#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'methadone' require 'dollar_to_euro' require 'date' class App include Methadone::Main include Methadone::CLILogging main do # If user wants to update the database this action will be processed alone if options[:update] url = "#{DollarToEuro::ECB_URL}&start=04-01-1999&end=#{Date.today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")}&type=csv" UpdateDatabase.perform_async(url) else raise 'Amount required.' if options[:amount].nil? options[:date] ||= Date.today.to_s y, m, d = options[:date].split '-' raise 'Invalid date.' unless Date.valid_date? y.to_i, m.to_i, d.to_i # if database is out of date tell the user to update it raise 'Please update the database first.' if ExchangeRateConverter.database_is_out_of_date? puts ExchangeRateConverter.convert(options[:amount].to_f, options[:date]) end end description 'Convert dollars to euros.' on('-a AMOUNT', '--amount', 'Amount in dollars that you want to convert to euros.') on('-d DATE', '--date', "Date for having the value of the euro at that specific day, format YYYY-MM-DD. Default '#{Date.today.to_s}'.") on('-u', '--update', 'Updates the database to have the latest values. No other options are considered.') version DollarToEuro::VERSION, compact: true go! end