderingContext.render(nil) {render || ""}.tap { |element| @waiting_on_resources = element.waiting_on_resources if element.respond_to? :waiting_on_resources } end rescue Exception => e self.class.process_exception(e, self) end module ClassMethods def backtrace(*args) @backtrace_on = (args.count == 0 or (args[0] != :off and args[0])) end def process_exception(e, component, reraise = nil) message = ["Exception raised while rendering #{component}"] if @backtrace_on message << " #{e.backtrace[0]}" message += e.backtrace[1..-1].collect { |line| line } else message[0] += ": #{e.message}" end message = message.join("\n") `console.error(message)` raise e if reraise end def validator @validator ||= end def prop_types if self.validator { _componentValidator: %x{ function(props, propName, componentName) { var errors = #{validator.validate(`props`))}; var error = new Error(#{"In component `" + + "`\n" + `errors`.join("\n")}); return #{`errors`.count > 0 ? `error` : `undefined`}; } } } else {} end end def default_props validator.default_props end def params(&block) end def define_param_method(name, param_type) if param_type == React::Observable (@two_way_params ||= []) << name define_method("#{name}") do params[name].instance_variable_get("@value") end define_method("#{name}!") do |*args| if args.count > 0 current_value = params[name].instance_variable_get("@value") params[name].call args[0] current_value else current_value = params[name].instance_variable_get("@value") params[name].call current_value unless @dont_update_state rescue nil # rescue in case we in middle of render params[name] end end elsif param_type == Proc define_method("#{name}") do |*args, &block| params[name].call *args, &block end else define_method("#{name}") do @processed_params[name] ||= if param_type.respond_to? :_react_param_conversion param_type._react_param_conversion params[name] elsif param_type.is_a? Array and param_type[0].respond_to? :_react_param_conversion params[name].collect { |param| param_type[0]._react_param_conversion param } else params[name] end end end end def required_param(name, options = {}) validator.requires(name, options) define_param_method(name, options[:type]) end alias_method :require_param, :required_param def optional_param(name, options = {}) validator.optional(name, options) define_param_method(name, options[:type]) unless name == :params end def collect_other_params_as(name) validator.all_others(name) define_method(name) do @_all_others ||= self.class.validator.collect_all_others(params) end end def define_state(*states, &block) default_initial_value = (block and block.arity == 0) ? yield : nil states_hash = (states.last.is_a? Hash) ? states.pop : {} states.each { |name| states_hash[name] = default_initial_value } (self.initial_state ||= {}).merge! states_hash states_hash.each do |name, initial_value| define_state_methods(self, name, &block) end end def export_state(*states, &block) default_initial_value = (block and block.arity == 0) ? yield : nil states_hash = (states.last.is_a? Hash) ? states.pop : {} states.each { |name| states_hash[name] = default_initial_value } React::State.initialize_states(self, states_hash) states_hash.each do |name, initial_value| define_state_methods(self, name, self, &block) define_state_methods(singleton_class, name, self, &block) end end def define_state_methods(this, name, from = nil, &block) this.define_method("#{name}") do React::State.get_state(from || self, name) end this.define_method("#{name}=") do |new_state| yield name, React::State.get_state(from || self, name), new_state if block and block.arity > 0 React::State.set_state(from || self, name, new_state) end this.define_method("#{name}!") do |*args| #return unless @native if args.count > 0 yield name, React::State.get_state(from || self, name), args[0] if block and block.arity > 0 current_value = React::State.get_state(from || self, name) React::State.set_state(from || self, name, args[0]) current_value else current_state = React::State.get_state(from || self, name) yield name, React::State.get_state(from || self, name), current_state if block and block.arity > 0 React::State.set_state(from || self, name, current_state) do |new_value| yield name, React::State.get_state(from || self, name), new_value if block and block.arity > 0 React::State.set_state(from || self, name, new_value) end end end end def native_mixin(item) native_mixins << item end def native_mixins @native_mixins ||= [] end def static_call_back(name, &block) static_call_backs[name] = block end def static_call_backs @static_call_backs ||= {} end def export_component(opts = {}) export_name = (opts[:as] || name).split("::") first_name = export_name.first Native(`window`)[first_name] = add_item_to_tree(Native(`window`)[first_name], [React::API.create_native_react_class(self)] + export_name[1..-1].reverse).to_n end def add_item_to_tree(current_tree, new_item) if Native(current_tree).class != Native::Object or new_item.length == 1 new_item.inject do |memo, sub_name| {sub_name => memo} end else Native(current_tree)[new_item.last] = add_item_to_tree(Native(current_tree)[new_item.last], new_item[0..-2]) current_tree end end end module API #include Native alias_native :dom_node, :getDOMNode alias_native :mounted?, :isMounted alias_native :force_update!, :forceUpdate def set_props(prop, &block) raise "No native ReactComponent associated" unless @native %x{ #{@native}.setProps(#{prop.shallow_to_n}, function(){ #{ if block} }); } end def set_props!(prop, &block) raise "No native ReactComponent associated" unless @native %x{ #{@native}.replaceProps(#{prop.shallow_to_n}, function(){ #{ if block} }); } end def set_state(state, &block) raise "No native ReactComponent associated" unless @native %x{ #{@native}.setState(#{state.shallow_to_n}, function(){ #{ if block} }); } end def set_state!(state, &block) raise "No native ReactComponent associated" unless @native %x{ #{@native}.replaceState(#{state.shallow_to_n}, function(){ #{ if block} }); } end end end end