require_relative './helper' describe Terraformer::ArcGIS do describe 'geometry decompressor' do it 'decompresses geometries' do compressed = "+1m91-6fl6e+202gc+0+0" decompressed_points = [ [-122.41946568318791, 37.775011244040655], [-122.41946568318791, 37.775011244040655] ] Terraformer::ArcGIS.decompress_geometry(compressed).must_equal decompressed_points end end describe 'close_ring' do let(:closed_ring) {[ [-107.5341796875,46.195042108660154], [-105.84228515625,46.58906908309182], [-104.7216796875,45.85941212790755], [-104.52392578125,44.213709909702054], [-106.083984375,43.46886761482923], [-107.8857421875,43.77109381775648], [-109.2919921875,44.99588261816546], [-107.5341796875,46.195042108660154] ] } let(:open_ring) {[ [-107.5341796875,46.195042108660154], [-105.84228515625,46.58906908309182], [-104.7216796875,45.85941212790755], [-104.52392578125,44.213709909702054], [-106.083984375,43.46886761482923], [-107.8857421875,43.77109381775648], [-109.2919921875,44.99588261816546] ] } it 'closes open rings' do r = Terraformer::ArcGIS.close_ring open_ring r.must_equal closed_ring end it 'does nothing with closed rings' do r = Terraformer::ArcGIS.close_ring closed_ring r.must_equal closed_ring end end describe 'clockwise_ring?' do let(:cw_ring) {[ [-107.5341796875,46.195042108660154], [-105.84228515625,46.58906908309182], [-104.7216796875,45.85941212790755], [-104.52392578125,44.213709909702054], [-106.083984375,43.46886761482923], [-107.8857421875,43.77109381775648], [-109.2919921875,44.99588261816546], [-107.5341796875,46.195042108660154] ] } let(:ccw_ring) {[ [-107.5341796875,46.195042108660154], [-109.2919921875,44.99588261816546], [-107.8857421875,43.77109381775648], [-106.083984375,43.46886761482923], [-104.52392578125,44.213709909702054], [-104.7216796875,45.85941212790755], [-105.84228515625,46.58906908309182], [-107.5341796875,46.195042108660154] ] } it 'is true for rings that are clockwise' do assert Terraformer::ArcGIS.clockwise?(cw_ring) end it 'is false for rings that are counter-clockwise' do assert !Terraformer::ArcGIS.clockwise?(ccw_ring) end end describe 'parse' do def must_parse json, expected_class, *expected_init_data if block_given? output = if Hash === expected_init_data[0] Terraformer::ArcGIS.parse json, expected_init_data[0] else Terraformer::ArcGIS.parse json end output.must_be_instance_of expected_class output.must_equal yield(output) else output = Terraformer::ArcGIS.parse json output.must_be_instance_of expected_class output.must_equal *expected_init_data end end it 'parses arcgis points' do must_parse '{ "x": -66.796875, "y": 20.0390625, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }', Terraformer::Point, -66.796875, 20.0390625 end it 'parses arcgis points with Z' do must_parse '{ "x": -66.796875, "y": 20.0390625, "z": 100, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }', Terraformer::Point, -66.796875, 20.0390625, 100 end it 'parses null island arcgis' do must_parse '{ "x": 0, "y": 0, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }', Terraformer::Point, 0, 0 end it 'parses arcgis polyline into linestring' do must_parse '{ "paths": [ [ [6.6796875,47.8125],[-65.390625,52.3828125],[-52.3828125,42.5390625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }', Terraformer::LineString, [ [6.6796875,47.8125],[-65.390625,52.3828125],[-52.3828125,42.5390625] ] end it 'parses arcgis polygon' do must_parse '{ "rings": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }', Terraformer::Polygon, [ [[41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625]] ] end it 'closes rings when parsing arcgis polygon' do must_parse '{ "rings": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }', Terraformer::Polygon, [ [[41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625]] ] end it 'parses arcgis multipoint' do must_parse '{ "points": [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }', Terraformer::MultiPoint, [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625] ] end it 'parses arcgis polyline into multilinestring' do must_parse '{ "paths": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75] ], [ [21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }', Terraformer::MultiLineString, [ [[41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75] ], [[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625]] ] end it 'parses arcgis polygon into multipolygon' do must_parse '{ "rings":[ [[-122.63,45.52],[-122.57,45.53],[-122.52,45.50],[-122.49,45.48],[-122.64,45.49],[-122.63,45.52],[-122.63,45.52]], [[-83,35],[-74,35],[-74,41],[-83,41],[-83,35]] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid":4326 } }', Terraformer::MultiPolygon,[ [[[-122.63,45.52],[-122.57,45.53],[-122.52,45.5],[-122.49,45.48],[-122.64,45.49],[-122.63,45.52],[-122.63,45.52]]], [[[-83,35],[-83,41],[-74,41],[-74,35],[-83,35]]] ] end it 'strips invalid rings when parsing arcgis polygon' do must_parse '{ "rings":[ [[-122.63,45.52],[-122.57,45.53],[-122.52,45.50],[-122.49,45.48],[-122.64,45.49], [-122.63,45.52],[-122.63,45.52]], [[-83,35],[-74,35],[-83,35]] // closed but too small ], "spatialReference": { "wkid":4326 } }', Terraformer::Polygon, [[[-122.63,45.52],[-122.57,45.53],[-122.52,45.5],[-122.49,45.48],[-122.64,45.49],[-122.63,45.52],[-122.63,45.52]]] end it 'closes rings when parsing arcgis polygon' do must_parse '{ "rings":[ [[-122.63,45.52],[-122.57,45.53],[-122.52,45.50],[-122.49,45.48],[-122.64,45.49]], [[-83,35],[-74,35],[-74,41],[-83,41]] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid":4326 } }', Terraformer::MultiPolygon, [ [ [[-122.63,45.52],[-122.57,45.53],[-122.52,45.5],[-122.49,45.48],[-122.64,45.49],[-122.63,45.52]] ], [ [[-83,35],[-83,41],[-74,41],[-74,35],[-83,35]] ] ] end it 'parses arcgis multipolygon with holes' do must_parse '{ "type":"polygon", "rings":[ [ [-100.74462180954974,39.95017165502381], [-94.50439384003792,39.91647453608879], [-94.41650267263967,34.89313438177965], [-100.78856739324887,34.85708140996771], [-100.74462180954974,39.95017165502381] ], [ [-99.68993678392353,39.341088433448896], [-99.68993678392353,38.24507658785885], [-98.67919734199646,37.86444431771113], [-98.06395917020868,38.210554846669694], [-98.06395917020868,39.341088433448896], [-99.68993678392353,39.341088433448896] ], [ [-96.83349180978595,37.23732027507514], [-97.31689323047635,35.967330282988534], [-96.5698183075912,35.57512048069255], [-95.42724211456674,36.357601429255965], [-96.83349180978595,37.23732027507514] ], [ [-101.4916967324349,38.24507658785885], [-101.44775114873578,36.073960493943744], [-103.95263145328033,36.03843312329154], [-103.68895795108557,38.03770050767439], [-101.4916967324349,38.24507658785885] ] ], "spatialReference":{ "wkid":4326 } }', Terraformer::MultiPolygon, [ [ [ [-100.74462180954974, 39.95017165502381], [-94.50439384003792, 39.91647453608879], [-94.41650267263967, 34.89313438177965], [-100.78856739324887, 34.85708140996771], [-100.74462180954974, 39.95017165502381] ], [ [-96.83349180978595, 37.23732027507514], [-97.31689323047635, 35.967330282988534], [-96.5698183075912, 35.57512048069255], [-95.42724211456674, 36.357601429255965], [-96.83349180978595, 37.23732027507514] ], [ [-99.68993678392353, 39.341088433448896], [-99.68993678392353, 38.24507658785885], [-98.67919734199646, 37.86444431771113], [-98.06395917020868, 38.210554846669694], [-98.06395917020868, 39.341088433448896], [-99.68993678392353, 39.341088433448896] ] ], [ [ [-101.4916967324349, 38.24507658785885], [-101.44775114873578, 36.073960493943744], [-103.95263145328033, 36.03843312329154], [-103.68895795108557, 38.03770050767439], [-101.4916967324349, 38.24507658785885] ] ] ] end it 'parses arcgis features' do must_parse '{ "geometry": { "rings": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }, "attributes": { "foo": "bar" } }', Terraformer::Feature do |output| p = [[ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ]] output.geometry.must_equal p f = p.to_feature['foo'] = 'bar' = nil f end end it 'parses arcgis features with objectid' do must_parse '{ "geometry": { "rings": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }, "attributes": { "OBJECTID": 123 } }', Terraformer::Feature do |output| p = [[ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ]] output.geometry.must_equal p f = p.to_feature = 123 f end end it 'parses arcgis features with fid' do must_parse '{ "geometry": { "rings": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }, "attributes": { "FID": 123 } }', Terraformer::Feature do |output| p = [[ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ]] output.geometry.must_equal p f = p.to_feature = 123 f end end it 'parses arcgis features with custom id' do must_parse '{ "geometry": { "rings": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }, "attributes": { "FooId": 123 } }', Terraformer::Feature, {id_attribute: 'FooId'} do |output| p = [[ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ]] output.geometry.must_equal p f = p.to_feature = 123 f end end it 'parses arcgis features with empty attributes' do must_parse '{ "geometry": { "rings": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } }, "attributes": {} }', Terraformer::Feature do |output| p = [[ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ]] output.geometry.must_equal p f = p.to_feature = nil f end end it 'parses arcgis features with no attributes' do must_parse '{ "geometry": { "rings": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 } } }', Terraformer::Feature do |output| p = [[ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ]] output.geometry.must_equal p f = p.to_feature = nil f end end it 'parses arcgis features with no geometry' do must_parse '{ "attributes": { "foo": "bar" } }', Terraformer::Feature do |output| f = = {'foo' => 'bar'} = nil f end end it 'parses arcgis geometry in web mercator' do must_parse '{ "x": -13580977.876779145, "y": 5621521.486191948, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100 } }', Terraformer::Point, [-121.999999999998, 44.99999999999942] end it 'does not modify arcgis data while parsing' do input = { "geometry" => { "rings" => [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], "spatialReference" => { "wkid" => 4326 } }, "attributes" => { "foo" => "bar" } } original = input.clone Terraformer::ArcGIS.parse input original.must_equal input end it 'decompresses arcgis compressed geometry' do must_parse '{ "compressedGeometry": "+1m91-66os4+1poms+1+91+3+3j" }', Terraformer::Feature do |output| ls = [ [-117.1816137447153, 34.057461545380946],[-117.18159575425025, 34.06266078978142], [-117.18154178285509, 34.06472969326257] ] output.geometry.must_equal ls f = ls.to_feature f end end end describe 'flatten_multi_polygon_rings' do it 'flattens geojson polygons into oriented rings' do Terraformer::ArcGIS.flatten_multi_polygon_rings([ [ [ [102.0, 2.0], [103.0, 2.0], [103.0, 3.0], [102.0, 3.0], [102.0, 2.0] ] ], [ [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ] ] ] ).must_equal [ [ [102, 2], [102, 3], [103, 3], [103, 2], [102, 2] ], [ [100, 0], [100, 1], [101, 1], [101, 0], [100, 0] ] ] end end describe 'convert' do def must_convert json, expected, opts = {} JSON.parse(Terraformer::ArcGIS.convert(json, opts).to_json).must_equal JSON.parse(expected.to_json) end it 'converts geojson point' do must_convert '{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-58.7109375, 47.4609375] }', { x: -58.7109375, y: 47.4609375, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson point with z' do must_convert '{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-58.7109375, 47.4609375, 100] }', { x: -58.7109375, y: 47.4609375, z: 100, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson point at null island' do must_convert '{ "type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0] }', { x: 0, y: 0, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson linestring' do must_convert '{ "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [21.4453125,-14.0625],[33.3984375,-20.7421875],[38.3203125,-24.609375] ] }', { paths:[ [ [21.4453125,-14.0625],[33.3984375,-20.7421875],[38.3203125,-24.609375] ] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson polygon' do must_convert '{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ] }', { rings:[ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson polygon with hole' do must_convert '{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [100.0,0.0],[101.0,0.0],[101.0,1.0],[100.0,1.0],[100.0,0.0] ], [ [100.2,0.2],[100.8,0.2],[100.8,0.8],[100.2,0.8],[100.2,0.2] ] ] }', { rings: [ [ [100.0, 0.0], [100.0, 1.0], [101.0, 1.0], [101.0, 0.0], [100.0, 0.0] ], [ [100.2, 0.2], [100.8, 0.2], [100.8, 0.8], [100.2, 0.8], [100.2, 0.2] ] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson multipoint' do must_convert '{ "type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625] ] }', { points: [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson multilinestring' do must_convert '{ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75] ], [ [21.796875,36.5625],[47.8359375,71.015625] ] ] }', { paths: [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75] ], [ [21.796875,36.5625],[47.8359375,71.015625] ] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson multipolygon' do must_convert '{ "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [102.0, 2.0], [103.0, 2.0], [103.0, 3.0], [102.0, 3.0], [102.0, 2.0] ] ], [ [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ] ] ] }', { rings:[ [ [102, 2], [102, 3], [103, 3], [103, 2], [102, 2] ], [ [100, 0], [100, 1], [101, 1], [101, 0], [100, 0] ] ], spatialReference: { wkid:4326 } } end it 'converts geojson multipolygon with holes' do must_convert '{ "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [102.0, 2.0], [103.0, 2.0], [103.0, 3.0], [102.0, 3.0], [102.0, 2.0] ] ], [ [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ], [ [100.2, 0.2], [100.8, 0.2], [100.8, 0.8], [100.2, 0.8], [100.2, 0.2] ] ] ] }', { rings: [ [ [102,2],[102,3],[103,3],[103,2],[102,2] ], [ [100.2,0.2],[100.8,0.2],[100.8,0.8],[100.2,0.8],[100.2,0.2] ], [ [100,0],[100,1],[101,1],[101,0],[100,0] ] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } end it 'converts geojson feature' do must_convert '{ "type":"Feature", "id": "foo", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ] }, "properties": { "foo":"bar" } }', { geometry:{ rings:[ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], spatialReference:{ wkid:4326 } }, attributes: { foo: "bar", OBJECTID: "foo" } } end it 'converts geojson feature with custom id' do must_convert '{ "type":"Feature", "id": "foo", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ] }, "properties": { "foo":"bar" } }', { geometry:{ rings:[ [ [41.8359375,71.015625],[56.953125,33.75],[21.796875,36.5625],[41.8359375,71.015625] ] ], spatialReference:{ wkid:4326 } }, attributes: { foo:"bar", myId: "foo" } }, id_attribute: 'myId' end it 'converts geojson feature with no geometry or properties' do must_convert '{ "type":"Feature", "id": "foo", "geometry": null, "properties": null }', { attributes: { OBJECTID: "foo" } } end it 'converts geojson feature collections' do must_convert '{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [102.0, 0.5] }, "properties": { "prop0": "value0" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [102.0, 0.0],[103.0, 1.0],[104.0, 0.0],[105.0, 1.0] ] }, "properties": { "prop0": "value0" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [100.0, 0.0],[101.0, 0.0],[101.0, 1.0],[100.0, 1.0],[100.0, 0.0] ] ] }, "properties": { "prop0": "value0" } }] }', [ { geometry: { x: 102.0, y: 0.5, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } }, attributes: { prop0: "value0" } }, { geometry: { paths: [ [[102.0, 0.0],[103.0, 1.0],[104.0, 0.0],[105.0, 1.0]] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } }, attributes: { prop0: "value0" } }, { geometry: { rings: [ [ [100.0,0.0],[100.0,1.0],[101.0,1.0],[101.0,0.0],[100.0,0.0] ] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } }, attributes: { prop0: "value0" } } ] end it 'converts geojson geometry collections' do must_convert '{ "type" : "GeometryCollection", "geometries" : [{ "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [[[-95, 43], [-95, 50], [-90, 50], [-91, 42], [-95, 43]]] }, { "type" : "LineString", "coordinates" : [[-89, 42], [-89, 50], [-80, 50], [-80, 42]] }, { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [-94, 46] }] }', [ { rings: [ [[-95.0, 43.0],[-95.0, 50.0],[-90.0, 50.0],[-91.0, 42.0],[-95.0, 43.0]] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } }, { paths: [ [[-89.0, 42.0],[-89.0, 50.0],[-80.0, 50.0],[-80.0, 42.0]] ], spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } }, { x: -94.0, y: 46.0, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } } ] end end end