// ======================================================================== // SproutCore -- JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright ©2006-2008, Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions copyright ©2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // ======================================================================== sc_require('panes/modal'); /** Shadow views from top-left corner clockwise */ /** @class Most SproutCore applications need modal panels. The default way to use the panel pane is to simply add it to your page like this: {{{ SC.PanelPane.create({ layout: { width: 400, height: 200, centerX: 0, centerY: 0 }, contentView: SC.View.extend({ }) }).append(); }}} This will cause your panel to display. The default layout for a Panel is to cover the entire document window with a semi-opaque background, and to resize with the window. @extends SC.Pane @author Erich Ocean @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.PanelPane = SC.Pane.extend({ layout: { left:0, right:0, top:0, bottom:0 }, classNames: ['sc-panel'], acceptsKeyPane: YES, /** Indicates that a pane is modal and should not allow clicks to pass though to panes underneath it. This will usually cause the pane to show the modalPane underneath it. @property {Boolean} */ isModal: YES, /** The modal pane to place behind this pane if this pane is modal. This must be a subclass or a insance of SC.ModalPane. */ modalPane: SC.ModalPane.extend({ classNames: 'for-sc-panel' }), // .......................................................... // CONTENT VIEW // /** Set this to the view you want to act as the content within the panel. @property {SC.View} */ contentView: null, contentViewBindingDefault: SC.Binding.single(), /** Replaces any child views with the passed new content. This method is automatically called whenever your contentView property changes. You can override it if you want to provide some behavior other than the default. @param {SC.View} newContent the new panel view or null. @returns {void} */ render: function(context, firstTime) { if (context.needsContent) { this.renderChildViews(context, firstTime) ; context.push("
", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } }, replaceContent: function(newContent) { this.removeAllChildren() ; if (newContent) this.appendChild(newContent) ; }, /** @private */ createChildViews: function() { // if contentView is defined, then create the content var view = this.contentView ; if (view) { view = this.contentView = this.createChildView(view) ; this.childViews = [view] ; } }, /** Invoked whenever the content property changes. This method will simply call replaceContent. Override replaceContent to change how the view is swapped out. */ contentViewDidChange: function() { this.replaceContent(this.get('contentView')); }.observes('contentView'), // .......................................................... // INTERNAL SUPPORT // // get the modal pane. _modalPane: function() { var pane = this.get('modalPane'); // instantiate if needed if (pane && pane.isClass) { pane = pane.create({ owner: this }); this.set('modalPane', pane); } return pane ; }, /** @private - whenever showing on screen, deal with modal pane as well */ appendTo: function(elem) { var pane ; if (!this.get('isVisibleInWindow') && this.get('isModal') && (pane = this._modalPane())) { this._isShowingModal = YES; pane.paneWillAppend(this); } return sc_super(); }, /** @private - when removing from screen, deal with modal pane as well. */ remove: function() { var pane, ret = sc_super(); if (this._isShowingModal) { this._isShowingModal = NO ; if (pane = this._modalPane()) pane.paneDidRemove(this); } return ret ; }, /** @private - if isModal state changes, update pane state if needed. */ _isModalDidChange: function() { var pane, isModal = this.get('isModal'); if (isModal) { if (!this._isShowingModal && this.get('isVisibleInWindow') && (pane = this._modalPane())) { this._isShowingModal = YES; pane.paneWillAppend(this); } } else { if (this._isShowingModal && (pane = this._modalPane())) { this._isShowingModal = NO ; pane.paneDidRemove(this); } } }.observes('isModal'), /** @private - extends SC.Pane's method - make panel keyPane when shown */ paneDidAttach: function() { var ret = sc_super(); this.get('rootResponder').makeKeyPane(this); return ret ; }, /** @private - suppress all mouse events on panel itself. */ mouseDown: function(evt) { return YES; } });