require_relative './websocket/errors' require_relative '../helpers/application_helper' module CapistranoSentinel class WebsocketClient include CapistranoSentinel::ApplicationHelper attr_reader :socket, :read_thread, :protocol_version, :actor, :read_buffer_size, :reconnect, :retry_time attr_accessor :auto_pong, :on_ping, :on_error, :on_message, :actor, :read_buffer_size, :reconnect, :retry_time ## # +host+:: Host of request. Required if no :url param was provided. # +path+:: Path of request. Should start with '/'. Default: '/' # +query+:: Query for request. Should be in format "aaa=bbb&ccc=ddd" # +secure+:: Defines protocol to use. If true then wss://, otherwise ws://. This option will not change default port - it should be handled by programmer. # +port+:: Port of request. Default: nil # +opts+:: Additional options: # :reconnect - if true, it will try to reconnect # :retry_time - how often should retries happen when reconnecting [default = 1s] # Alternatively it can be called with a single hash where key names as symbols are the same as param names def initialize(opts) # Initializing with a single hash @options = opts.symbolize_keys @auto_pong = @options.fetch(:auto_pong, nil) || CapistranoSentinel.config.auto_pong @read_buffer_size = @options.fetch(:read_buffer_size, nil) || CapistranoSentinel.config.read_buffer_size @reconnect = @options.fetch(:reconnect, nil) || CapistranoSentinel.config.reconnect @retry_time = @options.fetch(:retry_time, nil) || CapistranoSentinel.config.retry_time @secure = @options.fetch(:secure, nil) || @host = @options.fetch(:host, nil) || @port = @secure ? 443 : (@options.fetch(:port, nil) || CapistranoSentinel.config.port) @path = @options.fetch(:path, nil) || CapistranoSentinel.config.path @query = @options.fetch(:query, nil) @actor ||= @options.fetch(:actor, nil) @channel ||= @options.fetch(:channel, nil) @closed = false @opened = false @on_open = lambda { log_to_file("native websocket client websocket connection opened") subscribe(@channel) if @channel.present? } @on_close = lambda { |message| log_to_file("#{@actor.class} client received on_close #{message.inspect}") if @actor.present? && @actor.respond_to?(:on_close) if @actor.respond_to?(:async) @actor.async.on_close(message) else @actor.on_close(message) end end } @on_ping = lambda { |message| log_to_file("#{@actor.class} client received PING #{message.inspect}") if @actor.present? && @actor.respond_to?(:on_ping) if @actor.respond_to?(:async) @actor.async.on_ping(message) else @actor.on_ping(message) end end } @on_error = lambda { |error| log_to_file("#{@actor.class} received ERROR #{error.inspect} #{error.backtrace}") if @actor.present? && @actor.respond_to?(:on_error) if @actor.respond_to?(:async) @actor.async.on_error(error) else @actor.on_error(error) end end } @on_message = lambda { |message| message = parse_json(message) log_to_file("#{@actor.class} websocket client received JSON #{message}") if @actor.present? && @actor.respond_to?(:async) log_to_file("#{@actor.class} works async on message #{message.inspect}") @actor.async.on_message(message) else @actor.on_message(message) end } connect end def is_windows? RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ end # subscribes to a channel . need to be used inside the connect block passed to the actor # # @param [string] channel # # @return [void] # # @api public def subscribe(channel, data = {}) log_to_file("#{self.class} tries to subscribe to channel #{channel} with #{data.inspect}") send_action('subscribe', channel, data) end # publishes to a channel some data (can be anything) # # @param [string] channel # @param [#to_s] data # # @return [void] # # @api public def publish(channel, data) send_action('publish', channel, data) end # unsubscribes current client from a channel # # @param [string] channel # # @return [void] # # @api public def unsubscribe(channel) send_action('unsubscribe', channel) end # unsubscribes all clients subscribed to a channel # # @param [string] channel # # @return [void] # # @api public def unsubscribe_clients(channel) send_action('unsubscribe_clients', channel) end # unsubscribes all clients from all channels # # @return [void] # # @api public def unsubscribe_all send_action('unsubscribe_all') end protected def send_action(action, channel = nil, data = {}) data = data.is_a?(Hash) ? data : {} publishing_data = { 'client_action' => action, 'channel' => channel, 'data' => data }.reject { |_key, value| value.blank? } chat(publishing_data) end # method used to send messages to the webserver # checks too see if the message is a hash and if it is it will transform it to JSON and send it to the webser # otherwise will construct a JSON object that will have the key action with the value 'message" and the key message witth the parameter's value # # @param [Hash] message # # @return [void] # # @api private def chat(message) final_message = nil if message.is_a?(Hash) final_message = message.to_json else final_message = JSON.dump(action: 'message', message: message) end log_to_file("#{self.class} sends JSON #{final_message}") send_data(final_message) end ## #Send the data given by the data param #if running on a posix system this uses Ruby's fork method to send #if on windows fork won't be attempted. #+data+:: the data to send #+type+:: :text or :binary, defaults to :text def send_data(data, type = :text) pid = do do_send(data, type) end end def connect tcp_socket =, @port) tcp_socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_SOCKET, ::Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, true) tcp_socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_KEEPIDLE, 50) tcp_socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_KEEPINTVL, 50) tcp_socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_KEEPCNT, 10) if @secure @socket = @socket.connect else @socket = tcp_socket end perform_handshake end def reconnect @closed = false @opened = false until @opened begin connect rescue ::Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e log_to_file("#{self.class} got ECONNREFUSED #{e.inspect} ") sleep @retry_time rescue => e fire_on_error e end end end def perform_handshake handshake ={ :host => @host, :port => @port, :secure => @secure, :path => @path, :query => @query }) @socket.write handshake.to_s buf = '' loop do begin if handshake.finished? @protocol_version = handshake.version @active = true @opened = true log_to_file("#{self.class} got handshake finished ") init_messaging fire_on_open break else # do non blocking reads on headers - 1 byte at a time buf.concat(@socket.read_nonblock(1)) # \r\n\r\n i.e. a blank line, separates headers from body if idx = buf.index(/\r\n\r\n/m) handshake << buf # parse headers if handshake.finished? && !handshake.valid? fire_on_error('Server responded with an invalid handshake')) fire_on_close #close if handshake is not valid break end end end rescue ::IO::WaitReadable => e #log_to_file("#{self.class} got WaitReadable #{e.inspect}") rescue ::IO::WaitWritable => e #log_to_file("#{self.class} got WaitWritable #{e.inspect}") # ignored end end end # Use one thread to perform blocking read on the socket def init_messaging @read_thread = { read_loop } end def read_loop frame = => @protocol_version) loop do begin frame << @socket.readpartial(@read_buffer_size) while message = #"text", "binary", "ping", "pong" and "close" (according to websocket/base.rb) determine_message_type(message) end fire_on_error if frame.error? rescue => e log_to_file("#{self.class} crashed with #{e.inspect} #{e.backtrace}") fire_on_error(e) if @socket.closed? || @socket.eof? @read_thread = nil fire_on_close break end end end end def determine_message_type(message) log_to_file("#{self.class} tries to dispatch message #{message.inspect}") case message.type when :binary, :text fire_on_message( when :ping send_data(, :pong) if @auto_pong fire_on_ping(message) when :pong fire_on_error('Invalid type pong received')) when :close fire_on_close(message) else fire_on_error("An unknown message type was received #{message.inspect}")) end end def do_send(data, type=:text) frame = => @protocol_version, :data => data, :type => type) begin @socket.write_nonblock frame @socket.flush rescue ::Errno::EPIPE => ce fire_on_error(ce) fire_on_close rescue => e fire_on_error(e) end end def fire_on_ping(message) log_to_file("#{self.class} tries to ping #{message.inspect}") if @on_ping end def fire_on_message(message) log_to_file("#{self.class} tries to fire_on_message #{message.inspect}") if @on_message end def fire_on_open log_to_file("#{self.class} tries to on_open ") if @on_open end def fire_on_error(error) log_to_file("#{self.class} tries to on_error with #{error.inspect} ") if @on_error end def fire_on_close(message = nil) log_to_file("#{self.class} tries to fire_on_close with #{message.inspect} ") @active = false @closed = true if @on_close @socket.close unless @socket.closed? reconnect if @reconnect end end # class end # module