require 'json' require 'yaml' require_relative 'blobject/version' # Wraps a hash to provide arbitrarily nested object-style attribute access class Blobject # filter :to_ary else Blobject#to_ary returns a # blobject which is not cool, especially if you are puts. ProhibitedNames = [:to_ary] # pass an optional hash of values to preload # you can also pass a block, the new Blobject will be yield def initialize hash = {} @hash = hash.each do |key, value| key = key.to_sym unless key.is_a? Symbol @hash[key] = value end @hash.each do |name, node| @hash[name] = self.class.send(:__blobjectify__, node) end yield self if block_given? end # indicates whether the blobject contains any data def empty? @hash.empty? end # delegates to the internal Hash def inspect @hash.inspect end # access the internal hash. be careful, this is _not_ a copy def hash @hash end # creates a recursive copy of the internal hash def to_hash h = hash.dup @hash.each do |name, node| h[name] = node.to_hash if node.respond_to? :to_hash end h end # method_missing is only called the first time an attribute is used. successive calls use # memoized getters, setters and checkers def method_missing method, *params, &block __tag_and_raise__ if ProhibitedNames.include?(method) case # assignment in conditionals is usually a bad smell, here it helps minimize regex matching when (name = method[/^\w+$/, 0]) && params.length == 0 # the call is an attribute reader return if frozen? and not @hash.has_key?(method) self.class.send :__define_attribute__, name return send(method) if @hash.has_key? method # close the scope for storing call chain parent = self nested_blobject = store_in_parent = lambda do parent.send "#{name}=", nested_blobject nested_blobject.send :remove_instance_variable, :@store_in_parent end nested_blobject.instance_variable_set :@store_in_parent, store_in_parent return nested_blobject when (name = method[/^(\w+)=$/, 1]) && params.length == 1 # the call is an attribute writer self.class.send :__define_attribute__, name return send method, params.first when (name = method[/^(\w+)\?$/, 1]) && params.length == 0 # the call is an attribute checker self.class.send :__define_attribute__, name return send method end super end def respond_to? method super || self.__respond_to__?(method) end def respond_to_missing?(method, *) super || self.__respond_to__?(method) end # compares Blobjects to Blobjects or Hashes for equality def == other return @hash == other.hash if other.class <= Blobject return @hash == other if other.class <= Hash super end # hash-like access to the Blobject's attributes def [] name send name end # hash-like attribute setter def []= name, value send "#{name.to_s}=", value end # freeze a Blobject to prevent it being modified def freeze self.class.send(:__freeze_r__, @hash) unless frozen? super end # for rails: `render json: blobject` def as_json *args return hash.as_json(*args) if hash.respond_to? :as_json to_hash end # serialize the Blobject as a json string def to_json *args as_json.to_json *args end # serialize the Blobject as a yaml string def to_yaml as_yaml.to_yaml end # get a Blobject from a json string, if the yaml string describes an array, an array will be returned def self.from_json json __blobjectify__(JSON.parse(json)) end # get a Blobject from a yaml string, if the yaml string describes an array, an array will be returned def self.from_yaml yaml __blobjectify__(YAML.load(yaml)) end protected # to avoid naming collisions private method names are prefixed and suffix with double unerscores (__) # Used to tag and re-raise errors from a Blobject # Refer to "Tagging exceptions with modules" on p97 in Exceptional Ruby by Avdi Grimm # errors from this library can be handled with rescue Blobject::Error module Error; end def __tag_and_raise__ e raise e rescue e.extend Blobject::Error raise e end def __respond_to__?(method) return false if ProhibitedNames.include?(method) method = method.to_s [/^(\w+)=$/, /^(\w+)\?$/, /^\w+$/].any? do |r| r.match(method) end end class << self protected def __freeze_r__ object if object.respond_to?(:each) && object.each.is_a?(Enumerator) values = object.is_a?(Hash) ? object.values : object values.each do |v| v.freeze __freeze_r__(v) end end object.freeze end def __blobjectify__ object array = object if object.is_a? Array hash = object if object.is_a? Hash return{|a| __blobjectify__(a)} if array return if hash return object end def __define_attribute__ name __tag_and_raise__"invalid attribute name #{name}") unless name =~ /^\w+$/ name = name.to_sym methods = self.instance_methods setter_name = (name.to_s + '=').to_sym unless methods.include? setter_name self.send :define_method, setter_name do |value| begin value = self.class.send(:__blobjectify__, value) @hash[name] = value rescue => ex __tag_and_raise__(ex) end unless @store_in_parent.nil? end end unless methods.include? name self.send :define_method, name do value = @hash[name] if value.nil? && !frozen? value = # close the scope for storing call chain parent = self store_in_parent = lambda do parent.send "#{name}=", value value.send :remove_instance_variable, :@store_in_parent end value.instance_variable_set :@store_in_parent, store_in_parent end value end end checker_name = (name.to_s + '?').to_sym unless methods.include? checker_name self.send :define_method, checker_name do @hash[name] ? true : false end end name end end end