# stdlib require 'cgi' module Rouge module Formatters # Transforms a token stream into HTML output. class HTML < Formatter tag 'html' # @option opts [String] :css_class ('highlight') # @option opts [true/false] :line_numbers (false) # @option opts [Rouge::CSSTheme] :inline_theme (nil) # @option opts [true/false] :wrap (true) # # Initialize with options. # # If `:inline_theme` is given, then instead of rendering the # tokens as tags with CSS classes, the styles according to # the given theme will be inlined in "style" attributes. This is # useful for formats in which stylesheets are not available. # # Content will be wrapped in a tag (`div` if tableized, `pre` if # not) with the given `:css_class` unless `:wrap` is set to `false`. def initialize(opts={}) @css_class = opts.fetch(:css_class, 'highlight') @line_numbers = opts.fetch(:line_numbers, false) @inline_theme = opts.fetch(:inline_theme, nil) @wrap = opts.fetch(:wrap, true) end # @yield the html output. def stream(tokens, &b) if @line_numbers stream_tableized(tokens, &b) else stream_untableized(tokens, &b) end end private def stream_untableized(tokens, &b) yield "
" if @wrap
        tokens.each do |tok, val|
          span(tok, val, &b)
        yield '
' if @wrap end def stream_tableized(tokens) num_lines = 0 last_val = '' formatted = '' tokens.each do |tok, val| last_val = val num_lines += val.scan(/\n/).size span(tok, val) { |str| formatted << str } end # add an extra line for non-newline-terminated strings if last_val[-1] != "\n" num_lines += 1 span(Token::Tokens::Text::Whitespace, "\n") { |str| formatted << str } end # generate a string of newline-separated line numbers for the gutter numbers = num_lines.times.map do |x| %<
> end.join yield "
" if @wrap yield '' # the "gl" class applies the style for Generic.Lineno yield '' yield '' yield '
' yield numbers yield '' yield '
        yield formatted
        yield '
' yield '
' yield '
' if @wrap end TABLE_FOR_ESCAPE_HTML = { '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', } def span(tok, val) val = val.gsub(/[&<>]/, TABLE_FOR_ESCAPE_HTML) shortname = tok.shortname or raise "unknown token: #{tok.inspect} for #{val.inspect}" if shortname.empty? yield val else if @inline_theme rules = @inline_theme.style_for(tok).rendered_rules yield "#{val}" else yield "#{val}" end end end end end end