if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new('1.8.7') require 'backports/1.8.7/string/end_with' require 'backports/1.8.7/hash/constructor' require 'backports/1.8.7/kernel/tap' require 'backports/1.8.7/stdlib/tmpdir' require 'backports/1.8.7/symbol' require 'backports/1.8.7/array' require 'bundler/backports/time' end require 'fileutils' require 'pathname' require 'rbconfig' require 'bundler/gem_path_manipulation' require 'bundler/rubygems_ext' require 'bundler/rubygems_integration' require 'bundler/version' require 'bundler/constants' require 'bundler/current_ruby' module Bundler preserve_gem_path ORIGINAL_ENV = ENV.to_hash autoload :Definition, 'bundler/definition' autoload :Dependency, 'bundler/dependency' autoload :DepProxy, 'bundler/dep_proxy' autoload :Deprecate, 'bundler/deprecate' autoload :Dsl, 'bundler/dsl' autoload :EndpointSpecification, 'bundler/endpoint_specification' autoload :Environment, 'bundler/environment' autoload :Env, 'bundler/env' autoload :Fetcher, 'bundler/fetcher' autoload :GemHelper, 'bundler/gem_helper' autoload :GemHelpers, 'bundler/gem_helpers' autoload :GemInstaller, 'bundler/gem_installer' autoload :Graph, 'bundler/graph' autoload :Index, 'bundler/index' autoload :Installer, 'bundler/installer' autoload :Injector, 'bundler/injector' autoload :LazySpecification, 'bundler/lazy_specification' autoload :LockfileParser, 'bundler/lockfile_parser' autoload :MatchPlatform, 'bundler/match_platform' autoload :RemoteSpecification, 'bundler/remote_specification' autoload :Resolver, 'bundler/resolver' autoload :Retry, 'bundler/retry' autoload :RubyVersion, 'bundler/ruby_version' autoload :RubyDsl, 'bundler/ruby_dsl' autoload :Runtime, 'bundler/runtime' autoload :Settings, 'bundler/settings' autoload :SharedHelpers, 'bundler/shared_helpers' autoload :SpecSet, 'bundler/spec_set' autoload :Source, 'bundler/source' autoload :Specification, 'bundler/shared_helpers' autoload :SystemRubyVersion, 'bundler/ruby_version' autoload :UI, 'bundler/ui' class BundlerError < StandardError def self.status_code(code) define_method(:status_code) { code } end end class GemfileNotFound < BundlerError; status_code(10) ; end class GemNotFound < BundlerError; status_code(7) ; end class GemfileError < BundlerError; status_code(4) ; end class InstallError < BundlerError; status_code(5) ; end class InstallHookError < BundlerError; status_code(8) ; end class PathError < BundlerError; status_code(13) ; end class GitError < BundlerError; status_code(11) ; end class SVNError < BundlerError; status_code(23) ; end class DeprecatedError < BundlerError; status_code(12) ; end class GemspecError < BundlerError; status_code(14) ; end class InvalidOption < BundlerError; status_code(15) ; end class ProductionError < BundlerError; status_code(16) ; end class HTTPError < BundlerError; status_code(17) ; end class RubyVersionMismatch < BundlerError; status_code(18) ; end class SecurityError < BundlerError; status_code(19) ; end class LockfileError < BundlerError; status_code(20) ; end class CyclicDependencyError < BundlerError; status_code(21) ; end class GemfileLockNotFound < BundlerError; status_code(22) ; end # Internal errors, should be rescued class VersionConflict < BundlerError attr_reader :conflicts def initialize(conflicts, msg = nil) super(msg) @conflicts = conflicts end status_code(6) end class MarshalError < StandardError; end class << self attr_writer :ui, :bundle_path def configure @configured ||= configure_gem_home_and_path end def ui @ui ||= UI::Silent.new end # Returns absolute path of where gems are installed on the filesystem. def bundle_path @bundle_path ||= Pathname.new(settings.path).expand_path(root) end # Returns absolute location of where binstubs are installed to. def bin_path @bin_path ||= begin path = settings[:bin] || "bin" path = Pathname.new(path).expand_path(root).expand_path FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) path end end def setup(*groups) # Just return if all groups are already loaded return @setup if defined?(@setup) definition.validate_ruby! if groups.empty? # Load all groups, but only once @setup = load.setup else @completed_groups ||= [] # Figure out which groups haven't been loaded yet unloaded = groups - @completed_groups # Record groups that are now loaded @completed_groups = groups unloaded.any? ? load.setup(*groups) : load end end def require(*groups) setup(*groups).require(*groups) end def load @load ||= Runtime.new(root, definition) end def environment Bundler::Environment.new(root, definition) end # Returns an instance of Bundler::Definition for given Gemfile and lockfile # # @param unlock [Hash, Boolean, nil] Gems that have been requested # to be updated or true if all gems should be updated # @return [Bundler::Definition] def definition(unlock = nil) @definition = nil if unlock @definition ||= begin configure upgrade_lockfile Definition.build(default_gemfile, default_lockfile, unlock) end end def locked_gems return @locked_gems if defined?(@locked_gems) if Bundler.default_lockfile.exist? lock = Bundler.read_file(Bundler.default_lockfile) @locked_gems = LockfileParser.new(lock) else @locked_gems = nil end end def ruby_scope "#{Bundler.rubygems.ruby_engine}/#{Bundler.rubygems.config_map[:ruby_version]}" end def user_bundle_path Pathname.new(Bundler.rubygems.user_home).join(".bundler") end def home bundle_path.join("bundler") end def install_path home.join("gems") end def specs_path bundle_path.join("specifications") end def cache bundle_path.join("cache/bundler") end def root default_gemfile.dirname.expand_path end def app_config_path ENV['BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG'] ? Pathname.new(ENV['BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG']).expand_path(root) : root.join('.bundle') end def app_cache(custom_path = nil) path = custom_path || root path.join("vendor/cache") end def tmp(name = Process.pid.to_s) @tmp ||= Pathname.new Dir.mktmpdir("bundler") @tmp.join(name) end def settings @settings ||= begin Settings.new(app_config_path) rescue GemfileNotFound Settings.new end end def with_original_env bundled_env = ENV.to_hash ENV.replace(ORIGINAL_ENV) yield ensure ENV.replace(bundled_env.to_hash) end def with_clean_env with_original_env do ENV['MANPATH'] = ENV['BUNDLE_ORIG_MANPATH'] ENV.delete_if { |k,_| k[0,7] == 'BUNDLE_' } if ENV.has_key? 'RUBYOPT' ENV['RUBYOPT'] = ENV['RUBYOPT'].sub '-rbundler/setup', '' ENV['RUBYOPT'] = ENV['RUBYOPT'].sub "-I#{File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)}", '' end yield end end def clean_system(*args) with_clean_env { Kernel.system(*args) } end def clean_exec(*args) with_clean_env { Kernel.exec(*args) } end def default_gemfile SharedHelpers.default_gemfile end def default_lockfile SharedHelpers.default_lockfile end def system_bindir # Gem.bindir doesn't always return the location that Rubygems will install # system binaries. If you put '-n foo' in your .gemrc, Rubygems will # install binstubs there instead. Unfortunately, Rubygems doesn't expose # that directory at all, so rather than parse .gemrc ourselves, we allow # the directory to be set as well, via `bundle config bindir foo`. Bundler.settings[:system_bindir] || Bundler.rubygems.gem_bindir end def requires_sudo? return @requires_sudo if defined?(@requires_sudo_ran) if settings.allow_sudo? sudo_present = which "sudo" end if sudo_present # the bundle path and subdirectories need to be writable for Rubygems # to be able to unpack and install gems without exploding path = bundle_path path = path.parent until path.exist? # bins are written to a different location on OS X bin_dir = Pathname.new(Bundler.system_bindir) bin_dir = bin_dir.parent until bin_dir.exist? # if any directory is not writable, we need sudo files = [path, bin_dir] | Dir[path.join('build_info/*').to_s] | Dir[path.join('*').to_s] sudo_needed = files.any?{|f| !File.writable?(f) } end @requires_sudo_ran = true @requires_sudo = settings.allow_sudo? && sudo_present && sudo_needed end def mkdir_p(path) if requires_sudo? sudo "mkdir -p '#{path}'" unless File.exist?(path) else FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) end end def which(executable) if File.file?(executable) && File.executable?(executable) executable elsif ENV['PATH'] path = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).find do |p| File.executable?(File.join(p, executable)) end path && File.expand_path(executable, path) end end def sudo(str) prompt = "\n\n" + <<-PROMPT.gsub(/^ {6}/, '').strip + " " Your user account isn't allowed to install to the system Rubygems. You can cancel this installation and run: bundle install --path vendor/bundle to install the gems into ./vendor/bundle/, or you can enter your password and install the bundled gems to Rubygems using sudo. Password: PROMPT `sudo -p "#{prompt}" #{str}` end def read_file(file) File.open(file, "rb") { |f| f.read } end def load_marshal(data) Marshal.load(data) rescue => e raise MarshalError, "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" end def load_gemspec(file) @gemspec_cache ||= {} key = File.expand_path(file) spec = ( @gemspec_cache[key] ||= load_gemspec_uncached(file) ) # Protect against caching side-effected gemspecs by returning a # new instance each time. spec.dup if spec end def load_gemspec_uncached(file) path = Pathname.new(file) # Eval the gemspec from its parent directory, because some gemspecs # depend on "./" relative paths. SharedHelpers.chdir(path.dirname.to_s) do contents = path.read if contents[0..2] == "---" # YAML header eval_yaml_gemspec(path, contents) else eval_gemspec(path, contents) end end end def clear_gemspec_cache @gemspec_cache = {} end def git_present? return @git_present if defined?(@git_present) @git_present = Bundler.which("git") || Bundler.which("git.exe") end def svn_present? return @svn_present if defined?(@svn_present) @svn_present = Bundler.which("svn") || Bundler.which("svn.exe") end def ruby_version @ruby_version ||= SystemRubyVersion.new end def reset! @definition = nil end private def eval_yaml_gemspec(path, contents) # If the YAML is invalid, Syck raises an ArgumentError, and Psych # raises a Psych::SyntaxError. See psyched_yaml.rb for more info. Gem::Specification.from_yaml(contents) rescue YamlSyntaxError, ArgumentError, Gem::EndOfYAMLException, Gem::Exception eval_gemspec(path, contents) end def eval_gemspec(path, contents) eval(contents, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, path.expand_path.to_s) rescue ScriptError, StandardError => e original_line = e.backtrace.find { |line| line.include?(path.to_s) } msg = "There was a #{e.class} while loading #{path.basename}: \n#{e.message}" msg << " from\n #{original_line}" if original_line msg << "\n" if e.is_a?(LoadError) && RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" msg << "\nDoes it try to require a relative path? That's been removed in Ruby 1.9." end raise GemspecError, msg end def configure_gem_home_and_path blank_home = ENV['GEM_HOME'].nil? || ENV['GEM_HOME'].empty? if settings[:disable_shared_gems] ENV['GEM_PATH'] = '' elsif blank_home || Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir != bundle_path.to_s possibles = [Bundler.rubygems.gem_dir, Bundler.rubygems.gem_path] paths = possibles.flatten.compact.uniq.reject { |p| p.empty? } ENV["GEM_PATH"] = paths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end configure_gem_home bundle_path end def configure_gem_home # TODO: This mkdir_p is only needed for JRuby <= 1.5 and should go away (GH #602) FileUtils.mkdir_p bundle_path.to_s rescue nil ENV['GEM_HOME'] = File.expand_path(bundle_path, root) Bundler.rubygems.clear_paths end def upgrade_lockfile lockfile = default_lockfile if lockfile.exist? && lockfile.read(3) == "---" Bundler.ui.warn "Detected Gemfile.lock generated by 0.9, deleting..." lockfile.rmtree end end end end