class NECB2011 # Creates thermal zones to contain each space, as defined for each building in the # system_to_space_map inside the Prototype.building_name # e.g. (Prototype.secondary_school.rb) file. # # @param (see #add_constructions) # @return [Bool] returns true if successful, false if not def model_create_thermal_zones(model, space_multiplier_map = nil) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Started creating thermal zones') space_multiplier_map = {} if space_multiplier_map.nil? # Remove any Thermal zones assigned model.getThermalZones.each(&:remove) # Create a thermal zone for each space in the self model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| zone = zone.setName("#{} ZN") unless space_multiplier_map[].nil? || (space_multiplier_map[] == 1) zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[]) end space.setThermalZone(zone) # Skip thermostat for spaces with no space type next if space.spaceType.empty? # Add a thermostat space_type_name = thermostat_name = space_type_name + ' Thermostat' thermostat = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{}") else thermostat_clone = thermostat.get.clone(model).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostat_clone) # Set Ideal loads to thermal zone for sizing for NECB needs. We need this for sizing. ideal_loads = ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(zone) end end OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'openstudio.model.Model', 'Finished creating thermal zones') end # Top level method that merges spaces into zones where possible. This requires a sizing run. This follows the spirit of # the EE4 modelling manual found here where the # A zone includes those areas in the building that meet three criteria: # * Served by the same HVAC system # * Similar operation and function # * Similar heating/cooling loads # Some expections are dwelling units wet zone and wild zones. These spaces will have special considerations when autozoning a # building. def apply_auto_zoning(model:, sizing_run_dir: Dir.pwd) raise('validation of model failed.') unless validate_initial_model(model) # Check to see if model is using another vintage of spacetypes. If so overwrite the @standards for the object with the # other spacetype data. This is required for correct system mapping. template = determine_spacetype_vintage(model) unless template == # Frankenstein the standards data wrt spacetype data. @standards_data['space_types'] =['space_types'] end # The first thing we need to do is get a sizing run to determine the heating loads of all the spaces. The default # btap geometry has a one to one relationship of zones to spaces.. So we simply create the thermal zones for all the spaces. # to do this we need to create thermals zone for each space. # Remove any Thermal zones assigned before model.getThermalZones.each(&:remove) # create new thermal zones one to one with spaces. model_create_thermal_zones(model) # do a sizing run. if model_run_sizing_run(model, "#{sizing_run_dir}/autozone") == false raise('autorun sizing run failed!') end # collect sizing information on each space. self.store_space_sizing_loads(model) # Remove any Thermal zones assigned again to start fresh. model.getThermalZones.each(&:remove) self.auto_zone_dwelling_units(model) self.auto_zone_wet_spaces(model) self.auto_zone_all_other_spaces(model) self.auto_zone_wild_spaces(model) #THis will color the spaces and zones. random = #Set ideal hvac in case we want to not implement the hvac yet and still run osm right after this function. #model.getThermalZones.each { |zone| zone.setUseIdealAirLoads(true) } model.getThermalZones.sort.each {|item| item.setRenderingColor(self.set_random_rendering_color(item, random))} model.getSpaceTypes.sort.each {|item| item.setRenderingColor(self.set_random_rendering_color(item, random))} end # Organizes Zones and assigns them to appropriate systems according to NECB 2011-17 systems spacetype rules in Sec 8. # requires requires fuel type to be assigned for each system aspect. Defaults to gas hydronic. def apply_systems(model:, primary_heating_fuel:, sizing_run_dir:) raise('validation of model failed.') unless validate_initial_model(model) # Check to see if model is using another vintage of spacetypes. If so overwrite the @standards for the object with the # other spacetype data. This is required for correct system mapping. template = determine_spacetype_vintage(model) unless template == # Frankenstein the standards data wrt spacetype data. @standards_data['space_types'] =['space_types'] end # do a sizing run. if model_run_sizing_run(model, "#{sizing_run_dir}/autozone") == false raise('autorun sizing run failed!') end # collect sizing information on each space. self.store_space_sizing_loads(model) # Set the primary fuel set to default to to specific fuel type. if primary_heating_fuel == 'DefaultFuel' epw = primary_heating_fuel = @standards_data['regional_fuel_use'].detect {|fuel_sources| fuel_sources['state_province_regions'].include?(epw.state_province_region)}['fueltype_set'] end # Get fuelset. system_fuel_defaults = @standards_data['fuel_type_sets'].detect {|fuel_type_set| fuel_type_set['name'] == primary_heating_fuel} raise("fuel_type_sets named #{primary_heating_fuel} not found in fuel_type_sets table.") if system_fuel_defaults.nil? # Assign fuel sources. boiler_fueltype = system_fuel_defaults['boiler_fueltype'] baseboard_type = system_fuel_defaults['baseboard_type'] mau_type = system_fuel_defaults['mau_type'] mau_heating_coil_type = system_fuel_defaults['mau_heating_coil_type'] mau_cooling_type = system_fuel_defaults['mau_cooling_type'] chiller_type = system_fuel_defaults['chiller_type'] heating_coil_type_sys3 = system_fuel_defaults['heating_coil_type_sys3'] heating_coil_type_sys4 = system_fuel_defaults['heating_coil_type_sys4'] heating_coil_type_sys6 = system_fuel_defaults['heating_coil_type_sys6'] fan_type = system_fuel_defaults['fan_type'] #remove idealair from zones if any. model.getZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystems.each(&:remove) @hw_loop = create_hw_loop_if_required(baseboard_type, boiler_fueltype, mau_heating_coil_type, model) #Rule that all dwelling units have their own zone and system. auto_system_dwelling_units(model: model, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, boiler_fueltype: boiler_fueltype, chiller_type: chiller_type, fan_type: fan_type, heating_coil_type_sys3: heating_coil_type_sys3, heating_coil_type_sys4: heating_coil_type_sys4, hw_loop: @hw_loop, heating_coil_type_sys6: heating_coil_type_sys6, mau_cooling_type: mau_cooling_type, mau_heating_coil_type: mau_heating_coil_type, mau_type: mau_type ) #Assign a single system 4 for all wet spaces.. and assign the control zone to the one with the largest load. auto_system_wet_spaces(baseboard_type: baseboard_type, boiler_fueltype: boiler_fueltype, heating_coil_type_sys4: heating_coil_type_sys4, model: model) #Assign a single system 4 for all storage spaces.. and assign the control zone to the one with the largest load. auto_system_storage_spaces(baseboard_type: baseboard_type, boiler_fueltype: boiler_fueltype, heating_coil_type_sys4: heating_coil_type_sys4, model: model) #Assign the wild spaces to a single system 4 system with a control zone with the largest load. auto_system_wild_spaces(baseboard_type: baseboard_type, heating_coil_type_sys4: heating_coil_type_sys4, model: model) # do the regular assignment for the rest and group where possible. auto_system_all_other_spaces(model: model, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, boiler_fueltype: boiler_fueltype, chiller_type: chiller_type, fan_type: fan_type, heating_coil_type_sys3: heating_coil_type_sys3, heating_coil_type_sys4: heating_coil_type_sys4, hw_loop: @hw_loop, heating_coil_type_sys6: heating_coil_type_sys6, mau_cooling_type: mau_cooling_type, mau_heating_coil_type: mau_heating_coil_type, mau_type: mau_type ) model_add_swh(model: model, swh_fueltype: system_fuel_defaults['swh_fueltype']) model_apply_sizing_parameters(model) # set a larger tolerance for unmet hours from default 0.2 to 1.0C model.getOutputControlReportingTolerances.setToleranceforTimeHeatingSetpointNotMet(1.0) model.getOutputControlReportingTolerances.setToleranceforTimeCoolingSetpointNotMet(1.0) end # Method to store space sizing loads. This is needed because later when the zones are destroyed this information will be lost. def store_space_sizing_loads(model) @stored_space_heating_sizing_loads = {} @stored_space_cooling_sizing_loads = {} model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| space_type = space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get @stored_space_heating_sizing_loads[space] = space_type == '- undefined -' ? 0.0 : space.thermalZone.get.heatingDesignLoad.get @stored_space_cooling_sizing_loads[space] = space_type == '- undefined -' ? 0.0 : space.thermalZone.get.coolingDesignLoad.get end end # Returns heating load per area for space after sizing run has been done. def stored_space_heating_load(space) if @stored_space_heating_sizing_loads.nil? # do a sizing run. raise("autorun sizing run failed!") if model_run_sizing_run(space.model, "#{Dir.pwd}/autozone") == false #collect sizing information on each space. self.store_space_sizing_loads(space.model) end @stored_space_heating_sizing_loads[space] end # Returns the cooling load per area for space after sizing runs has been done. def stored_space_cooling_load(space) if @stored_space_cooling_sizing_loads.nil? # do a sizing run. raise("autorun sizing run failed!") if model_run_sizing_run(space.model, "#{Dir.pwd}/autozone") == false #collect sizing information on each space. self.store_space_sizing_loads(space.model) end @stored_space_cooling_sizing_loads[space] end # # Returns the heating load per area for zone after sizing runs has been done. def stored_zone_heating_load(zone) total = 0.0 zone.spaces.each do |space| total += stored_space_heating_load(space) end return total end # Returns the cooling load per area for zone after sizing runs has been done. def stored_zone_cooling_load(zone) total = 0.0 zone.spaces.each do |space| total += stored_space_cooling_load(space) end return total end # Dwelling unit spaces need to have their own HVAC system. Thankfully NECB defines what spacetypes are considering # dwelling units and have been defined as spaces that are # openstudio-standards/standards/necb/NECB2011/data/necb_hvac_system_selection_type.json as spaces that are Residential/Accomodation and Sleeping area' # this is determine by the is_a_necb_dwelling_unit? method. The thermostat is set by the space-type schedule. This will return an array of TZ. def auto_zone_dwelling_units(model) dwelling_tz_array = [] # ----Dwelling units----------- will always have their own system per unit, so they should have their own thermal zone. {|space| is_a_necb_dwelling_unit?(space)}.each do |space| zone = zone.setName("DU_BT=#{space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get}_ST=#{space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get}_FL=#{space.buildingStory()}_SCH#{ determine_dominant_schedule([space])}") unless space_multiplier_map[].nil? || (space_multiplier_map[] == 1) zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[]) end space.setThermalZone(zone) # Add a thermostat based on the space type. space_type_name = thermostat_name = space_type_name + ' Thermostat' thermostat = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? # The thermostat name for the spacetype should exist. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{}") else thermostat_clone = thermostat.get.clone(model).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostat_clone) # Set Ideal loads to thermal zone for sizing for NECB needs. We need this for sizing. end dwelling_tz_array << zone end return dwelling_tz_array end # Something that the code is silent on are smelly humid areas that should not be on the same system as the rest of the # building.. These are the 'wet' spaces and have been defined as locker and washroom areas.. These will be put under # their own single system 4 system. These will be set to the dominant floor schedule. def auto_zone_wet_spaces(model) wet_zone_array = {|space| is_an_necb_wet_space?(space)}.each do |space| #if this space was already assigned to something skip it. next unless space.thermalZone.empty? # get space to dominant schedule dominant_schedule = determine_dominant_schedule(space.model.getSpaces) #create new TZ and set space to the zone. zone = space.setThermalZone(zone) tz_name = "WET_ST=#{space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get}_FL=#{space.buildingStory()}_SCH#{dominant_schedule}" zone.setName(tz_name) #Set multiplier from the original tz multiplier. unless space_multiplier_map[].nil? || (space_multiplier_map[] == 1) zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[]) end #this method will determine if the right schedule was used for this wet & wild space if not.. it will reset the space # to use the correct schedule version of the wet and wild space type. adjust_wildcard_spacetype_schedule(space, dominant_schedule) #Find spacetype thermostat and assign it to the zone. thermostat_name = + ' Thermostat' thermostat = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? # The thermostat name for the spacetype should exist. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{}-") else thermostat_clone = thermostat.get.clone(model).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostat_clone) # Set Ideal loads to thermal zone for sizing for NECB needs. We need this for sizing. ideal_loads = ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(zone) end # Go through other spaces to see if there are similar spaces with similar loads on the same floor that can be grouped. {|s| is_an_necb_wet_space?(s)}.each do |space_target| if space_target.thermalZone.empty? if are_space_loads_similar?(space_1: space, space_2: space_target) && space.buildingStory().get == space_target.buildingStory().get # added since chris needs zones to not span floors for costing. adjust_wildcard_spacetype_schedule(space_target, dominant_schedule) space_target.setThermalZone(zone) end end end wet_zone_array << zone end return wet_zone_array end # This method will find all the spaces that are not wet, wild or dwelling units and zone them. It will try to determine # if the spaces are similar based on exposure and load and blend those spaces into the same zone. It will not merge spaces # from different floors, since this will impact Chris Kirneys costing algorithms. def auto_zone_all_other_spaces(model) other_tz_array = #iterate through all non wildcard spaces. {|space| not is_a_necb_dwelling_unit?(space) and not is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space)}.each do |space| #skip if already assigned to a thermal zone. next unless space.thermalZone.empty? #create new zone for this space based on the space name. zone = tz_name = "ALL_ST=#{space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get}_FL=#{space.buildingStory()}_SCH=#{ determine_dominant_schedule([space])}" zone.setName(tz_name) #sets space mulitplier unless it is nil or 1. unless space_multiplier_map[].nil? || (space_multiplier_map[] == 1) zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[]) end #Assign space to the new zone. space.setThermalZone(zone) # Add a thermostat space_type_name = thermostat_name = space_type_name + ' Thermostat' thermostat = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? # The thermostat name for the spacetype should exist. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{}") else thermostat_clone = thermostat.get.clone(model).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostat_clone) # Set Ideal loads to thermal zone for sizing for NECB needs. We need this for sizing. ideal_loads = ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(zone) end # Go through other spaces and if you find something with similar loads on the same floor, add it to the zone. {|space| not is_a_necb_dwelling_unit?(space) and not is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space)}.each do |space_target| if space_target.thermalZone.empty? if are_space_loads_similar?(space_1: space, space_2: space_target) and space.buildingStory().get == space_target.buildingStory().get # added since chris needs zones to not span floors for costing. space_target.setThermalZone(zone) end end end other_tz_array << zone end return other_tz_array end # This will take all the wildcard spaces and merge them to be supported by a system 4. The control zone will be the # zone that has the largest heating load per area. def auto_zone_wild_spaces(model) other_tz_array = #iterate through wildcard spaces. {|space| is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space) and not is_an_necb_wet_space?(space)}.each do |space| #skip if already assigned to a thermal zone. next unless space.thermalZone.empty? #create new zone for this space based on the space name. zone = tz_name = "WILD_ST=#{space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get}_FL=#{space.buildingStory()}_SCH=#{determine_dominant_schedule(space.model.getSpaces)}" zone.setName(tz_name) #sets space mulitplier unless it is nil or 1. unless space_multiplier_map[].nil? || (space_multiplier_map[] == 1) zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[]) end #Assign space to the new zone. space.setThermalZone(zone) #lets keep the wild schedules to be the same as what dominate the floor. dominant_floor_schedule = determine_dominant_schedule(space.model.getSpaces) adjust_wildcard_spacetype_schedule(space, dominant_floor_schedule) # Add a thermostat space_type_name = thermostat_name = space_type_name + ' Thermostat' thermostat = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? # The thermostat name for the spacetype should exist. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{}") else thermostat_clone = thermostat.get.clone(model).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostat_clone) # Set Ideal loads to thermal zone for sizing for NECB needs. We need this for sizing. ideal_loads = ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(zone) end # Go through other spaces and if you find something with similar loads on the same floor, add it to the zone. {|space| is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space) and not is_an_necb_wet_space?(space)}.each do |space_target| if space_target.thermalZone.empty? if are_space_loads_similar?(space_1: space, space_2: space_target) and space.buildingStory().get == space_target.buildingStory().get # added since chris needs zones to not span floors for costing. space_target.setThermalZone(zone) end end end other_tz_array << zone end return other_tz_array wild_zone_array = [] #Get a list of all the wild spaces. {|space| is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space) and not is_an_necb_wet_space?(space)}.each do |space| #if this space was already assigned to something skip it. next unless space.thermalZone.empty? #find adjacent spaces to the current space. adj_spaces = space_get_adjacent_spaces_with_shared_wall_areas(space, true) adj_spaces = {|key, value| key} # find unassigned adjacent wild spaces that have not been assigned that have the same multiplier these will be # lumped together in the same zone. wild_adjacent_spaces = {|adj_space| is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(adj_space) and not is_an_necb_wet_space?(adj_space) and adj_space.thermalZone.empty? and space_multiplier_map[] == space_multiplier_map[] } #put them all together. wild_adjacent_spaces << space # Get adjacent candidate foster zones. Must not be a wildcard space and must not be linked to another space incase # it is part of a mirrored space. other_adjacent_spaces = do |adj_space| is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(adj_space) == false and adj_space.thermalZone.get.spaces.size == 1 and space_multiplier_map[] == space_multiplier_map[] end #If there are adjacent spaces that fit the above criteria. # We will need to set each space to the dominant floor schedule by setting the spaces spacetypes to that # schedule version and eventually set it to a system 4 unless other_adjacent_spaces.empty? #assign the space(s) to the adjacent thermal zone. schedule_type = determine_dominant_schedule(space.buildingStory.get.spaces) zone = other_adjacent_spaces.first.thermalZone.get wild_adjacent_spaces.each do |space| adjust_wildcard_spacetype_schedule(space, schedule_type) space.setThermalZone(zone) end end #create new TZ and set space to the zone. zone = space.setThermalZone(zone) zone.setName("Wild-ZN:BT=#{space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get}:ST=#{space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get}:FL=#{space.buildingStory()}:") #Set multiplier from the original tz multiplier. unless space_multiplier_map[].nil? || (space_multiplier_map[] == 1) zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[]) end # Set space to dominant dominant_floor_schedule = determine_dominant_schedule(space.buildingStory().get.spaces) #this method will determine if the right schedule was used for this wet & wild space if not.. it will reset the space # to use the correct schedule version of the wet and wild space type. adjust_wildcard_spacetype_schedule(space, dominant_floor_schedule) #Find spacetype thermostat and assign it to the zone. thermostat_name = + ' Thermostat' thermostat = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? # The thermostat name for the spacetype should exist. OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{}") else thermostat_clone = thermostat.get.clone(model).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostat_clone) # Set Ideal loads to thermal zone for sizing for NECB needs. We need this for sizing. ideal_loads = ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(zone) end # Go through other spaces to see if there are similar spaces with similar loads on the same floor that can be grouped. {|s| is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(s) and not is_an_necb_wet_space?(s)}.each do |space_target| if space_target.thermalZone.empty? if are_space_loads_similar?(space_1: space, space_2: space_target) && space.buildingStory().get == space_target.buildingStory().get # added since chris needs zones to not span floors for costing. adjust_wildcard_spacetype_schedule(space_target, dominant_floor_schedule) space_target.setThermalZone(zone) end end end wild_zone_array << zone end return wild_zone_array end # This method will determine if the loads on a zone are similar. (Exposure, space type, space loads, and schedules, etc) def are_zone_loads_similar?(zone_1:, zone_2:) #make sure they have the same number of spaces. truthes = [] return false if zone_1.spaces.size != zone_2.spaces.size zone_1.spaces.each do |space_1| zone_2.spaces.each do |space_2| if are_space_loads_similar?(space_1: space_1, space_2: space_2) truthes << true end end end #truthes sizes should be the same as the # of spaces if all spaces are similar. return truthes.size == zone_1.spaces.size end # This method will determine if the loads on a space are similar. (Exposure, space type, space loads, and schedules, etc) def are_space_loads_similar?(space_1:, space_2:, surface_percent_difference_tolerance: 0.01, angular_percent_difference_tolerance: 0.001, heating_load_percent_difference_tolerance: 15.0) # Do they have the same space type? return false unless space_1.multiplier == space_2.multiplier # Ensure that they both have defined spacetypes return false if space_1.spaceType.empty? return false if space_2.spaceType.empty? # ensure that they have the same spacetype. return false unless space_1.spaceType.get == space_2.spaceType.get # Perform surface comparision. If ranges are within percent_difference_tolerance.. they can be considered the same. space_1_floor_area = space_1.floorArea space_2_floor_area = space_2.floorArea space_1_surface_report = space_surface_report(space_1) space_2_surface_report = space_surface_report(space_2) #Spaces should have the same number of surface orientations. return false unless space_1_surface_report.size == space_2_surface_report.size #spaces should have similar loads return false unless self.percentage_difference(stored_space_heating_load(space_1), stored_space_heating_load(space_2)) <= heating_load_percent_difference_tolerance #Each surface should match space_1_surface_report.each do |space_1_surface| surface_match = space_2_surface_report.detect do |space_2_surface| space_1_surface[:surface_type] == space_2_surface[:surface_type] && space_1_surface[:boundary_condition] == space_2_surface[:boundary_condition] && self.percentage_difference(space_1_surface[:tilt], space_2_surface[:tilt]) <= angular_percent_difference_tolerance && self.percentage_difference(space_1_surface[:azimuth], space_2_surface[:azimuth]) <= angular_percent_difference_tolerance && self.percentage_difference(space_1_surface[:surface_area_to_floor_ratio], space_2_surface[:surface_area_to_floor_ratio]) <= surface_percent_difference_tolerance && self.percentage_difference(space_1_surface[:glazed_subsurface_area_to_floor_ratio], space_2_surface[:glazed_subsurface_area_to_floor_ratio]) <= surface_percent_difference_tolerance && self.percentage_difference(space_1_surface[:opaque_subsurface_area_to_floor_ratio], space_2_surface[:opaque_subsurface_area_to_floor_ratio]) <= surface_percent_difference_tolerance end return false if surface_match.nil? end return true end #This method gathers the surface information for the space to determine if spaces are the same. def space_surface_report(space) surface_report = [] space_floor_area = space.floorArea ['Outdoors', 'Ground'].each do |bc| surfaces = BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces.filter_by_boundary_condition(space.surfaces, [bc]).each do |surface| #sum wall area and subsurface area by direction. This is the old way so excluding top and bottom surfaces. #new way glazings = BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces::filter_subsurfaces_by_types(surface.subSurfaces, ["FixedWindow", "OperableWindow", "GlassDoor", "Skylight", "TubularDaylightDiffuser", "TubularDaylightDome"]) doors = BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces::filter_subsurfaces_by_types(surface.subSurfaces, ["Door", "OverheadDoor"]) azimuth = (surface.azimuth() * 180.0 / Math::PI) tilt = (surface.tilt() * 180.0 / Math::PI) surface_data = surface_report.detect do |surface_data| surface_data[:surface_type] == surface.surfaceType && surface_data[:azimuth] == azimuth && surface_data[:tilt] == tilt && surface_data[:boundary_condition] == bc end if surface_data.nil? surface_data = { surface_type: surface.surfaceType, azimuth: azimuth, tilt: tilt, boundary_condition: bc, surface_area: 0, surface_area_to_floor_ratio: 0, glazed_subsurface_area: 0, glazed_subsurface_area_to_floor_ratio: 0, opaque_subsurface_area: 0, opaque_subsurface_area_to_floor_ratio: 0 } surface_report << surface_data end surface_data[:surface_area] += surface.grossArea.to_i surface_data[:surface_area_to_floor_ratio] += surface.grossArea / space.floorArea surface_data[:glazed_subsurface_area] += {|subsurface| subsurface.grossArea * subsurface.multiplier}.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x}.to_i surface_data[:glazed_subsurface_area_to_floor_ratio] += {|subsurface| subsurface.grossArea * subsurface.multiplier}.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x} / space.floorArea surface_data[:surface_area] += {|subsurface| subsurface.grossArea * subsurface.multiplier}.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x}.to_i surface_data[:surface_area_to_floor_ratio] += {|subsurface| subsurface.grossArea * subsurface.multiplier}.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x} / space.floorArea end end surface_report.sort! {|a, b| [a[:surface_type], a[:azimuth], a[:tilt], a[:boundary_condition]] <=> [b[:surface_type], b[:azimuth], b[:tilt], b[:boundary_condition]]} return surface_report end #Check to see if this is a wildcard space that the NECB does not have a specified schedule or system for. def is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space) space_type_table = @standards_data['space_types'] space_type_data = model_find_object(space_type_table, {'template' =>, 'space_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get, 'building_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get}) raise("#{space}") if space_type_data.nil? return space_type_data["necb_hvac_system_selection_type"] == "Wildcard" end # Check to see if this is a wet space that the NECB does not have a specified schedule or system for. Currently hardcoded to # Locker room and washroom. def is_an_necb_wet_space?(space) #Hack! Should replace this with a proper table lookup. return space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get.include?('Locker room') || space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get.include?('Washroom') end # Check to see if this is a wet space that the NECB does not have a specified schedule or system for. Currently hardcoded to # Locker room and washroom. def is_an_necb_storage_space?(space) #Hack! Should replace this with a proper table lookup. return space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get.include?('Storage') end # Check if the space spactype is a dwelling unit as per NECB. def is_a_necb_dwelling_unit?(space) space_type_table = @standards_data['space_types'] space_type_data = model_find_object(space_type_table, {'template' =>, 'space_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get, 'building_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get}) necb_hvac_system_selection_table = @standards_data['necb_hvac_system_selection_type'] necb_hvac_system_select = necb_hvac_system_selection_table.detect do |necb_hvac_system_select| necb_hvac_system_select['necb_hvac_system_selection_type'] == space_type_data['necb_hvac_system_selection_type'] && necb_hvac_system_select['min_stories'] <= space.model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.get && necb_hvac_system_select['max_stories'] >= space.model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.get end return necb_hvac_system_select['dwelling'] == true end # Determines what system index number is required for the space's spacetype by NECB rules. def get_necb_spacetype_system_selection(space) space_type_table = @standards_data['space_types'] space_type_data = model_find_object(space_type_table, {'space_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get, 'building_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get}) raise("Could not find space_type_data for #{{'space_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get, 'building_type' => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get}} ")if space_type_data.nil? # identify space-system_index and assign the right NECB system type 1-7. necb_hvac_system_selection_table = @standards_data['necb_hvac_system_selection_type'] necb_hvac_system_select = necb_hvac_system_selection_table.detect do |necb_hvac_system_select| necb_hvac_system_select['necb_hvac_system_selection_type'] == space_type_data['necb_hvac_system_selection_type'] && necb_hvac_system_select['min_stories'] <= space.model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.get && necb_hvac_system_select['max_stories'] >= space.model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.get && necb_hvac_system_select['min_cooling_capacity_kw'] <= self.stored_space_cooling_load(space) && necb_hvac_system_select['max_cooling_capacity_kw'] >= self.stored_space_cooling_load(space) end raise("could not find system for given spacetype") if necb_hvac_system_select.nil? return necb_hvac_system_select['system_type'] end # Determines what system index number is required for the thermal zone based on the spacetypes it contains def get_necb_thermal_zone_system_selection(tz) systems = [] tz.spaces.each do |space| systems << get_necb_spacetype_system_selection(space) end systems.uniq! systems.compact! raise("This thermal zone spaces require different systems.") if systems.size > 1 return systems.first end # Math fundtion to determine percent difference. def percentage_difference(value_1, value_2) return 0.0 if value_1 == value_2 return ((value_1 - value_2).abs / ((value_1 + value_2) / 2) * 100) end # Set wildcard spactype schedule to NECB letter index. def adjust_wildcard_spacetype_schedule(space, schedule) if space.spaceType.empty? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'Error: No spacetype assigned for #{}. This must be assigned. Aborting.') end # Get current spacetype name space_type_name = space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get.to_s # Determine new spacetype name. regex = /^(.*sch-)(\S)$/ new_spacetype_name = "#{space_type_name.match(regex).captures.first}#{schedule}" new_spacetype = nil #if the new spacetype does not match the old space type. we gotta update the space with the new spacetype. if space_type_name != new_spacetype_name new_spacetype = space.model.getSpaceTypes.detect do |spacetype| (not spacetype.standardsBuildingType.empty?) and #need to do this to prevent an exception. spacetype.standardsBuildingType.get == space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get and (not spacetype.standardsSpaceType.empty?) and #need to do this to prevent an exception. spacetype.standardsSpaceType.get == new_spacetype_name end if new_spacetype.nil? # Space type is not in model. need to create from scratch. new_spacetype = new_spacetype.setStandardsBuildingType(space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get) new_spacetype.setStandardsSpaceType(new_spacetype_name) new_spacetype.setName("#{space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get} #{new_spacetype_name}") space_type_apply_internal_loads(new_spacetype, true, true, true, true, true, true) space_type_apply_internal_load_schedules(new_spacetype, true, true, true, true, true, true, true) end space.setSpaceType(new_spacetype) #sanity check. raise ("could not reassign space type schedule.") if schedule !=[2] end return space end def set_wildcard_schedules_to_dominant_building_schedule(model, runner = nil) #Get rid of. end def determine_dominant_schedule(spaces) # lookup necb space type properties space_type_properties = @standards_data['space_types'] # Here is a hash to keep track of the m2 running total of spacetypes for each # sched type. # 2018-04-11: Not sure if this is still used but the list was expanded to incorporate additional existing or potential # future schedules. schedule_hash = Hash[ 'A', 0, 'B', 0, 'C', 0, 'D', 0, 'E', 0, 'F', 0, 'G', 0, 'H', 0, 'I', 0, 'J', 0, 'K', 0, 'L', 0, 'M', 0, 'N', 0, 'O', 0, 'P', 0, 'Q', 0 ] # iterate through spaces in building. {|space| not is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space) and not space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get == '- undefined -'}.each do |space| # Ensure space floors are multiplied. mult = @space_multiplier_map[].nil? ? 1.0 : @space_multiplier_map[] # puts "this #{determine_necb_schedule_type(space)}" schedule_hash[determine_necb_schedule_type(space)] += space.floorArea * mult end # finds max value and returns NECB schedule letter. #determine dominant letter schedule. return schedule_hash.max_by(&:last).first end # This model determines the dominant NECB schedule type # @param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object # return s.each [String] def determine_dominant_necb_schedule_type(model) return determine_dominant_schedule(model.getSpaces) end # This method determines the spacetype schedule type. This will re # @author # @param space [String] # @return [String]:["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I"] spacetype def determine_necb_schedule_type(space) spacetype_data = @standards_data['space_types'] raise "Spacetype not defined for space #{}) if space.spaceType.empty?" if space.spaceType.empty? raise "Undefined standardsSpaceType or StandardsBuildingType for space #{}) if space.spaceType.empty?" if space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.empty? | space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.empty? space_type_properties = spacetype_data.detect {|st| (st['space_type'] == space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get) && (st['building_type'] == space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get)} return space_type_properties['necb_schedule_type'].strip end ################################################# NECB Systems # Method will create a hot water loop if systems default fuel and medium sources require it. def create_hw_loop_if_required(baseboard_type, boiler_fueltype, mau_heating_coil_type, model) #get systems that will be used in the model based on the space types to determine if a hw_loop is required. systems_used = [] model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| systems_used << get_necb_spacetype_system_selection(space) systems_used.uniq! end #See if we need to create a hot water loop based on fueltype and systems used. hw_loop_needed = false systems_used.each do |system| case system.to_s when '2', '5', '7' hw_loop_needed = true when '1', '6' if mau_heating_coil_type == 'Hot Water' or baseboard_type == 'Hot Water' hw_loop_needed = true end when '3', '4' if mau_heating_coil_type == 'Hot Water' or baseboard_type == 'Hot Water' hw_loop_needed = true if (baseboard_type == 'Hot Water') end end if hw_loop_needed # just need one true condition to need a boiler. break end end # each #create hw_loop as needed.. Assuming one loop per model. if hw_loop_needed @hw_loop = always_on = model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule setup_hw_loop_with_components(model, @hw_loop, boiler_fueltype, always_on) end return @hw_loop end # Default method to create a necb system and assign array of zones to be supported by it. It will try to bring zones with # similar loads on the same airloops and set control zones where possible for single zone systems and will create monolithic # system 6 multizones where possible. def create_necb_system(baseboard_type:, boiler_fueltype:, chiller_type:, fan_type:, heating_coil_type_sys3:, heating_coil_type_sys4:, heating_coil_type_sys6:, hw_loop:, mau_cooling_type:, mau_heating_coil_type:, mau_type:, model:, zones:) # The goal is to minimize the number of system when possible. system_zones_hash = {} zones.each do |zone| system_zones_hash[get_necb_thermal_zone_system_selection(zone)] = [] if system_zones_hash[get_necb_thermal_zone_system_selection(zone)].nil? system_zones_hash[get_necb_thermal_zone_system_selection(zone)] << zone end #puts JSON.pretty_generate(system_zones_hash) # go through each system and zones pairs to system_zones_hash.each_pair do |system, zones| case system when 0, nil # Do nothing no system assigned to zone. Used for Unconditioned spaces when 1 group_similar_zones_together(zones).each do |zones| mau_air_loop = add_sys1_unitary_ac_baseboard_heating(model: model, zones: zones, mau_type: mau_type, mau_heating_coil_type: mau_heating_coil_type, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end when 2 group_similar_zones_together(zones).each do |zones| add_sys2_FPFC_sys5_TPFC(model: model, zones: zones, chiller_type: chiller_type, mau_cooling_type: mau_cooling_type, fan_coil_type: 'FPFC', hw_loop: @hw_loop) end when 3 group_similar_zones_together(zones).each do |zones| add_sys3and8_single_zone_packaged_rooftop_unit_with_baseboard_heating_single_speed(model: model, zones: zones, heating_coil_type: heating_coil_type_sys3, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end when 4 group_similar_zones_together(zones).each do |zones| add_sys4_single_zone_make_up_air_unit_with_baseboard_heating(model: model, zones: zones, heating_coil_type: heating_coil_type_sys4, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end when 5 group_similar_zones_together(zones).each do |zones| add_sys2_FPFC_sys5_TPFC(model: model, zones: zones, chiller_type: chiller_type, mau_cooling_type: mau_cooling_type, fan_coil_type: 'TPFC', hw_loop: @hw_loop) end when 6 add_sys6_multi_zone_built_up_system_with_baseboard_heating(model: model, zones: zones, heating_coil_type: heating_coil_type_sys6, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, chiller_type: chiller_type, fan_type: fan_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) when 7 group_similar_zones_together(zones).each do |zones| add_sys2_FPFC_sys5_TPFC(model: model, zones: zones, chiller_type: chiller_type, fan_coil_type: 'FPFC', mau_cooling_type: mau_cooling_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end end end end # This method will deal with all non wet, non-wild, and non-dwelling units thermal zones. def auto_system_all_other_spaces(baseboard_type:, boiler_fueltype:, chiller_type:, fan_type:, heating_coil_type_sys3:, heating_coil_type_sys4:, heating_coil_type_sys6:, hw_loop:, mau_cooling_type:, mau_heating_coil_type:, mau_type:, model: ) zones = [] other_spaces = do |space| (not is_a_necb_dwelling_unit?(space)) and (not is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space)) and (not is_an_necb_storage_space?(space)) end other_spaces.each do |space| zones << space.thermalZone.get end zones.uniq! #since dwelling units are all zoned 1:1 to space:zone we simply add the zone to the appropriate btap system. create_necb_system(baseboard_type: baseboard_type, boiler_fueltype: boiler_fueltype, chiller_type: chiller_type, fan_type: fan_type, heating_coil_type_sys3: heating_coil_type_sys3, heating_coil_type_sys4: heating_coil_type_sys4, heating_coil_type_sys6: heating_coil_type_sys6, hw_loop: @hw_loop, mau_cooling_type: mau_cooling_type, mau_heating_coil_type: mau_heating_coil_type, mau_type: mau_type, model: model, zones: zones) end # This methos will ensure that all dwelling units are assigned to a system 1 or 3. There is an option to have a shared # AHU or not. Currently set to false. So by default all dwelling units will have their own AHU. def auto_system_dwelling_units(baseboard_type:, boiler_fueltype:, chiller_type:, fan_type:, heating_coil_type_sys3:, heating_coil_type_sys4:, heating_coil_type_sys6:, hw_loop:, mau_cooling_type:, mau_heating_coil_type:, mau_type:, model: ) system_zones_hash = {} # Detemine if dwelling units have a shared AHU. If user entered building stories > 4 then set to true. dwelling_shared_ahu = model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories.get > 4 # store dwelling zones into array zones = [] {|space| is_a_necb_dwelling_unit?(space)}.each do |space| zones << space.thermalZone.get end zones.uniq! #sort system 1 or 3 used for each dwelling unit as per T8.4.4.8.A NECB 2011-17 zones.each do |zone| system_zones_hash[get_necb_thermal_zone_system_selection(zone)] = [] if system_zones_hash[get_necb_thermal_zone_system_selection(zone)].nil? system_zones_hash[get_necb_thermal_zone_system_selection(zone)] << zone end # go through each system and zones pairs to system_zones_hash.each_pair do |system, zones| case system when 1 if dwelling_shared_ahu add_sys1_unitary_ac_baseboard_heating(model: model, zones: zones, mau_type: mau_type, mau_heating_coil_type: mau_heating_coil_type, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) else #Create a separate air loop for each unit. zones.each do |zone| add_sys1_unitary_ac_baseboard_heating(model: model, zones: [zone], mau_type: mau_type, mau_heating_coil_type: mau_heating_coil_type, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end end when 3 if dwelling_shared_ahu add_sys3and8_single_zone_packaged_rooftop_unit_with_baseboard_heating_single_speed(model: model, zones: zones, heating_coil_type: heating_coil_type_sys3, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) else #Create a separate air loop for each unit. zones.each do |zone| add_sys3and8_single_zone_packaged_rooftop_unit_with_baseboard_heating_single_speed(model: model, zones: [zone], heating_coil_type: heating_coil_type_sys3, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end end end end end # All wet spaces will be on their own system 4 AHU. def auto_system_wet_spaces(baseboard_type:, boiler_fueltype:, heating_coil_type_sys4:, model:) #Determine what zones are wet zones. wet_tz = [] {|space| is_an_necb_wet_space?(space)}.each do |space| wet_tz << space.thermalZone.get end wet_tz.uniq! #create a system 4 for the wet zones. unless wet_tz.empty? add_sys4_single_zone_make_up_air_unit_with_baseboard_heating(model: model, zones: wet_tz, heating_coil_type: heating_coil_type_sys4, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end end # All wet spaces will be on their own system 4 AHU. def auto_system_storage_spaces(baseboard_type:, boiler_fueltype:, heating_coil_type_sys4:, model:) #Determine what zones are wet zones. tz = [] {|space| is_an_necb_storage_space?(space)}.each do |space| tz << space.thermalZone.get end tz.uniq! #create a system 4 for the zones. unless tz.empty? add_sys4_single_zone_make_up_air_unit_with_baseboard_heating(model: model, zones: tz, heating_coil_type: heating_coil_type_sys4, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end end # All wild spaces will be on a single system 4 ahu with the largests heating load zone being the control zone. def auto_system_wild_spaces(baseboard_type:, heating_coil_type_sys4:, model: ) zones = [] {|space| not is_an_necb_wet_space?(space) and is_an_necb_wildcard_space?(space)}.each do |space| zones << space.thermalZone.get end zones.uniq! unless zones.empty? #create a system 4 for the wild zones. add_sys4_single_zone_make_up_air_unit_with_baseboard_heating(model: model, zones: zones, heating_coil_type: heating_coil_type_sys4, baseboard_type: baseboard_type, hw_loop: @hw_loop) end end #This method will determine the control zone from the last sizing run space loads. def determine_control_zone(zones) # In this case the control zone is the load with the largest heating loads. This may cause overheating of some zones. # but this is preferred to unmet heating. #Iterate through zones. zone_heating_load_hash = {} zones.each {|zone| zone_heating_load_hash[zone] = self.stored_zone_heating_load(zone)} return zone_heating_load_hash.max_by(&:last).first end # This method is used to determine if there are single zones that can be grouped with zones of similar loads. def group_similar_zones_together(zones) total_zones_input = zones.size array_of_array_of_zones = [] accounted_for = [] # Go through other zones to see if there are similar zones with similar loads on the same floor that can be grouped. zones.each do |zone| similar_array_of_zones = [] next if accounted_for.include?( similar_array_of_zones << zone accounted_for << zones.each do |zone_target| unless accounted_for.include?( if are_zone_loads_similar?(zone_1: zone, zone_2: zone_target) similar_array_of_zones << zone_target accounted_for << end end end array_of_array_of_zones << similar_array_of_zones end total_zones_output = 0 array_of_array_of_zones.each do |zones| total_zones_output += zones.size end #puts total_zones_output #puts accounted_for.sort #sanity check. if total_zones_output != total_zones_input #puts JSON.pretty_generate(array_of_array_of_zones) #puts JSON.pretty_generate(accounted_for.sort) raise("#{}") end return array_of_array_of_zones end # This method will create a color object used in SU, 3D Viewer and Floorspace.js def set_random_rendering_color(object, random) rendering_color = rendering_color.setName( rendering_color.setRenderingRedValue(random.rand(255)) rendering_color.setRenderingGreenValue(random.rand(255)) rendering_color.setRenderingBlueValue(random.rand(255)) return rendering_color end end